[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 26 points 1 month ago

Well, I can only speak from my own experience.

When the PS5 launched I wanted to upgrade but you literally couldn't get it because it wasn't in stock anywhere. You could only find it on eBay of some private seller that started at almost double the price, no, thank you. Then Sony introduced this "Register and on the next event you get a slot to buy one from the official Website" which was great. I got invited the first time and literally couldn't buy it because the website was broken. Whenever I wanted to select my payment method the checkout got blank and there was nothing you could do. Even worse was that you couldn't hard refresh the shop because this would have killed the session that the website needed to allow you to buy it. So, even switching browsers with the same "invitation link" didn't work. I reported this to the support, but they didn't really care. half a year later, I got my second invitation link and the same happened then as well. I reported it again to the support, but they still didn't know what to do with that information or wanted to troubleshoot this.

And now, there isn't really a need for it anyway. The Games that I would have wanted to buy on the PS5 released on the PC.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

My neighbour asked me to take a look at her refrigerator because it wasn't working. I am a software developer.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 13 points 4 months ago

Unraid "supports" docker compose. You can install and use it but you won't be able to utilize how unraid handles docker containers.

All that unraid does is make docker more accessible for the normal user. In the end the container template constructs a docker run command.

So you could use portainer to manage stacks through a webui or install compose and have to SSH into the unraid server all the time.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

I had the pleasure recently to create an ffmpeg command to transcode a video into HEVC 10bit with quicksync.

I had tha previously running completely fine on my Nvidia GPU. You would think that it would just be replacing the parameter which device or hardware acceleration to use.

Yeah, turns out that there are like 4 ways to set the quality value of the transcoded output, CRF didn't work for some reason with quick sync so you need to use global quality or something. I spend days on this trying to figure this out, DAYS.

It is a very powerful tool but every time I have to use it, it is too complicated and I have to spend hours or days to get it working.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 7 points 5 months ago

Why did I read that with the David Attenborough voice in mind?

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

So this is just for the "looks" or am I missing something here?

Doesn't seem to do anything for adhesion which I wouldn't consider to be a replacement as the title implies it is...

Unless, of course, you are looking for a different bottom surface finish.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 7 points 6 months ago

Yes, blind optimism is the way to go here. /s

I am sorry but if any gaming journalist is not the least amount of sceptical about ANY release today, then they either don't play games or are sleeping under a rock.

Without a doubt, Hello Games pulled NMS around and made it into a great title but this took years and we also have seen this blind optimism before with Cyberpunk 2077. Even a "wiser" Game studio can fail and not deliver.

Too many titles over the last years were lukewarm even highly anticipated and hyped titles either were "meh" or failed at release. The number of games that redeemed themselves is only a few and can be probably counted on one hand. A gaming Journalist should know about this!

So, I am not even sorry if I am not hyped about it. It does sound interesting but "I believe it when I see it". There is too much time that has to go down the road for this to come out and there are a lot of things that can/will go wrong in that time.

I rather wait on the reviews.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 7 points 6 months ago

Just vote with your wallet

But that is the thing, they do vote with their wallet. They still buy the games.

"Voting with the wallet" goes both ways.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 14 points 9 months ago

Hatte ich jetzt am Wochenende ein ähnliches Erlebnis.

Ich war auf einer Geburtstagsfeier und zu mir nach Hause ist nicht schwer zu erreichen aber mit mehrmals umsteigen verbunden (dafür hält der Bus quasi direkt vor der Haustür). Ich schaue also auf meine App um zu sehen wann ich am Bahnhof sein muss und sehe da eine Verbindung: 1.5 Stunden Fahrtzeit, 2x umsteigen. Super. Die einzelnen Züge/Busse waren jeweils mit "Live" bezeichnet. Also sagt mir das "die kommen".

Ich stehe dann am Bahnhof und es kommt die Durchsage das die Bahn die ich nehmen wollte "ausfällt, wegen Verspätung aus vorheriger fahrt". Klasse.

App meinte aber immer noch, dass diese Bahn "Live" ist also kommt.

Ich dann geschaut als alternativ Verbindungen und dann konnte ich nur 20 Minuten später eine Bahn bis zum nächsten Hbf (Bonn) nehmen, von dort dann aus umsteigen bis zum nächsten Hbf (Köln) und von dort dann aus weiter bis nach hause.

Von einer geplanten 1.5 Stunden "Reise" wurden es dann einfach mal wieder 2 Stunden. Gut, nur 30 Minuten später ist jetzt nichts welt bewegendes aber bei einer Strecke von Bonn nach Köln ist das schon echt nervig.

Aber viel schlimmer finde ich es, dass wir es schaffen Geräte zu entwickeln die wir auf den Meter gut finden können (Apple Airtags) und es gleichzeitig es nicht schaffen dass die verkackten Bahn Apps absolut keine aktuelle und verlässliche Aussage treffen können ob die Bahn jetzt kommt oder nicht.

Aber was erwarte ich denn im Digitalisierung Neuland Deutschland...

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

As long as people pay for it and they make massive profits through it.

I mean, look at the last situation in which netflix addressed account sharing. Their user number actually increased because of it from what I have read.

Those people that can't afford it will most likely switch to a less expensive tier and then probably see ads. I have seen that recently with my father who wasn't even bothered or annoyed by the constant ads while watching a single episode.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Fribbtastic@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

I have an Ender 5 Plus with some upgrades ("Old" MicroSwiss Direct Drive, Exoslide XY, custom shroud) and I occasionally have the issue in which the Cables for the Print head as well as the Filament Feeding Tube interfere or get caught on something on the printer.

The most recent example was when I printed (or wanted to print) something and in the middle of the night I woke up and checked up on it and it had a layer shift. Turns out that the filament feeding tube got caught in the X belt of the exoslide and prevented it from moving properly.

I already printed some brackets for the cables on the backside to the print head but the tube is still fairly unstable and flopping over after some time. The same with the filament feeding tube, since they are delivered in a spiral they are fairly fixed in that position and while I could and now have oriented it into a position that it wouldn't get caught, I need a more permanent solution.

What I am looking for is something to keep the cables upright, maybe even some "boom arm" that has some clips on it that pull/hold the cables up but also not as tight so that it interferes with anything...

Here is an image of my Printer. which pretty much shows the issue.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

keep in mind that when you change the extruder gear you need to calibrate your E-steps.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

The stupidity is insane.

Many of those people don't really care because they don't think it will affect them or don't really understand what that whole thing means. All they care about is being able to scroll.

There was a poll about the future with the protest of a Subreddit I am part of and many voted for staying open with the reasoning "it hurts the community".

While I would agree with the Argument that being private on a tech-oriented Subreddit is bad because all of the accumulated knowledge will be inaccessible so troubleshooting will not work or be as good. But then you could just be restricted and have both, keeping the protest going but not locking out help to common troubleshooting.

All they see now is that they are inconvenienced by the whole thing and they don't like it without understanding that many others will have a much worse impact and the future state of the Subreddits could be much worse or take longer to moderate impacting everyone.

But this is not something they can see or understand.

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