@TemporaryBoyfriend I would recommend buying some edibles, so they are all starting at a measured and mellow dose. Throwing them right into smoking flower would be an awful idea, so I'm glad that isn't on your path. Cookies and brownies still risk having wildly different dosages though, so probably not the best idea.
joined 2 years ago
@wedleeneeber I think you just really need to understand what GMO is and isn't. Based on what you posted, you don't have this knowledge.
@wedleeneeber @grte lol, get stuffed.
Also, GMO foods have nothing to do with the onset of puberty. That's not how any of this works.
@Cobrachickenwing Alberta already has market-driven pricing, resulting in large manufacturers shutting down operations when the electricity costs outweigh potential profits from the manufactured goods. AB's management here costs jobs.