[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

How I Met your Mother

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 33 points 3 days ago

I couldn't agree more. The idea seemed to have been "Hey, lets take a joke that was just luke warm at best to begin with, and then over use it in an attempt to wring every single spec of amusement out of it until our audience gets physically sick when they hear it"

Still a fun show though!

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Right there with ya on that, the first movie was awful, so I never saw the second. Day One looks like the story I actually wanted to see.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 11 points 6 days ago

It's a small plastic cup full of ground coffee, Kuerig machines use them. They generated a ton of plastic waste, since each k-cup was a single use.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 83 points 6 days ago

I also second social media, but I need to make another suggestion it'd be Keurigs k-cups. So much plastic waste for the barest level of convenience.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 106 points 2 weeks ago

The whole article is full of gross stuff if true. This part is ridiculous:

A 2022 story reported that a flight attendant on Musk’s private jet said he exposed himself and offered “to buy her a horse in exchange for an erotic massage,”

Elon is such a weirdo.


I'm not sure if they could picked a creeper way for it to stand up.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 103 points 2 months ago

I read that Tesla being Tesla reinvented a ton of very standard components that other car manufacturers have been using for decades. So there are a lot of weird issues with Teslas that you wouldn't see in a car from an established car maker. It's Tesla ego which makes them think that they can design component better than a whole industry over decades and decades could.

When the Model S came out, I thought it was the height of cool, but I wouldn't consider buying one of their vehicles now. I think the only reason they even kinda did well was that the rest of the car makers were slow to start making EVs that looked decent and were priced reasonably. Now that the big boys are in the game, Tesla has been dropping the price of some of their models to try and stay competitive. But their cars have always had quality assurance issues, and their support isn't decent at all, since they try to blame customers for things outside of their control.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 124 points 4 months ago

I noticed this bullshit a few days ago on my Win 11 desktop! I found if you go check the settings of the start bar, you can hide the copilot icon in the lower right, and then there's a check box to enable the lower right hand corner to work as show desktop again. The functionality can be restore to exactly as it was, but what the hell were they thinking.

Enshitification, plain and simple.

submitted 6 months ago by Geek_King@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm a middle aged guy, who, a few years ago, was off handedly told by a dental hygienist while getting my teeth cleaned, that I was tongue tied. I've had a flap of skin under my tongue which holds it down, it isn't severe, but it does restrict my tongues mobility. For instance, I can't really stick my tongue out very far (causes issues for... certain.... activities). And I can't reach the back of my rear molars, something I'm told normal people can do with ease. But it isn't a severe tongue tie by any means. I've also been told that when talking I use different mouth movements then other people for some words, I had no idea what that meant until I started working full time remote and was on camera all the time. I've seen out going video of my self and can spot the weirdness in talking that was referenced.

The dentist has painted this whole story about how my level of tongue tie prevented my palette from widening like it should have as a baby, resulting in a higher palette which pushed up into the sinuses, and also made my face more narrow then it would have been. Obviously, they can't prove any of this, but it's interesting to consider.

My dentist office has added a whole department dedicated to correcting tongue ties, and they push this very heavily. I'm just worried I'd regret having it corrected, but it sure would be nice to have more tongue mobility for the reasons I've described.

Are there any other Lemmings who are in a similar scenario to me? Did you go through with correcting the issue, did you like the end result, did you regret it? What was recovery time like?

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 118 points 6 months ago

I recently switched my email from gmail to proton mail, because fuck google's.. well... everything. Glad to hear that Proton Mail keeps fighting for privacy!

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 181 points 7 months ago

Match Group deserves to collapse. Online dating has never been fun, but since Match Group bought up nearly every dating app, they've all become very homogeneous and outrageously more expensive.

[-] Geek_King@lemmy.world 120 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I remember arguing with a co-worker about how this deal was pure crap, and even if Foxconn delivered all the jobs they said they would, it would take 40 years to recoup the cost of the tax breaks. Scott Walker screwed over that area of the state HARD, people had land ceased/forced out, huge costly changes to the infrastructure in that area where the factory was supposed to be.

Surprise surprise, the shitty deal turned out to be a shitty deal.

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