[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 2 hours ago

Early lunch for Konzu!

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 7 points 23 hours ago

Hell yeah, good for them

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 5 points 2 days ago

this happens to me so often, but I can't remember the last time I actually saw a real cockroach.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Ticking off gatekeepers is pretty punk, so i guess it kind of works if you think about it.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 6 points 3 days ago

I'm not sure the comparison is quite apt, I'm not familiar with any independent food delivery services beyond just asking your buddy to grab some snacks on the way over for a hangout or something.

But I am vaguely familiar with the idea of loss-leading and think its despicable. If no regulation is ever going stand in the way of practices, then knowing they're being exploited by folks like pizza dude makes me feel a bit better, at least.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 3 days ago

what the fuck, it just shits it out from a story up? Couldn't it like, scoot down to ground level at least?

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 16 points 3 days ago

I say good for him. Doordash can bleed all of the money it wants.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 5 days ago

I think that's Raiden Shogun & Kujou Sara on your profile? I juuuust met the latter on the Archon questline.

My ideal lineup would have a Greatsword, Bow, and 2x Tomes, with Anemo, Pyro, Dendro, and Hydro represented. I don't really know the cast well enough to say who would go where. I'm currently rolling with Electro Aether, Collei, Sucrose (The MVP of my crew), and Barbie, though I'm really hopeful to sub out barbie soon, as her healing has been falling off.

I'd definitely fit Zhongli in if I somehow got him, as well as Razor and Jean. Rosaria showed up for like half a second in the story, and I'm all about that tired priestess vibe she's got going on. Yomiya is cool, I'd have her in my team too.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 5 days ago

"...and that you get the characters you want. may your pulls be blessed!"

Thanks, I could really use the bless. I have yet to get a fire character I like and can use. I'd take the bomb goblin in Jean's basement at this rate.

Amber could not leave my party fast enough, and Xiangling is in the timeout corner from the time her rat refused to light the torches on dragonspine. I did get Thoma from the character event, but he absolutely refuses to be ascended past level 20.

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 15 points 6 days ago

FUCK, it's already 3:00PM

[-] HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone 1 points 6 days ago

Against my better judgement, i decided to look into Genshin Impact.

I've resolved to not spend any money on it, and I'm fairly happy with my experience so far. I'm currently in act 2 in Inazuma, and I've really been enjoying the Archon quests. Despite the fact that I spent 0 dollars on it, this part of the game really does feel like a full retail game experience.

The world quests are alright, though I'm honestly having trouble fitting them into my adventures; too much adventure experience is coming in, which is causing me to hit world level increases, which is causing me to need to grind ascension mats for my roster, which is causing too much adventure xp. It's a lot! Dragonspine was a fun detour, though.

Story quests are probably my favorite feature in this game. Low stakes hang outs with the weirdos in your party is a fun and important part of RPGs. And Genshin really gets that. The only problem is... A lot of these weirdos aren't in my party! If Story quests unlocked the characters at their conclusion, I'd have had no qualms with putting $60 down on this game, but they're pretty much all locked behind the gacha mechanic which suuuucks. Shenhe and Diluc should be in my gang right now, but the funny gacha rocks disagree. Not a fan of that.

The resin and primogem stuff I feel really negatively about. I don't want that stuff getting in the way of the fun parts, but I'm constantly scraping up against both. It's not intrusive enough to dampen my experience while actually playing through the quests or exploring though, so I think I'll put up with it until I'm satisfied with exploring Teyvat.


no context will be given, or is necessary for that matter


Bonus points for any non-D&D or D&D derivative systems.

My first RPG was Palladium Fantasy way back when my grognard uncle invited me to his groups table. I still don't really grok it, but it was pretty formative of my ideas of what an RPG could be. The lack of balance and extreme existential threats as part of ordinary encounters included.

Needless to say, I haven't found a group for this system in a looong while, eheh.

submitted 9 months ago by HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone to c/books@lemmy.ml

I learned to read in grade school like pretty much everyone else I know, and I remember really enjoying reading for a very narrow portion of my younger years. When reading books became a compulsary part of school, that enjoyment just vanished, and video games ended up filling that void of "solitary passtime". I dont even really like video games all that much, eheh.

Now that im older, I dont really have authority figures threatening my future if I dont read the dryest books known to man, so I'm open to the idea of just reading again - it certainly cant be worse than just browsing lemmy posts for hours, right?

The thing is, I have absolutely no grasp on what the current book scene really looks like. I dont really know what authors are considered masters of the craft, or where to even really get a finger in the pulse on which I'd be into. If you could recommend someone who writes books you like, or just a few standouts, it would really help me get my bearings.

If it helps, I'm currently reading "A hundred years of solitude", "Berserk", and "Le fluers de mal", and am generally open to tragedies, horror, and narratives that are either experimental or just weird. If you know of any manuals or informative books that are particularly well written, im also interested in those!

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joined 9 months ago