I did this one campaign which was a hexcrawl where the party was shipwrecked on an island purported to hide the lost city of gold.

The site of the shipwreck was home base, but the party obviously wanted to explore. There were some NPC crewmate survivors, so they would assign them to work on projects while they were exploring. I would always tell them that "some guy" was working on their stuff.

Cut to a few months later when they have a sort of mutiny on their hands. It seems that one crew member in particular was fed up with how much work they had to do while the party went adventuring that they turned the crew against the party.

The mutinous ringleader's name? Sum Gai

[-] Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 18 points 23 hours ago

There's this ad I keep seeing that I really despise. It's for teeth-whitening toothpaste. The actress is wearing a white coat then holds up a tissue to her teeth, lamenting that her sparkling white teeth are 'still yellow'

They cut away to teach you how toothpaste works, because surely you've never heard of this newfangled thing, and when they cut back she's no longer wearing her white coat and says how much whiter her teeth are.

It's transparently obvious that the wardrobe and tissue are just to give you something whiter to look at. But like... your teeth aren't supposed to be freakishly white. It's just something that Big Toothpaste wants you to feel bad about the way your body is. Also, using whitening toothpaste when you don't need it can damage your enamel and cause you long term problems.

Well as long as Bill says it's cool, I guess I don't have to form my own opinion

I have the D&D 3.5 core rulebooks on my shelf in the nerd nook. I know that I'm never going to play 3.5 again, but it's the system I first got into the hobby with. It would feel wrong to get rid of my personal history of nerdship.

Looks like the author forgot the header for number 3: Snowpiercer.

Anybody here subscribe to the theory that Snowpiercer is a sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Once heard I can't unsee it.

I used to have really bad chicken-scratch printing and I wanted to improve.

The exercise that really stuck out for me was to find a font I liked in a book on calligraphy and started practicing the alphabet.

Before I started practicing, I didn't pay much attention to how I was forming a letter, I'd just draw it - and it would look messy. Once you start looking at each letter as a discrete number of strokes you start paying attention to the small parts and the whole looks much better.

If you're really lucky, you'll find a guide with arrows showing which way to draw each stroke. Super helpful. Note that this font uses a fountain pen, so it'll look different with a standard ballpoint:

So does this mean that the "Second Breakfast" contingent of the Fellowship can be stored in one Hobnibble? Seems apt.

[-] Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 102 points 1 week ago

Surely you've thoroughly thought this through though?


I made this dumb little game and I want to show it off.

You're shown a colour and you have to try to guess the hexadecimal code for it. It's a game for designers, web developers, logic problem enthusiasts, and nerdy people who like hex codes.

You can play it free in browser or download a DRM-free version to own forever. Have fun!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/godot@programming.dev

I've been working on this game in my free time, and I'd love to hear what you think. This is my first release in Godot, and I have to say I learned quite a lot about how the engine works even if it is very UI-centric.

Hex-A-Guess is a colour guessing game for graphic designers, web developers, and nerds who like hexadecimal numbers. Can you guess one of sixteen million colours in only five attempts?

You can play it free in browser, or download it DRM-free and own it forever at no cost.


[-] Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 87 points 1 month ago

I remember when it came out people were saying it's anti-cheat was basically malware. Denuvo, I think?

Anyway, it's disappointing because I hear it's a truly great game. But between this and that, I think I'm soured on the idea of playing.

[-] Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 96 points 4 months ago

So wait, you're telling me I could just be walking down the street, minding my own business, when some jerkass wizard from another universe merges our realities or whatever to heal my doppelganger? I'm out 6 HP because of some guy who doesn't live in my universe and I don't even like got hurt?

I'm imagining as a consequence to doing this all the time, eventually the wizard is going to have a class action lawsuit against them from all the innocent bystanders they've hurt. And just imagine the legal complexity of serving all these suits across different universe' legal codes. This wizard's going to be bogged down for an eternity in the courts.

In all the multiverse, there's got to be someone who specializes in parallel-universe case law. A Parallelalegal, if you will.

[-] Bougie_Birdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 76 points 7 months ago

Where I grew up, there was a children's song where the main refrain is: "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name too"

The name John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is quite unlikely and singular. And yet, this other guy has the exact same name as him

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