[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

You’ve likely accepted it without knowing, or at least been registered as accepting. Google are using dark patterns all over android to get away with this sort of thing.

What are you going to do, sue them.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Pretty much all RCS goes through Google servers. They control all the implementations, even in the cases where a carrier has implemented it themselves they likely use Google Jibe system.

If your speaking to someone over RCS you should expect Google to be involved. Even with apple implementing it on iPhone. iPhones are likely to default to iMessage between each other, so the other user is likely an android so messages are getting routed through Google. It’s likely apples decision was based on pressure from Google and the billions of dollars they give apple every year.

Google has repeatedly made attempts to make a messaging app that have failed. RCS is their chosen method to get access to app messaging metadata and it looks to be working. They are displacing text messaging and making it look like nothings changed.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 52 points 2 months ago

Most aren't going to thwart governments, serious policing, private investigations or very determined individuals. But they will reduce their exposure to advertising and online profiling. We are bombarded with soon many businesses try to constantly sell things and manipulate the way we think and act for thier own profit. Privacy is a series of small acts that can reduce hostile businesses effectiveness.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 58 points 2 months ago

It won't generate random numbers. It'll generate random numbers from its training data.

If it's asked to generate passwords I wouldn't be surprised if it generated lists of leaked passwords available online.

These models are created from masses of data scraped from the internet. Most of which is unreviewed and unverified. They really don't want to review and verify it because it's expensive and much of their data is illegal.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 51 points 4 months ago

Social media makes it easier for the perpetrators, to target vulnerable people.

It also reduces opportunities for family/teachers/community to intervene. If someone saw you talking with suspicious characters, they are more likely to bring that up with parents. Social media can isolate all interactions to be between the victim and groomer.

Social media platforms also give the perpetrators anonymity. A groomer can pose as someone else that gives them access to more victims. They can also simultaneously target more victims at once and over a broader area.

It is not right to say social media is not a fault. It's not right to say it was a problem before so it doesn't matter anymore. This attitude only benefits the criminals.

Social media companies are explicitly and knowingly targeting children to generate ad revenue. They know these children aren't using the platform safely and they know they are circumventing it's age restriction features. They don't care about the consequences, only the revenue they can generate.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 78 points 5 months ago

It's old people. They vote and don't like change.

Everyone in the UK under 40 never used imperial in their education, but everything is still imperial.

Even stuff that's not supposed to be. Milk is sold in pints but labelled in ml. Sometimes it's litres because these are smaller. Timbre is all sold in a metric equivalent, but it isn't consistent. You don't know if the piece you've had delivered is 2.4m or 2.44m. Rulers have both metric and imperial, unless you pay extra for a single system - which makes them harder to use.

The worst thing is recipes, many recipes are imperial online because of the USA. American imperial measurements aren't the same as UK ones.

It is all driven by ignorance. The royal family (TV show) summed this ignorance up best. They complained it took them longer to get to the destination because their sat nav was in kilometres and there's more kilometres than miles so everything is further away.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 51 points 6 months ago

I imagine many already exist. But the system should be designed to fail safe with WiFi in mind.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 87 points 7 months ago

More than you think. They are also actively seeking ways to make that leverage effect more people.

They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren't safari and Firefox are using Google's web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

Google after many failed messaging apps has taken on RCS messaging. They provide most of the supporting infrastructure through their Jibe servers. They don't allow anyone but themselves and Samsung to make an RCS app on android. They also had a campaign to pressure apple to use RCS. It's likely apple's RCS will be following Google's Jibe service closely, as they've already said their will work with Google on this. Google successfully got most RCS messages going through their servers, with apple on board with RCS itll see most SMS messages defaulting to RCS and most of those going through Google.

They also have deep hooks into education market with their OneDrive/Google docs products and Chromebooks.

Most privacy focused android alternatives recommend Google hardware.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 48 points 7 months ago

They are probably publishing this because they've recently made bard immune to such attack. This is google PR.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

Bill Gates went to visit Epstein in prison after he got charged.

Allegedly Epstein's behaviour was well know. Donald Trump commented on it before it came out, saying Epstein liked them too young.

Epstein died prior to fully testifying, in suspicious circumstances. His partner was charged with trafficking, with no customers being identified.

It's highly probable some of his associates were his customers. It's right to treat them with suspicion. We don't know who they were, but we know they got away with it. They will continue to get away with it, if everyone just forgets.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 60 points 9 months ago

They did mention the options with different in some locations.

[-] ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world 57 points 9 months ago

Phillips: " I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

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