
joined 3 months ago

I really miss kbin.. 😔(no hard feelings, I genuinely wish Ernest the best and hope he makes a comeback)

I actually tried migrating my account from there before the major issues, as a backup, but realised it didn't back up my blocked lists, which are much harder for me to recreate than my subscribed list and settings are, so decided to wait and see if anyone improved the migration tools.

Then it became too late, and I had to start from scratch, and am now regretting the instance I chose, and have not yet had the brain space to check out the other kbin/mbin instances and find a new one I like. Until then I'm reluctant to participate.

If anything, the last couple of months, with kbin dying and realising how uncomfortable I am on an instance run by people who have expectations from their users I fundamentally disagree with, have made me want to start my own private kbin/mbin instance for myself so that I don't end up in either situation again, but I don't know that it's something I can take on, having no programming knowledge or any experience with anything like that.

So yes, I agree with you, for more than the reasons you've provided, and I hope we, as a general community use these developments to learn and improve.

[–] 14 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I become a stauncher anti-capitalist every day, since capitalism and its unsustainable and literally impossible aim of infinite growth, and the greed and corruption it encourages, is why climate change is not only happening but also not being treated seriously, and abolishing it is the only hope we have of dealing with the damage climate change will bring and try and minimize it going forward (since its past the point of stopping it entirely).

The whole point of those responsible shifting blame on to individuals who have nothing to do with the decisions that got us here, nor the profits they make, is to get you to the point you're at now - hopelessness which leads to inaction, or desperation that leads to futile action (like banning straws or paying to reduce your "carbon footprint" - a term they made up for this exact purpose, and so on, all of which are there to make sure you're criticising your neighbour for their recycling habits instead of the companies that say they're recycling and get paid to but really send the garbage directly to landfill, or to a developing nation already drowning in western trash).

What you actually need to be is angry and focused, to ensure your anger is aimed at the right people and the systems they uphold that got us here. Those systems are not natural or inevitable or immutable, they are artificially created by and for the benefit of a really small group of humans, a group we could easily be rid of if we actually united to do so.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Making profit off of medication (or any other basic survival need, for that matter, and especially if they're publicly funded) is and always will be immoral.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah, I wasn't really paying that much attention, and went off of OP reply's 30 x 1000 and then missed out a zero lol

But yeah, it only gets more despicable the more accurate the numbers are..

[–] 70 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

I understand they need to recoup research costs, but…

Except they don't even need to do that, because, as is with most pharmaceuticals, the research was almost fully funded by the taxpayer.

And the 30% profit is for a generic product, so the research has already been done.

So yeah, 30% profit is of course much better than 3000%, but both are still obscene profiteering off of a lifesaving product paid for by, and then essentially withheld for ransom from, the general public.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah, about his show, and what a good guy he now is.. And look, it worked!

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You people need to try bonfire/BBQ onions..

The outer layer or two are sacrificial and intended to get burnt, while the inside gets perfectly cooked.

Om nom nom...

(I don't know that that is what is happening in the photo, but an onion being burnt on the outside really isn't an issue on its own)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


Though an "it" at the end of that sentence would have gone a long way to reduce my initial confusion lmao😂

To toss off

[–] 23 points 2 months ago

Posted this above, might as well pop it here too, seems relevant:

Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk

Sure it's not (he doesn't have to be mentioned by name for it to be all over this)..

Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk

Right? The fact that people are still convinced he's some genius mastermind that people only hate because of what he did to twitter is fucking mind blowing.

If nothing else though, it goes to show just how well the propaganda is working..


I couldn't find a wiki, but from this site I did find for an exhibition the artist had:

Museum of the History of Kiev presents an exhibition of Vasily Korchovoy "Other beauty". The creativity of the Kiev sculptor is the embodiment of what is still called “atypical” beauty in society. These are magnificent bacchanals and madonnas, with love recreated by the master in marble or limestone plastic forms. In the exposition, the author, combining the already known creative works and the novelties specially prepared for this exhibition, reveals the eternal life essence of what he professes and calls “Other Beauty”.

Vasily Korchevoy was born in 1962 in the Khmelnitsky region. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, sculpture faculty. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Another one of his sculptures I really like:

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