[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 113 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's completely absurd that he's saying this as an anti-bot measure. The bots exist because they generate revenue for the scumbags behind them, a small fee is just going to be part of doing business for them. He's not trying to stop bots, he's trying to monetize them and use them as an excuse to charge everyone. "The bot problem" will never be fixed and will be used as an excuse for every anti-user measure they put forward.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 144 points 2 months ago

“The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes.” The eclipse, co-anchor Bill Hemmer then added, represents “a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.”

This is how stupid Fox News knows their audience to be.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 163 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Just glossing over implementation. So every car will have to have wireless communications of some sort? Will there be some government system that all California cars will have to be integrated with that tracks where they are at all times so the car can know the correct speed limit? A tracking system that surely would never be abused or turned into a surveillance device.

"I don't think it's at all an overreach, and I don't think most people would view it as an overreach, we have speed limits, I think most people support speed limits because people know that speed kills," Wiener said.

Not unless they think about it for five seconds.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 158 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Jimmy Kimmel made fun of Aaron Rodgers for being a dumb conspiracist so Aaron Rodgers called Jimmy Kimmel a pedophile because that's what dumb conspiracists do.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 158 points 6 months ago

Member-only story

Medium wants me to pay them to read a story from "Homeless Romantic" who is listed as a "Ph.D. Rocket Surgeon & Aspiring Troglodyte"?

Are they fucking high?

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 253 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

So on one hand they're cluttering user feeds with the spammiest, scammiest ads they can and on the other hand they're rolling out paid subscriptions to remove ads.

Cause a problem; sell the solution. Transparent scumbags.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 105 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If anyone isn't familiar with this here's the Wired article

Here’s how it works. Say you search for “children’s clothing.” Google converts it, without your knowledge, to a search for “NIKOLAI-brand kidswear,” making a behind-the-scenes substitution of your actual query with a different query that just happens to generate more money for the company, and will generate results you weren’t searching for at all. It’s not possible for you to opt out of the substitution. If you don’t get the results you want, and you try to refine your query, you are wasting your time. This is a twisted shopping mall you can’t escape.

Why would Google want to do this? First, the generated results to the latter query are more likely to be shopping-oriented, triggering your subsequent behavior much like the candy display at a grocery store’s checkout. Second, that latter query will automatically generate the keyword ads placed on the search engine results page by stores like TJ Maxx, which pay Google every time you click on them. In short, it's a guaranteed way to line Google’s pockets.

It’s also a guaranteed way to harm everyone except Google. This system reduces search engine quality for users and drives up advertiser expenses. Google can get away with it because these manipulations are imperceptible to the user and advertiser, and the company has effectively captured more than 90 percent market share.

It’s unclear how often, or for how long, Google has been doing this, but the machination is clever and ambitious. I have spent decades looking for examples of Google putting its enormous thumb on the scale to censor or amplify certain results, and it hadn’t even occurred to me that Google just flat out deletes queries and replaces them with ones that monetize better.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 182 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The specific incident in question was a grand larceny case where two men tried (and failed) to steal a robot owned and operated by Serve Robotics, which ultimately wants to deploy “up to 2,000 robots” to deliver food for UberEats in Los Angeles. The suspects were arrested and convicted.

So it wasn't like some incidental crime that happened to be filmed by the robot, they were literally trying to steal the robot. I mean... of course the victims provided the police with the evidence they had to help catch and convict the people who tried to rob them? This is like a hit-and-run victim giving the police their dash cam footage.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 258 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sweet. Now scour every other gun owner's publications and social media and if you find evidence of drug use ring them up on federal charges because apparently we're enforcing that shit on its own now. It's going to be interesting to have to visit all of my rural-ass relatives in a federal penitentiary.

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 104 points 10 months ago

Great, a CNN "Breaking News" update interrupting your movie or show every time Trump pinches off a fresh new loaf on Pravda Social; just what everyone wants!

[-] Heresy_generator@kbin.social 120 points 10 months ago

It's absolute bullshit that an organization as unfathomably, obscenely wealthy as the Catholic Church can break off parts of itself and pretend they're separate entities for the purpose of denying victims their due compensation.

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