[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I'd love to know how they're getting this business plan legit when even grey key sites can't even match those prices.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 3 points 2 days ago

It used to be called Bundle Stars though I dare say most would have been more familiar with Humble Bundle until the Fanatical rebranding in 2017.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 days ago

And likely runs better if my experiences with Cemu and the Wii U version of BOTW running better than native Switch are any indication.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 6 points 6 days ago

You can't delete what was already destroyed!

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 61 points 1 week ago

It's not exactly difficult to have more content than those services when they keep fucking around with exclusivity bullshit.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 63 points 1 month ago

Can't say I really see the point of needing PSN for the co-op in this. Steam servers are more than capable.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 54 points 1 month ago

Why do people eat food they know isn't good for their health? Why do people continue to buy products from companies that have proven to only sell bad products or engage in scumbag practices?

They all have the same answer.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

As hinted at in the title, assuming the technology/means existed that could absorb energy fast enough, would it be possible to stop a star from going supernova, effectively "calming" it?

This is for a novel (not exactly a sci-fi one) but I'd like to keep in the realms of "technically possible".

Edit. Thank you to everyone for providing answers and specific thanks to @Solemn@lemmy.dbzer0.com @radix@lemmy.world and @Deestan@lemmy.world for the for the further reading/watching materials that have inspired a narrative solution that is kinda hand-wave-y but should be good enough to hold up to scrutiny until the moment someone with a PhD (or good enough knowledge) takes a closer look at a fictional word with a soft magic system and smashes the big ol' BS button which I think is about as much as fantasy novel writer can ask for.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 78 points 3 months ago

Update: it causes even more hung processes while corpo shills and fanboys argue online that Denuvo has zero negative effect to infected games which is immediately disproven or ignored by those with brains.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 64 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Well it isn't incest which makes it taboo only on a surface level. Beyond that, it's a quick setup to a story for young or young-looking actors as well as an easy, built-in explanation for someone to walk in on them and get an "exposed" element to their narrative.

Basically it's just cheap and convenient writing. Be disgusted if you want but even within their little narrative it's not incest so you're getting your feathers riled up over nothing.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 115 points 5 months ago

Problem isn't just on Linux's side for a change. Louis Rossmann did a video on Netflix's bullshit some weeks ago. Seems it's far from uncommon to not get what you're paying for with those shitbags

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 69 points 6 months ago

Oh no, this is such a shock. No shit they were lying about inflation. Those bastards were reporting record highs while the average Joe was struggling to pay rent.

[-] DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca 96 points 8 months ago

I find it funny that they specifically refer to the past year for a large increase in piracy. Remind me when it was that companies started consistently charging even more for the base package of their games...

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