[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 37 points 1 week ago

Nooooooooo. Reeaaaallly?

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 28 points 3 weeks ago

While I think it's funny that the tough on crime crowd is rallying behind a convicted felon it's important to remember that sometimes there ARE people who have been politically suppressed. Eugene Debs ran in 1920 for the socialist party. He'd been convicted for speaking out against WW1 at the time. He didn't win, but he did run.

What I hope is that Trump just doesn't win. His support goes way beyond simple constitutional rights or freedom of speech. These GOP voters are not REALLY saying convicted felons should be allowed to become president. They are saying TRUMP should be allowed to become president. It's populist, slightly cultish, and entirely frightening. Due process means nothing, personality and whatever they personally view as "strength" are what matters to them.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 35 points 4 weeks ago

"fax machines are at odds with a world embracing artificial intelligence." So bring on the fax machines! MORE fax machines!

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 28 points 1 month ago

Bets that they do actually know.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 43 points 2 months ago

The don't be evil to you must help us commit genocide pipeline

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 41 points 2 months ago

That's an inefficient way to spell lied

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 38 points 5 months ago

If it were anyone but Musk's company I might be excited at the prospects of this tech.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 42 points 7 months ago

Note to self: That does NOT say TickTok

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 26 points 9 months ago

The amount of wear on the tires of a bicycle which let's just assume the heaviest person riding the heaviest e-bike would be a few hundred pounds wearing on the tires? Compared to several tons for an auto pressing down on 4 tires it's a LOT less.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 43 points 9 months ago

I'm 100% for more regulation and more caution but I don't understand using the "robots" terminology unless you are trying to conflate it with AI.. which absolutely does need regulation and caution. There's a lot of harm that they can do. But early on in the article to prove "just how long robots have been killing humans" they describe an accident at a manufacturing facility that uses those robotic arms. And a man was told to enter the machine to adjust something while it was running. You know, they did that back in the cotton mills too. Had children run under the running machinery to collect fallen cotton. And children died in the mills when the machines would come smashing into them.

Did we come to the conclusion that cotton mills are a menace? Yes. Well, not because the machines were out of control right? The people running the mill and telling people to move into the dangerous machinery were the menace. And it's the exact same for the opening argument in this article. Someone was instructed to do something dangerous that they should never have been asked to do, and they died.

So yes, let's be careful about new tech. But let's be more careful about how business owners will abuse the people around the tech. Please.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 31 points 10 months ago

For profit companies and medicine cannot co-exist.

[-] Butterbee@beehaw.org 33 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Can't wait to watch the steam charts. I'd be especially interested once they put the other blizzard titles on Steam as well since then we can estimate the number of players per game out of the "monthly active users" they report in their quarterly.

Blizzard is desperate here. And if there's one thing about the internet it's that people are good as sharks for smelling blood in the water. It's the objectively correct move, but it could still end up backfiring if people can actually SEE just how dead the game is, and leave negative steam reviews.

Also, who exactly is going to install it through steam? Almost everyone who was going to play Overwatch already has. There's going to be a minimum of people who just don't want to have any game launcher but steam on their pc and really wanted to play Overwatch but couldn't stomach the battle . net client. If it gets steam deck certified that is the only draw I can really see aside from a smattering of casual new sign ups.

Sad days. This was my favourite game for a very long time and it feels like potential squandered on a level not seen until Musk came along and bought Twitter.

Edit: spaced out the battle net to not be recognized as a link

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