[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 19 points 4 days ago

I don't get the wrinkles out

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 11 points 6 days ago

It's hard to make direct "better" or "worse" comparisons between distros. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages. They're really similar and offer similar beginner-friendly experiences. I disliked that popOS doesn't use Grub, I ran into issues getting the bootloader to show my windows drive.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 2 weeks ago

I highly recommend one piece.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 4 weeks ago

It's not even that everybody is going to stop buying games new, but especially given how tight money is for a lot of people right now, pushing the prices further up will force a lot of people to pursue alternatives for all but the releases they care the most about. I think enough people won't buy more expensive games that these companies will not see the increased profits they expect from raising the prices.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 29 points 4 weeks ago

I feel like all that will happen is players will continue to move to non-AAA alternatives, or wait longer periods for discounts, or maybe platforms like game pass where they can just play a lot of the new games right away just by having the sub. $70 alone is already very expensive.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 1 month ago

Respectfully, I understand the idea of voting for a liberal candidate as harm reduction, and have done so in the past. But every time I have done so, such as with the last election, the government causing harm has continued, to an insane extent. Voting is one political action you can take, but it is not everything you should be doing, and I believe in having standards for candidates I'm willing to give my vote. Biden is not one of them.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 2 months ago

I prefer the headphone jack is on the bottom, next to the charging port. That way, I can put the ports down while my phone is in my pocket if i'm working, so nothing gets into the ports. Then, if I'm just keeping my phone in my pocket normally, with the ports up, my headphones can plug in without problems.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 3 months ago

I take issue with the entire concept of renting, from the very core. A landlord is a middle-man between the person living in a building, and ownership of said building. The landlord having to to the maintenance doesn't make living in a rental a better experience, it just means more dealing with a middle man any time you need something fixed. It would be pretty nice if I could just call a plumber when my toilet has issues instead of hoping that the leasing office actually sends a repair-man this time. It's not fun having to pick up mail at the post office for ten months because the leasing office and the post office are arguing back and forth over who's responsible for fixing the apartment mailboxes after they were vandalized. Rentals will charge you money every month for a pool you don't want or use even though it's closed 9 months of the year. All renting has ever meant for me, has been a complete lack of control of what I'm allowed to do in my living space, and a constant fear of eviction should something go wrong, and landlords that do everything they can to never repair anything, or maintain the property at all. But onto the individuals that rent out a house or two, they still aren't adding value to living in a rental. All they do is sit in the middle and collect that extra cash on top. It's not that they're not doing any work at all, but being a landlord is not a job, and it's not doing the people living in that space any favors. People can't afford to buy because companies like blackrock are buying up all the property to make rentals, and upcharging all of the property. I'm not saying, either, that there shouldn't be options for temporary living, but our current rental model is so very clearly not it. Do you have any idea how much it costs to rent month buy month? My 700 square foot apartment is over $3,000 on that plan.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 14 points 3 months ago

Deserving of the guillotine? What? This question doesn't feel sincere, and I wonder whether you're really going to be trying to understand other people's reasoning. I'll bite though. We have enough homes for everyone to have their own home, but a very large number of people rent or are homeless. Big corporations buy up all the property and convert it to rentals so even those who can afford to buy property have a very hard time finding anything, and what's available has jacked up prices. We're talking people like blackrock. THOSE people can burn in hell, those people are taking advantage of every single person who rents from them. It's a scale, you know. Blackrock is evil - my grandpa who rents out his old house is not, even if I disagree with the fact that he's renting at all. Charging someone enough to pay the mortgage and give you a paycheck is well... I mean it's demanding more money than what the property is worth from someone. They'd be better off without you there as a middle-man. At best you're taking advantage of a small number of people, at worst you're literally blackrock. There's no reason a single person should not have their own home, because we already have enough homes to go around.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 21 points 3 months ago

Any UBI system worth it's salt wouldn't be providing a flat amount, it should be based on regional cost of living. So if prices all went up, UBI would have to go up as well.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 4 points 3 months ago

Danganronpa, honestly any of them. Once you know the story, who the killers are, and the twists, it quickly loses it's charm. The only way afterwards is to watch other people play it for the first time.

[-] Gabadabs@lemmy.blahaj.zone 35 points 3 months ago

another out of touch company to avoid the games of I guess

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