I don't think I need to say this but you should not go cracking people's eggs, it's misgendering and disrespectful and also violates the Egg prime directive. Respect people as the gender they claim to identify as until they say otherwise.

That sounds very dangerous and painful. There are easier and better ways to remove unwanted hair.

I know, I love it when people get confused because they can't tell, though I do wish I didn't also look like a kid because it's kinda embarrassing to be asked by someone if my parents know where my parents are because they think I'm 12 or 14. (Should add that's just bc of my genetics, I haven't taken anything to change my appearance).

[-] FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ok yeah, I worded it a bit badly, I edited the text so it's hopefully more clear.

No Invalidation Gender Identity. Specifically no calling people eggs, also known informally as egging, which is trying to insist that a femboy (or any other GNC person) must be trans due to being GNC

Basically it's saying they must be a girl (trans) because they dress like one. Was a popular thing to do in r/Egg_irl a while back (at the expense of the femboys featured) which is where the term egg came from and why it became known as 'egging'.


A community for SFW discussion about the femboy experience. Links:

I think the best thing is to be there for them if they want to talk about gender issues but don't be pushy about them coming out as one way or another. People will figure themselves out at their own pace. Suggesting the idea of possibly being trans is okay but it shouldn't be pushy, if it doesn't feel right for them it probably isn't right for them, at least at the current time.

Don't worry about it too much, just egg_irl/traa humor, lots of them like to poke fun at the idea of turning people trans but it's a joke (it's meant to be a joke, though sometimes people violate the prime directive and it becomes not funny anymore).

Nah the worst is when you don't find it relatable or even understand any of it and people insist you do and poke fun at you (egging) sometimes going a bit too far, that happened to me. Wasn't fun, but I did eventually figure out about being Agender (and Isogender) which really cleared up the mystery of why I don't understand gender. Just kinda wish people didn't try pushing the stereotypes so hard on me, was real frustrating and uncomfortable ya know.

Btw I know I'm replying to old comments, been gone for a while and trying to catch back up.

[-] FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Might also be a good idea to use something like Ublock origin and Portmaster as well, don't just try to curate ad targeting, block them, if you want to still support websites you can use something like adnauseam which clicks the ads.

I'm not trying to say that Tor isn't a good idea because they should be blocking ads, I think more people should absolutely use it for better anonymous browsing, I only bring up ad blockers because if people don't want to be targeted ads they should be blocking them.

Bonus: Add anti-adblock filters to ad-block, it helps significantly with sites that try to detect them, also spam and malware filters are essential.

Karma sucked ass on Reddit. Essentially people could ban you from participating because you pissed too many people off even though you didn't break any rules.

Karma count is an ass kissing metric, high karma shows that you kiss people's asses for upvotes, low or negative karma shows that people dislike what you say which is absolutely ok. People having different opinions vs going with the group is the difference between a healthy platform and an echo chamber.

By the way Trolls and malicious actors who that system is targeting should be dealt with directly. If someone's posting hateful transphobia instead of downvoting their acount they should just be BANNED from the community or the platform as a whole, keep bad people out of the community.

I never tried using WIndows on my Chromebook before, heard that it really performs badly on Chromebook hardware. You might have better luck with Linux if the error is happening in Windows so it might be worth giving it a shot.

Light bulbs aren't planned obsolescence though, he even said as much in the video, light bulbs more akin to dish-soap which eventually runs out then a device made to be obsolete faster. They are consumable items, which run out or burn out, they are not expensive appliances with long lives, hell he even pointed out that some utilities gave them away for free.

Yep I did that to my school Chromebook, they never asked for it back when I graduated and being a broke college student I decided to UEFI flash it and use it as a cheap Linux Computer, still using it now. It's not the fastest laptop but it's certainly good enough. It's really dumb that they enforce software expiration dates on these PCs when they're probably fully capable of running the next version perfectly fine.

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