[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

I need another season of this. Like, now.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

And that's also literally what I wrote. You just repeated my sentence. Nice.

Minimizing ≠ keeping them safe. Read my comment again.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

Can't wait for season 2! The vibes were just so good. Plus the art!

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

Bad bot. Spoiling lion king is not cool.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Classifying Israel as Apartheid is valid if and only if Israel and Palestinians in the west bank define themselves as Israelis and treat themselves as part of the Israeli national. Surprise surprise - they don't. Neither. Israel classifies Palestinians as basically foreigners, hence no citizen right. And Palestinians don't try to push against it because all they want is a country of their own. Now, providing a Palestinian state is a whole subject in itself, but basically it's hard. And not enough foreign power is used to make it happen - that's the real disservice done to the Palestinians. They never ever talked about Israel accepting them to Israeli society, and no one expects that of them. They're literal foreigners to Israel, with work permits. Of course they won't have a government vote.

Another point was the jewish nature of Israel and how it discriminates - and that's just true. There's indeed a case to be made of Israel needing to be some part jewish, but Israel politics and laws are fucked up, especially regarding settlements. Let's hope they get their shit together and have a working government who actually does good.

And lastly, Gazans moving south. Does anybody in this world remember what war's like? Does anybody remember how many German civilian homes were bombed by the brits in WW2? Does anyone remember the civilian casualties Germany suffered?

War is war. And war is horrible. But expecting a country who just had its worst attack on its land ever to not fight the ones responsible, is extremely privileged by the world. Any state encountering such a big threat on civilian lives would do everything to destroy that threat. And that's what they're doing. The war won't end when all Gazans are dead - it'll end when Hamas has 0 armed terrorists, and 0 threatening capabilities. And that's a goal no one can criticize Israel for pursuing. (Obviously you can criticize their methods - but relative to all recent conflicts - they really are avoiding civilian lives as much as possible considering their enemy.)

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

Do you seriously think Israel shut off internet to hide what's inside? Do you know satellites exist? Do you know cameras exist? How in the world was that preventing anyone from seeing into Gaza?

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

No reason to invade? And they're supposed to do what, say "ok don't do it again thx bye" to Hamas???

Hamas proved their lack of willingness to do anything but kill (Israelis and their own citizens). If Israel just backs down in a few years they'll have another attack, much bigger this time. There's no other way but to destroy Hamas, who no matter what are set only on death.

Any state in this world, after events like oct.7 would destroy the ones responsible. And saying they should just work towards peace, at this point, is gullible and delusional.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

That article literally starts with "Beirut, oc.12". Saying lebanon are a good source of facts is delusional.

And that justifies bombing trucks full of refugees?

Again, source? And not an obviously biased one. Either way though, I can see that happening as a part of a war. Hamas are literally hiding between innocent women and babies, and that means those women and babies are killed. Does Israel have a hand in those deaths? Yes. Is Hamas responsible for those people? 200% yes and much more than Israel. Hamas started this attack very well prepared militarily, and with zero civilian infrastructure preparations. Not only did they not think of "what'll become of our civilians" they actively hold them from running to the south (which is still less bombed than the north). Blaming Israel and protesting against Israel is just ignoring the other side being completely wrong

Oh ok so 1400 dead and 200 kidnapped and they're supposed to just tap Hamas on the wrist and call it a day?

Israel's response is deadly, and 100% known since day 1 by anyone who is even a bit knowledgeable on the conflict. And that includes Hamas, which just disregard their citizens as colletaral damage in the pursuit of their lunatic jihad mindset.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Using white phosphorus? No legit source confirmed that. That's some nice propaganda by Hamas who have been proven to lie constantly.

Idk about the 2 other claims, but it's easy to believe them. I'd like to think they had a good reason bombing so called "safe spaces" but the truth is that there couldn't be a safe place in Gaza right now. Not when Hamas is legit everywhere.

And about the kidnapped, do you really think they can just march into the tunnels and just grab them and say bye? Dead soldiers can't save anyone. They'd rather kill some and actually rescue some, than keeping them alive while getting hundreds if not thousands of soldiers running to their deaths in trapped underground tunnels. Doing a ground invasion without bombing the area first is just suicide.

Seriously, what the hell do you expect Israel to do in that situation. Think for just a second from their perspective and you'll realize what they're doing is necessary.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

The reports indicate the rocket was launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a more extremist group seperate from Hamas, but who's basically Hamas with much less power and effectiveness (they fail a lot). It's true that Hamas blamed Israel, and that Israel showed satellite images indicating it's a failed rocket from PIJ. Photos also show that it mainly hurt the parking lot (and without a crater, typical of Israeli ammunition) which means for 500 to be dead, there'd need to be a lot of people in that parking lot for some reason.

Basically Hamas lied. But they're a terrorist organization, every chance of shock and terror is a win for them.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

*religious zionism

Zionism is literally just nationalism for the jewish people. The fact that it has a religious brother is because the world decided that a race and a religion are linked. Do all jews want to be jews? No. Can they stop? No. Do all Israelis support religious zionism (which means taking land)? No. Even most of them don't. Their government and politics are just so fucked up that we have a result of religious zionists running the state. Let's pray that after this war they'll get their shit together.

[-] Guydht@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Oh so because the other side is weak they're supposed to just sit idle when they murder pillage and rape? You're disregarding all the brutal fights Israel has fought against its neighbours as "they're strong so boo hoo". They also have thousands dead. They're also terrorized daily. Just because they're stronger doesn't make them less right. Again, they of course have a responsibility in this situation, but come on. Please tell me of any rocket launchers hidden inside a hospital Israel has. Blaming solely israel for the palestinian miserable lives is half the story. A big part of it is their terrorist leadership who take advantage of their poverty to promote a gruesome war they started (not talking about these days, talking about 48, where all the UN agreed on something and they chose to invade. Since then both sides are fully taking part in this war.).

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