[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Personally, I don't like the idea of any recommendation or advertising algorithm using personal information of any kind. Though I can understand why location would be needed for advertising: in order to ensure ads for regional services are not shown outside of that region.

The kinds of data that I think should be used:
-Like history
-Watch (or view) history - specifically (and only) if I click on a post or watch more than some reasonable percentage of a video that would indicate I watched the entirety of the video.

-Location (based solely on IP)
-The content currently being viewed, based on a general categorization of the content. If I'm watching a video about technology I don't need to be seeing ads for financial services.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

So, not graphic, just verbose.

pegging -v

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 26 points 2 weeks ago

That 30% cut is also done on the Xbox and Playstation stores. I would assume Nintendo does the same thing.

It also sounds like Valve's price parity agreement only applies to Steam keys. So, if a developer or publisher wanted to provide the game through their own storefront or on another third-party platform then they could charge whatever they wanted.

As for the 30% cut being excessive, I don't know if it is or not, but storing data at the scale that Valve does costs a lot of money, not to mention the costs associated with ensuring the data's integrity and distributing the data to their users all over the world at reasonable speeds. In all likelihood they are running multiple data centers on multiple continents with 100s of petabytes of storage each with some extremely high speed networking within the individual data centers, between the data centers, and out to the wider internet. Data hosting, especially for global availability, is damn expensive.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago

So, between the inherent security nightmare that is this feature and the myriad of other things in Windows that push ads, steal user data, and generally make the simple act of using the computer less secure, when do we give Microsoft an APT designation and start treating them as the world's largest vendor of malware on the planet?

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 90 points 3 weeks ago

Pennywise kills a handful of people every 27 years and has been doing so for 300 years or so. He probably has kill count under 100.

Between the kills he gets that are directly shown on screen and the number of casualties you could reasonably assume were the result of his actions, Heath Ledger’s Joker probably killed a few thousand people.

Ronald McDonald on the other hand, was the main marketing vehicle for a company that sells food products that are incredibly unhealthy and addictive. He is probably indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of people.

Heart disease kills several orders of magnitude more people than extradimensional demons or psychopathic clowns.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 22 points 2 months ago

That's some awful casting.

The dialogue sounds like it was written for an MCU movie, with all of the quippy one-liners and poorly timed jokes that that entails.

And the visual gags are also ripped straight from the MCU, with all of the same predictability and forced humor.

I know it's just a teaser trailer, but holy shit it makes the movie look boring. Like a generic action-comedy with a little bit of transformers branding.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 61 points 2 months ago

In a corporate setting you're probably using Active Directory for authentication and don't have a local account anyway.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 84 points 2 months ago

The game in question is Fallout 4. It's a single-player game with zero online components.

Just like with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, as well as Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod support is an actual feature of the game with officially released tools and documentation for creating mods.

Given that, the fact that mod support was a major selling point for the game (IMO the only selling point), and the age of the game, it would have been better if Bethesda stopped supporting the game altogether rather than push updates with no meaningful changes that break a feature that for some people is the primary feature of the game.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 46 points 2 months ago

Yeah, I’m pretty sure Steam and some of the drivers for valve developed hardware (like the controller) are the only closed source parts of SteamOS.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 43 points 2 months ago

A Blu-ray can hold up to 128GB. Most games aren’t bigger than that, though some are. And including multiple discs to fit the entire game used to be standard practice, and could still easily be done.

This is for DRM, online install for a physical game has always been solely for DRM.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

I guess it’s time to uninstall. Kernel level anti-cheat is a hard pass.

[-] CrazyLikeGollum@lemmy.world 22 points 7 months ago

It’s in a superposition of fart and shart until released at which point the wave form collapses into either a gaseous or liquid state.

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