
joined 1 year ago
[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I miss my Voodoo 2 3000 AGP card.

I got an ABIT Siluro/ Geforce 2 MX400 after that and Diablo 2 ran worse, the frame rate tanked. I was gutted.

Back in the day I tried to play Morrowind but every time I moved my mouse the game would crash, I started removing hardware until I found out it was my soundcard giving me issues, was an old ISA slot. Got a PCI soundcard after that and no issues.

Those were the days.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm not going to buy a PS just to play a few exclusives/timed exclusives, just not going to happen.

Either the game gets ported to PC, or I don't get to play it. Simple as that.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

I thought it was just me, I thought something wrong was going on in my Windows installation.

EA app is also dead in the water for me, my library is not loading. It knows I have 4 games installed but all the names and icons are blank.

Can't even launch the games directly from their own exe.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Xbox One wireless controller.

I saw mentiion that enabling 'Steam Input' may solve the weapon switch issue, it was disabled for me because of all the Helldivers 2 crashes. Even though I play that with keyboard and mouse.

I was able to switch weapons and stances after that. I'd hold the trigger and nothing.

I read somewhere that the standoff issue is an old issue on the Playstation as well. Someone recommended limiting the FPS to 60 to solve the issue but I'm not going to degrade the performance just to do a standoff. I just avoid doing them until they sort the issue out. Another one is to play with the accessibility options, something in there might be an issue. A recommendation is to toggle the 'toggle hold buttons' option.

If all else fails, the good news is that you’re not the only person having this problem. This bug is widely reported on the Ghost of Tsushima subreddit, so the developers will be aware of it. The bad news is you’ll have to play the waiting game and wait for a fix. With any luck, it will come sooner rather than later.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Getting some graphical glitches in cutscenes and the game is really dark in some places and I cannot see. I increased the brightness as well.

I was unable to swap throwing weapons when I unlocked them.

Standoffs don't work about 9 out of 10 times for me. I just stand there and get slashed, the button just doesn't work.

Other than that so far so good. Hopefully they patch it soon.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I remember reading somewhere that they are not making money on their store, losing it.

Wondering if a timed exclusive brings in more cash compared to their normal sales, even if it's still a loss.

The free games can't be helping out either.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Most of my gaming friends refuse to buy games from Epic or use their launcher.

They'd rather wait for the timed exclusive to expire and buy the game on their platform of choice.

I've bought maybe 2 games on Epic because a friend wanted to play it with me at launch. It was Borderlands 3.

But never again, I finished BL3 solo seeing as my friend played with me about 3 times and he never touched it again.

I do collect their free game every week, my Epic library is quite big now and I may play a game from there time to time but I hate the idea of a platform exclusive.

I'd like to know if they are making more money with timed exclusives seeing as nearly nobody I game with wants to buy from them.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

All I see is *******

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago

I have Skylines 2 installed on Gamepass for PC and it updated the other day... 54 gigs.

Damn thing basically just re-downloaded itself.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 27 points 3 months ago (2 children)

This happened at my first job.

While walking past an office I got called in, the headmaster's secretary and the music teacher were struggling and told me the flash drive they had does not work.

So I take a look and pull the flash drive out of the Ethernet port and plugged it into a USB port and told them they need to plug it into the correct port.

The look on their faces.

But then I admitted to them that I had never seen this happen before and that I didn't know that the Ethernet port was the right width to take a flash drive.

I mentioned this can be done on a Discord server I am on and nobody would believe me so I just told them to give it a try. They probably think I was trolling to this day.

[–] HornedMeatBeast@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I come from a country with school uniforms and I hated it.

Felt more like a way to control us and/or it was all about the schoool's image.

Our hair had to follow certain rules, short, no colour, no gel.

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