
joined 11 months ago
[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Aw man, it came and I missed it? I need more details. About what time? Where at? Facing which direction? I kept an eye out last night but didn't see anything before bed.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

When I was a kid, I definitely remember a more history-centric focus on the History Channel, although I remember even then (early 2000s) that they seemed to lean pretty heavily on WWII documentaries. It seemed every time I switched to the channel, one would be playing. It's more or less been the way it is for the last decade or so, though.

[–] 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Nah, it's not much better during the day, either. HC runs either crackpot history/paranormal docs, reality shows, discussion about niche topics such as toys/modern architecture/etc., or war docs almost 24/7. In case anyone is wondering, here's the next three days of programming scheduled for History Channel.

Saturday (Veterans' Day):

12:03-1:06am - The UnXplained

1:06-3:04am - The Proof is Out There

3:04-4:01am - The UnXplained

4:01-7:00am - Paid Programming

7:00-1:00pm - WWII in HD

1:00-7:00pm - Vietnam in HD

7:00-8:00pm - Special, Variety Salute to Service 2023

8:00-10:03pm - Beyond the Battlefield

10:03-12:03am - Special, 761st Tank Battalion: The Original Black Panthers


12:03-2:04am - Beyond the Battlefield

2:04-4:01am - Special, 761st Tank Battalion: The Original Black Panthers

4:01-7:00am - Paid Programming

7:00-3:00pm - Modern Marvels

3:00-12:03am - The Toys that Built America


12:03-4:01am - The Toys that Built America

4:01-7:00am - Paid Programming

7:00-12:00pm - History's Greatest Mysteries

12:00-4:00pm - Ancient Aliens Special Presentation

4:00-9:00pm - Ancient Aliens

9:00-11:05pm - Ancient Aliens Special Presentation

11:05-12:03am - Ancient Aliens (continues until 4am Tuesday)

[–] 112 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (5 children)

Meanwhile, human feet.

Humans evolved to walk on Earth

Human feet curved

Round Earth confirmed

Checkmate, flat-earthers!

[–] 28 points 8 months ago

This chart really makes no sense at all. How does Lord of the Flies lie at the intersection of The Handmaid’s Tale, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451?

One’s about an ultra-conservative theocracy, one’s about government surveillance and propaganda, and one’s about destroying books because people’s attention spans have reduced past the ability to read and they’re too long/confusing/depressing. I guess authoritarianism might lie at the heart of all these? Meanwhile, though, Lord of the Flies is more about the dangers of unchecked groupthink and how it can lead to violence and cruelty.

[–] 40 points 8 months ago

Whenever I get a capcha of anyone on a vehicle, I always make it a point to highlight the entirety of the driver too because I’m not going to just let Google train its self-driving vehicles to just ignore that every motorcycle has a rider on it.

[–] 13 points 8 months ago (2 children)

This must be somewhere in the Midwest, that’s the only place strange enough to think “theses” rhymes with “Reece’s”.


Cyber woman with corn

[–] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The context is right there on the trailer.

“Look twice” is a phrase to raise driver awareness of motorcycle safety. Right below it, though kind of hard to see, it says “[MO]TORCYCLES”

Then there’s the Yamaha sticker. They make motorcycles (and musical instruments lol).

Finally, you think some deadly pathogen would just be transported in a flimsy-ass consumer grade trailer? How about some Occam’s razor?

To “cry wolf” is to unnecessarily raise the hue and cry (either on purpose, or through naïveté), something those taking this phrase literally are far more guilty of than the owner of this trailer.

If I say “Watch out, don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard,” that, like the above, would be understood as a joke even though it takes the form of a warning. It’s not my fault if you freak yourself out worrying about literally hurting yourself by thinking too hard.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

It appears that a user by the name of Kalcifer on is using several smurf accounts to force in a Gadsden flag (175, 175), the same carried by violent Proud Boy thug types, such as Alan Swinney, Enrique Tarrio, Tiny Toese, Joe Biggs, and many others, which I don't feel should be represented here, and it's clear that many agree because there were many who rejected the art and attempted to cover it, but it seems Kalcifer couldn't take that. I think it’s clear that he’ll just make more smurfs, so I’d suggest an IP ban from the canvas, but barring that, I think it would be funny if people tried to thwart his attempts to cheat his way in because it flies in the face of everyone who’s had to put in the time to do it right.

Probable alts include at least the following:





All were registered to within the last hour or two, which coincides with the return of Kalcifer after a short break, and all place in rapid succession of each other, displaying eyebrow-raising levels of coordination.

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