They also claimed that the touch-based psychotherapy technique that Lykos used for the trial ties to dubious cult-like new-age psychospiritual therapy, which, among other things, intends to bring about a "global spiritualized society" and suggests suicidal ideation stems from suffering that occurred in the birth canal. This therapy has the potential to allow for abuse and exploitation, the researchers claimed in their public comment. At least one participant in the trial has accused a therapist involved with the trial of sexual assault during the trial's therapy sessions.

Well I would hope something like this gets shut down.

"Okay Todd, looks like Steve is working on auth, so you'll be on the blacklist today-... ahah I mean, working on the blacklist today ahem..."

How do people who have gained hearing feel about it? It seems like hearing would be important for a number of things besides communication, but maybe modern life doesn't require much?

Well the current deprecation is the Android APIs. You can still use the web APIs.

I won't be recommending that anyone use Dart or Flutter on new projects.

You seem to think Google cares at all. Android has been languishing and Flutter is lightyears ahead. KMP is junk compared to what Flutter has accomplished with a fraction of the bells and whistles.

It's weird, we tried having a small group of people control the flow of capital and it was unpopular each time. Let's try it again but call it something different or say it was something else when we tried it before.

As someone who switched from another domain to tech, I suggest trying to reason through your hesitation to switch away. Do you want to stay in tech because you like tech or because you're afraid of "giving up"?

In my other domain, I worked hard and did OK, but not stellar. In tech however, it's a completely different story. The other domain was "cool", and I don't regret what I learned along the way, but tech clearly comes easier to me compared to someone doing well in the other domain.

You need to be honest with yourself before you make the decision to switch. Are you running away from tech or towards something else?

This is not the kind of ad most people are talking about though. This is like Amazon trying to get me to buy insurance whenever I purchase electronics (which I never do, of course).

Wow this is awful on mobile lol

How do you feel about Kotlin?

I've always done this but when I google my name I still see a website with my full name and birthday next to my family tree :/

[-] 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

ITT: People who haven't tried Kagi.

Edit: Not shilling, Google just doesn't do what I need/want anymore.

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