
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Edit ITT: People who desperately need to pick up a history book

You're the one arguing that people in positions of power shouldn't be held accountable if they abuse their power.

[–] -3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Therefore you might accidentally buy a game without knowing you need it and can't just "not buy the game and move

Launch the game, see that it requires a sign in, refund the game because it doesn't have over 2 hours of play time.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

A capitalistic system will maximize for one thing and one thing only: Profit.

If anything else improves, such as service, cost, or wait times, it will only by as a byproduct of increasing profit. If there are easier, faster, or cheaper ways of increasing profit (such as cutting staff and having ~~customers~~ patients wait longer) then those will be done instead. The FDA exists because otherwise capitalistic companies will put customers health and lives in danger because it is more profitable to do so and pay out potential lawsuits than it is to make sure safety regulations are in place in the first place.

The only way to maximize something other the profit, such as customer service, is through regulation. That is why monopolies are illegal: if a customer doesn't have a choice you can charge them as much as you want, and take as long as you want, and perform as poorly as you want, and they still have to use your service because they have no other choice. When a ~~customer~~ patient needs to go to the hospital they don't have the luxury of "shopping around", they have a medical emergency and need help now. So without regulation a profit motivated hospital can charge whatever they want, especially considering nobody discusses prices before doing life saving operations.

"lack of market freedom" is not the reason 1 Tylenol pill at a hospital costs you $15.
"Excessive regulation" is not the reason patients are charged $40 for crying.
"Lack of competition" is not the reason asking for an itemized bill will save you money. “It’s estimated that about 60 percent of medical bills that are issued have errors” (I can't think of any other industry that would consider that acceptable.)

What specific regulations would you remove from hospitals, and how would the absence of those regulations directly help ~~customers~~ patients?

The US is last place in the linked article while having the most profit driven hospital system of the countries compared. Making it even more profit driven is not going to improve the thing ~~customers~~ patients need improved.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

The comment I originally addressed was on them buying land to stop it from being used

Right, and Elon is currently using it, not the US government. So your comment about Eminent Domain is a non sequitur.

The comment you originally addressed said nothing about the US government.

[–] 28 points 1 week ago (3 children)

And how is that relevant to SpaceX using it illegally?

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

was all they needed to do because nobody would ever violate the law or ignore their rights.

They are suing the people who violated the law and ignored their rights right now. What should they have done instead?

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Elon filed for Eminent Domain?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Make sure you remove your credit card from the account, or check your statement each month to make sure they didn't sign you back up.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

"computer error"

[–] 19 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Love how it takes them 3-5 business days to return the money they stole from you.

We had to remove our credit card from our account because Amazon kept charging us for Prime and I would have to call them to get it cancelled and refunded (and wait 3-5 business days to get our money back).
We were very careful when checking out that we didn't have anything checked saying "sign me up for Prime", even had it happen on a day where we did not place an order (and therefore weren't on the site) for at least a week on either side of us "signing up for Prime." Once we took the card off the account it stopped happening, so it wasn't anything we were activating.

It's annoying to have to re-enter our card information if we want to order something, but less annoying than having to call them every month to cancel Prime again. And anything that increases the barrier to using Amazon is probably a good thing anyway.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Somewhat related to this:

Talking on your cellphone while driving: illegal
Using a hands-free device to talk on your cellphone while driving: legal
Resting your head against your hand while driving: legal

Legally resting your head against your hand while driving, and your hand comes in contact with your legal hands-free making it no longer "hands-free": straight to jail.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Distracted driving is as dangerous as drunk driving.

The #1 cause of distracted driving is cellphones.

Cellphones are now illegal.


This is a weird one.

I am subscribed to When browsing on my phone I can see the thumbnails just fine. When browsing on my desktop ublock origin blocks the thumbnails and avatars, but only from the instance, and only when I'm accessing it through

If I go directly to I can view everything fine, and other instances I am not encountering this issue with. Any idea what might be the cause? I am using Firefox.

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