[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 7 points 4 hours ago

I'm shocked that the guy who has handlers to make sure he doesn't wander off had a sub-par debate. /s

These two candidates are there because they're useful idiots for the billionaire class. Neither of them give a damn about anyone, and it's probably past time to stop pretending Trump 2.0 isn't happening and have an exit strategy.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 3 points 1 day ago


John Roberts is worth $25,000,000.

That's all he cares about. We're really going to find out how awful all of these people are after November, I imagine.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 39 points 2 months ago

That's shitty, but thankfully, we have the emulation community.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 31 points 2 months ago

Fandomwire wants clicks, clearly.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 47 points 3 months ago


Every instance should block Threads.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 29 points 4 months ago

That AI is going to get really racist, really fast, judging by the muck we all saw daily on Reddit.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 60 points 6 months ago

It pleases me when the law actually protects a smaller company that had its tech stolen by a corporate giant.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 60 points 7 months ago

I think it's inevitable.

The bad actors stealing data to train their apps don't seem to have an adequate understanding of the implications of their actions. They're just looking to make a quick buck and run.

Bring on the lawsuits.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 68 points 7 months ago

Yeah, but siding with Israel here is the logical equivalent of siding with Andrew Jackson and supporting the Indian Removal Act as he committed genocide against the native people.

The power imbalance and how Israel has used it is what makes it imperative that Israel be held accountable by the international community.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 121 points 9 months ago


One of my good friends was one of the voices on LA Noire years ago and gets zero residuals from it. It's maddening.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 40 points 10 months ago

It's pretty apparent that AI developers are training their applications using stolen images and data.

This was always going to end up in the courts.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org 29 points 11 months ago


This is why I jumped ship to Mastodon in October 2022 when he pulled that moronic stunt with the sink. Elon no longer cares about being seen as a visionary. He's an out-and-proud chad.

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