[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 8 points 1 week ago

Contextual ads can be privacy preserving. As in Netflix ads in a entertainment page. The problem is targeting the ad on people, and not on content.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 6 points 1 month ago

Brazillian here. Out biggest Mastodon instance (ursal.zone) is locally hosted, but is behind Cloudflare and appears as US in this list. Most of Brazilian instances are foreign hosted because of cost. This table means nothing in terms of fediverse penetration on Brazil. We have a huge population, and even as most of Brazilian are monolingual, the minority of bilinguals are millions that can read English. Even monolinguals are doing just fine using Brazilian instances, even if foreign hosted.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 9 points 1 month ago

And PDF on mobile is so slow....

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 1 points 1 month ago

It's possible to use Lemmy clients with piefed? Tried boost and can't login.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 5 points 2 months ago

Not yet federating. Months away from federating. The split money policy failed to attract good content every single time it's proposed. Techcrunch should have a article about why it's failed already written.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 2 points 2 months ago

Threadverse as in lemmy + kbin/mbin. Not Meta's Treads.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 3 points 2 months ago

Very interesting report, and very ethical way to gather the data for study.

The part about how a small number of core users are important to the community is something we need to keep on our minds. But something bugging me is how Threadverse is absent from the report.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 2 points 2 months ago

God, the graph quality is terrible. I can't read half of it.

[-] Cochise@lemmy.eco.br 2 points 2 months ago

Authentication bypass should give you interactive access. "I'm in" like. Remote code execution only allows you to run a command, without permanent access. You can use some RCE vulnerabilities to bypass authentication, but not all.


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