[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

Be careful with inkjet photo paper in a laser printer. In particular, the glossy paper will typically have a coating that may come off in the laser printer due to the heat and pressure the printer uses, and that can cause issues over time.

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

no one can copyright the basic idea anyways

I can think of a couple companies that would try anyway :P

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

It was also the second time it happened. It was a mistake, but one that really shouldn't have happened. And it was minor in terms of how long it was down, but not having access to 911 is potentially a major issue.

People are just sick of companies not being held responsible for repeated incompetence which often comes from cost cutting measures.

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 47 points 1 week ago

Hey that's me!

reason: lemmy.ml rule 1 ("butt hurt")

I'm not really butt hurt. I'm actually a mod myself, but for a tiny community that doesn't get a bunch of awful comments. I really do have respect for the amount of garbage the mods in worldnews@lemmy.ml and memes@lemmy.ml have to go through. Most of the comments they remove are completely valid.

But this is a meme sub so...

What the heck did you just hecking say about me, you little mod? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the lemmy.world Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda.ml, and I have over 300 confirmed comments. I am trained in gorilla shitposting and I'm the top sniper in the entire fediverse armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another mod. I will wipe you the heck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my hecking words. You think you can get away with saying that poopy to me over the Internet? Think again, meanypants. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the fediverse and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, picklebrain. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your modlog. You're hecking over, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can comment at you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in verbal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the lemmy Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable bubblebutt off the face of the Internet, you little bozo. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" mod action was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your hecking finger. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goshdarn dumbo. I will poop butthurt comments all over you and you will drown in it. You're hecking done, kiddo.


[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 26 points 1 month ago

Here's an overview by The Verge

But basically it started when Gamers Nexus called out some issues LTT had with testing methodology and also an incident where LTT accidentally auctioned off another companies products that they had reviewed poorly.

Then Linus responded pretty poorly (and ended up stepping down as CEO and is now a chief creative something or other iirc)

Then a former employee tweeted about why she left LTT and accused LTT of having a toxic workplace environment. And specifically said she had been sexually harassed by a coworker but not taken seriously.

There's no court case, LTT just did this to clear their name basically.

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 27 points 2 months ago

It's a trespassing charge from what I could find. Although there are laws against boycotting Israel


[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

Woz doesn't profit from slave labor in China any more than any of us since he hasn't actually worked for Apple since like 1985. Since then, he's started a number of other companies doing a bunch of other stuff, like cleaning space junk most recently

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago

A lot of these streaming companies are just cable companies who needed to change their business to keep up, but don't want to change their predatory practices

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago

Amazon owns both the product and the platform. They often are involved in the delivery of the products as well. This gives them quite a bit of control over other companies selling on their platform. They can push whatever product they like to the top of the page. They can copy other products and push the original to the last page of results, and then drop their price until the other company can't compete, and then raise their prices.

They have a lot of control which allows them to be anti competitive. And allegedly they use that

[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 31 points 8 months ago

incredibly old

Xbox 360 or PlayStation 4


[-] GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

It's 2023 and we're still doing this? It's pretty obvious neither is objectively better, stop being so loyal to companies and their products.

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