[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 1 points 12 hours ago

Other countries already struggle to find use for the masses of panels china has been shipping in the last couple of months. They need to be approved, bought and installed first and there simply isn‘t enough personnel for that. There are already more panels sitting in EU ports than countries could realistically install in a year.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 19 points 2 days ago

These freaks took a Clockwork Orange for a manual.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 62 points 2 days ago

It was already a huge privacy risk before, though.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

ICQ shut down yesterday and it was relatively small to begin with so I‘m afraid Google will be around for decades to come and possibly outlive most or even all of us.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

Stampede is the most common cause of death for backpack tourists in Australia. It may tempting to jump fences for a little shortcut, but many cows do not tolerate home invaders.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 123 points 6 days ago

But how do you integrate a subscription fee into analog doors? You can‘t enshitify that!!

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 68 points 3 weeks ago

Soon the only content left on Youtube will be AI generated ads for Ponzi schemes.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 95 points 1 month ago

Crazy how self regulation always winds up like this. By crazy I mean predictable of course.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 65 points 3 months ago

Worth noting that BG3 was Larian‘s effort through and through. They took the initiative and asked for permission from Bioware to make another Baldur‘s Gate game and as far as I know that wasn‘t even the first time they asked. So finally after they got permission, they also had to compensate Bioware and WotC generously for the use of their IPs. It‘s kind of a rights nightmare where Larian took several big risks while WotC could just lean back and watch. And of course after BG3’s massive success, Hasbro think they struck gold when their own official DnD game is the complete opposite of BG3 in terms of monetization, popularity and critical acclaim.

So, everything considered we shouldn‘t expect greatness from this. Honestly I would be surprised if we ever actually get official announcements with working titles from half of these games before they get shut down early in production and I would be more surprised to see even a quarter of them come to life.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 66 points 4 months ago

GPT thinks

No, it doesn‘t.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 72 points 5 months ago
  1. There’s a reject all button on every cookie banner.

Most importantly, those banners should be streamiled to look the same at the very least. No highlighing "ACCEPT ALL" while graying out "reject all" nonsense. No swapping the buttons left and right, top to bottom trickery. I'd prefer if the browser takes care of it all, though. I'm already using a plugin for that, though it comes with draw backs.

[-] CosmoNova@lemmy.world 72 points 10 months ago

Mind you those are (at least some of) the guys that killed animation and comedy sketches on youtube because they made it necessary for videos to be 10+ minutes long to be relevant.

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