[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 48 points 9 months ago

I saw my wife playing this years ago, and always fancied having a go, but never got around to it.

So a few months back we got it going so it could stream to our Apple TV and off I went. Spent a few weeks playing it in the evenings and having a nice time.

Then Ubisoft put out an 'update' to it, that broke it completely. A massive update for a ten year old game. Cunts.

So I guess I'll never finish it, because fuck Ubisoft.

submitted 9 months ago by DJDarren@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

This is magnificent.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah, my reaction to losing them is a good chunk of why my wife suggested not getting any more. I don't deal with it very well. I go to pieces, quite frankly. When I took Feegle for his last trip a few months ago, the vet's receptionist asked if I wanted to wait in a quiet room, no doubt because my sniffling and dribbling was putting off the other customers.

But Feegle was adorable.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 33 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Of the five we had, Wilbur was by far and away the pointiest of nose, and the most questionable of parentage, but I still loved him. He could yoink a Cheerio like nobody's business.

This was Nac, Mac, and Feegle, at about eight months old, I think.

It was really hard to take good photos of them...

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by DJDarren@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Three years ago my wife and I got three pet rats. A little over a year later, we added two more, and for a brief moment had a lovely little mischief of five happy boys.

Then we lost one of the new babies in a freak accident after he got injured during a scrap, then, a few months after that, the first of the original trio left us, and so on, and so on, until today, when the last of the new babies, who was now just over two, passed away.

And as much as I try to focus on the happy times, watching them boing about on the sofa, or stealing snacks from us, or just snuggling inside the hood of my jumper and falling asleep, it’s really hard to reconcile that with their short little lives.

We recently adopted a pair of 6yo cats, and while they could feasibly spend the next 10/15 years with us, there’s always that nagging doubt that they’ll suddenly develop an incurable illness, and we’ll lose them too soon.

But that’s all kinda worth it when they’re asleep on your lap, purring away. Or in the case of the ratties, boggling and bruxing.

Sorry if this is a bit maudlin; I’ve just buried Wilbur in the garden, and I miss my little toast-stealing friend.


[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago

I love fixing up classic iPods, and as much as I enjoy it, any mention of it comes with "but why?", then the person asking refuses to understand why I still like using iPods even in this time of streaming music.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 22 points 10 months ago

As others have said, there's always an adjustment period, and before you know it you'll be doing it without even thinking about it.

When I started at my current workplace five years ago, I was out of shape after spending almost ten years either at uni, or in a succession of office jobs. So going back on my tools as a welder was a massive shock that I wasn't really expecting. But suddenly, six months or so in, I realised that I was finding the work much less physically demanding, which felt really gratifying. I wasn't fit by any means (I never have been), but fit enough to do the work.

Then, 18 months ago I got promoted to a desk job, and I'm fat as shit again. I'd be fucked after a day back on my tools.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

"Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a watermark."

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago

I disagree. Linus shooting from the hip and making himself look an even bigger ass is incredibly entertaining.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 169 points 10 months ago

Big shout out to them leaving the links to LTT merch in the description. Venal fucks.

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 55 points 10 months ago

It's not just "YouTuber drama" though; LTT have positioned themselves as The Grand Knowledge on all things tech, so a good number of people turn to them for recommendations. And their recommendations are questionable.

submitted 10 months ago by DJDarren@beehaw.org to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

As per the title, I downloaded this game, have added it to my Gatekeeper exemption and disabled SIP and all that, and even though it's added to Steam as a non-Steam game, all I get when it loads is a message saying "Steam not found, please start through Steam client".

Does anyone have any ideas?

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 25 points 10 months ago

that (mostly) just works.


As a Mac user since 2007 it feels like that statement gets a little less true every couple of years. But for me it’s still light years ahead of Windows when it comes to my workflow.

submitted 11 months ago by DJDarren@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Like, the only reason countries exist is because some rich guys decided that they ruled this chunk of land, and everyone else just kinda said "Yeah, whatever, I don't really give a shit, just let me farm and leave me the fuck alone".

Then the rich guy on the next bit of land said "I want a bit of what he's got going on", and before we knew it, all the bits of land were ruled by people who's only claim to them was that they were the first to have the idea.

Fast forward a few thousand years, and some of the bits of land are ruled by people who wear gold hats and spout a load of bollocks about divine right, while some of the bits of land are ruled by people who convinced the rest of the people to let them do it, and really, there's no difference between, like, France and Spain, but some old dudes drew a line and said "Nah, that bit speaks this version of a language, and that bit speaks another version of it".

You ever think about that?

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 51 points 11 months ago

Huh, and I've never even used Windows 11...

[-] DJDarren@beehaw.org 125 points 11 months ago

Personally, I'm continuing my efforts to not be a racist piece of shit.

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