[-] DrM@feddit.de 3 points 5 days ago

no it's the joke. In o-notation you always use the highest approximation, so o(n!²) does not exist, it's only o(n!)

Otherwise there would never be o(1) or o(n), because o(1) would imply that the algorithm only has a single line of instructions, same for o(n)

[-] DrM@feddit.de 56 points 6 months ago

I couldn't disagree more with you.

  1. There was no preorder
  2. This was a Kickstarter Project where a lot of people backed
  3. For years the devs didn't give a lot of information to the backers
  4. There was a class action lawsuit for scamming against the developers because they just took the money and didn't do anything with it
  5. Now they published something so they can say "here we did something with all of the money" yet it's obvious that what they developed did not take years.

It's pretty obvious that they only published the game in the current state because of the lawsuit. The game is a total scam and they deserve the hate from the people that invested a lot of money when backing. Backing on Kickstarter has something to do with trust. Of course, the project may never be finished and that's okay. But it's obvious here, that they just took the money and did not use it for the game.

[-] DrM@feddit.de 48 points 7 months ago

I hate Typescript for promising me that nobody can put cyanide on the list, but in reality it disallows ME from putting cyanide on the list, but everyone else from the outside is still allowed to do so by using the API which is plain JavaScript again

submitted 8 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] DrM@feddit.de 39 points 9 months ago

Den AfD Wählern sind die Inhalte der Partei vollkommen egal. AfD Wähler sind faschistische Arschlöcher die nur wollen dass es den anderen Leuten noch schlechter geht.

Guckt euch mal die Wahlplakate in Hessen an. Die AfD hat da nur ein Motto: "DIE GRÜNEN!!!!!". Kein Witz. Ein Plakat von denen hat als Slogan nur "Die CDU regiert mit DEN GRÜNEN!!!", die anderen sind auch nur "Vor Grüner Ideologie schützen" etc. Es ist den Wählern scheiß egal, ob es ihnen durch die AfD schlechter geht als bisher. Hauptsache die Grünen-Wähler ärgern sich

[-] DrM@feddit.de 53 points 9 months ago

5-10 Jahre finde ich für Fahrräder und Autos extrem wenig.

[-] DrM@feddit.de 96 points 10 months ago

I live next to this coal mine and the wind farm is on my monthly Autobahn trip right next to me. Maybe to shed some light on the "why":

The coal mine was scheduled to be mined until 2038. The plan was to extend the mine to the west, the wind farm is to the east of the coal mine. RWE of course has big investments into mining this lignite until the very last possible day. There are problems with extending to the west though: old towns still exist there and the residents would of course love to stay in their homes the family had for generations. To the east, where the wind farm is, there is nothing but fields and some wind turbines. There are about 150 turbines in the wind farm and ~15 of them are standing where the mine is extending to now. Those 15 also were the first to be built for the wind farm and they are nearly at the end of their lifespan, some of them are even deemed structurally unsafe.

Of course it would be better to stop mining the lignite but decades ago the contracts with RWE were made and just forcing a company out of a contract that is worth billions of Euros is extremely bad precedent and would hinder future investions. Buying out the contract to cease mining faster also was not possible, because RWE was unwilling to settle for a reasonable sum of money.

[-] DrM@feddit.de 60 points 10 months ago

Yeah I don't get it. ChatGPT is not "Fair use" and there is no credit given to anyone, it's a solid case against them

[-] DrM@feddit.de 83 points 10 months ago

DEVs do care. As a developer working on something you want to be proud of it. Publishers do not care.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by DrM@feddit.de to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

I didnt know what happened, but I knew that I had some problems in the last weeks which I thought I fixed. The rods where to dusty which resulted in the X-Axis skipping. I cleaned thhe rodes and sprayed some Teflon grease on thm, as usual. Maybe something got into the electronics box and the grease isnt as non-conductive as I thought?

So I opened the electronics box, unplugged all cables and checked the fuses. No fuses blown. I checked all important power-traces and all worked fine. I was worried that it really was the last blow for the printer and in my head I already thought which one to get next.

But then I noticed the real problem: On my PC, Home Assistant was open. The selected entity was the zigbee-plug, on which my printer is connected. My cat was sitting on my keyboard. He stepped on my keyboard, pressed the key combination to select the Zigbee Plug and turned off the plug, cutting power to the printer. The beep was the power-failure. The printer didnt turn back on again, because the Zigbee plug was still turned off.

No hurt feelings, but if you ever have a similar problem: check your cats.

Also, here is a picture from the villain:

submitted 11 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world
[-] DrM@feddit.de 37 points 11 months ago

Der Klimawandel ist natürlich

alles klar, da weiß ich mit was für einer Person ich es hier zu tun habe. Setz deinen Aluhut ab und guck in den Spiegel, vielleicht findest du deine Vernunft ja noch irgendwo

[-] DrM@feddit.de 39 points 11 months ago

196 Länder weltweit und wir sind auf Platz 6. Außerdem sind wir das einzige europäische Land in den Top 10 und nahezu alle Länder die in der Liste über und knapp uns stehen sind signifikant größer als Deutschland. Schon ein Armutszeugnis. Chinas CO2 Ausstoß pro Kopf ist geringer als der Deutsche, obwohl dort signifikant mehr produziert wird. Armutszeugnis für Deutschland. Indien hat 3.5 mal mehr CO2 Ausstoß, aber 10 mal mehr Fläche und 17 mal mehr Einwohner als Deutschland. Armutszeugnis. Indoniesien hat 25% weniger Ausstoß pro Kopf aber 3.5 mal so viele Einwohner. Armutszeugnis.

[-] DrM@feddit.de 47 points 11 months ago

Ihre Ansichten? Die Forderung von denen ist "haltet euch an die Gesetze die ihr selber gemacht habt", nicht mehr

[-] DrM@feddit.de 61 points 11 months ago

Ich hab so einen heiden Respekt vor allem was die LG treibt.

submitted 11 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 11 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 11 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Warum LPT? Weil man als Deutscher mit den Abzockerverträgen die es hier gibt nur Bullshit gewöhnt ist. Z.B. fliege ich im September nach Montenegro. Wenn ich mir mit meinem Telekomtarif einen Datentarif dazu buchen möchte, der dort gilt, kostet mich das 30€, dafür bekomme ich 7 Tage lang 1.5GB Internet.

Wenn ich mir aber in Montenegro am Flughafen eine Telekom-SIM Prepaid kaufe, bezahle ich für 15 Tage und 500GB Internet gerade mal 10€! Mit 5G und es gibt noch 3 Monate HBO Max kostenlos dazu.

submitted 11 months ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 1 year ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 1 year ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 1 year ago by DrM@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
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