[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 93 points 1 month ago

Looks at the entirety of the internet

Oh no.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 72 points 1 month ago

What is Biden's definition of a genocide then? I am seriously curious.

Because many people that are leaving his cabinet, they seem to think it is a genocide.

Students seem to think it's a genocide.

The public thinks it's a genocide.

The Jewish and Israeli population think it is a genocide.

So... everyone else is wrong then?

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 104 points 1 month ago

No satire? Guess anything on the internet is out of the question then.

Engaging or providing subjective negative reviews

What do they think a review is?! If they wanted an advertisement, buy an ad spot on Google ya cheap bastards.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 74 points 1 month ago

We have now locked out members of the bargaining unit and fully implemented our contingency plan with highly qualified firefighters performing the work of (union) members.”

Strange, that sounds a lot like Union Busting.

I know the company that has plane parts falling out of the sky and engineers "Dying randomly" wouldn't try anything funny during this time.... RIGHT BOEING!?

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 72 points 2 months ago

Strange .. I don't remember storming a capital building trying to subvert our democratic process....

All I suggested is that not everyone in Gaza is Hamas. That 6 year old girls are way to young to understand what a Nazi even is.

And that Israel's tactics for a hostage situation is deplorable. Considering they used more Bombs in a week then the USA dropped in Afghanistan in a year.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 96 points 2 months ago

“I’ve often thought ‘I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn’t try to nickel and dime me every second,’”

You know what, I could agree with that opinion if the irony wasn't lost to folks

No. One. Would tip for a blizzard game.

  1. Blizzard DOES nickel and dime you at every second. Literally.

  2. Blizzard has not produced a good game since Overwatch 2.

  3. Blizzard made 8.71 Billion in 2023. They can afford to pay their developers without relying on public donations.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 82 points 5 months ago

“The IDF has taken action and will continue acting to identify misconduct and behavior that does not align with the expected morals and values of IDF soldiers,” it said in a statement sent to CNN.

The problem is, this kind of behavior aligns perfectly with:

In one video, a soldier is seen going through a woman’s wardrobe, including her underwear, making derogatory, sexist remarks about Arab women.

A photo shared online shows a soldier standing next to a Hebrew sign spraypainted on a wall in Gaza that says: “Instead of erasing graffiti, let us erase Gaza.”

The Israeli soldier looks directly into the camera, then turns around and sets a pile of food supplies on fire. “We turn on the light against this dark place and burn it until there is no trace of this whole place,” he says as another soldier fuels the flame.

I couldn't be more disgusted with where my tax dollars are going.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 89 points 7 months ago

According to two sources familiar with the matter and another person briefed on Team Trump’s legal strategies, the former president and his lawyers are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction.

This? Is the plan?

That's like saying you're going to kill a dragon by hopping into its mouth.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 93 points 8 months ago

Blitzer pressed Hecht on the logic involved in Israel’s decision to target the refugee camp.

“This is the tragedy of war, Wolf. We as you know, we’ve been saying for days, move south. Civilians who are not involved with Hamas, please move south.”

They have been bombing the southern humanitarian corridor too. So I am not sure what he is saying.

Also, the thing about battlefields is that eventually the north becomes the south. At least if you are winning.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 84 points 8 months ago

There was no way that coin was going to sustain itself like Spez claimed it would.

People weren't going to buy crypto coins, just to give content creators medals. And the idea that medals would give more power to these people, except not really and only in polls.

This was such a jigsaw puzzle of shit, before you realized that each community was supposed to make their own coin that could only be used in that community.

At that point, it is a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 68 points 9 months ago

Even though I am a stanch proponent of eliminating CEOs as a ruling class.

If you cheer on the killer before getting the whole picture, then you and me ain't friends.

The Suspect pleaded guilty to a first-degree sex offense charge in 2015, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison with all but 14 years suspended. Denied parole, he was released in October 2022 on good-time credits, according to parole commission Chairman David R. Blumberg. According to court records, The Suspect previously pleaded guilty to first-degree assault in December 2009 and second-degree assault in June 2011

he was released on Oct. 5, 2022 and is listed as “non-compliant,” though it was unclear why.

“This individual will kill and he will rape,”

Only reason this is getting attention is because the person killed was a CEO. Though, this is also another case of the law letting a dangerous criminal out early for good behavior, when he was clearly not being his best self.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 83 points 10 months ago

The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.

It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.

It's just Dumb evil.

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