[-] GraceGH@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

There's potentially a bot that can post weekly currently airing anime episode discussion threads, but it'd be good to know what shows people are watching this season. The rest of the community would drown if we posted a thread for every show that's currently airing, so that'll be a problem that needs solving. I'll look into that bot in the meantime!

[-] GraceGH@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago

It's a lot more forgiving than I make it sound, getting disease usually just means your stats go up less. Just for the love of god don't leave it all to Tauemon, he's wise beyond his years but he is not good at executing on that knowledge. I recommend holding off on looking up an optimal rice farming guide until you're to the point where you can't progress at all anymore, which for me was before the final boss.

Also, there's an easy difficulty for both farming and combat individually (and that you can select at any time), so if you'd rather focus on one or the other you can!

[-] GraceGH@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago

Did you know some guy on youtube made a mod/virus for red and blue that makes it so if you trade with a cart that's infected too? The only other thing it does is make it possible to use strength to push the truck and catch a mew.


very fun video

[-] GraceGH@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

No matter how many developers you get, you're never going to have a good product if the guy calling the shots won't allow it. I'm confident that the developers working on Reddit probably know damn well that their product is trash and there's nothing they can do about it because their job isn't "make a good site" its "do what your boss tells you to do"

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