[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 49 points 4 months ago

Can I just lay claim to random pieces of land in Africa? I mean all people came from there at one point right?

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 31 points 8 months ago

Yeah I have no idea how these people don't get it. Are the Palestinians expected to just accept having their calories counted and reduced, their water limited, and their electricity shut off? Like what sort of peace do you think is possible?

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 44 points 9 months ago

It's moderated, your shit was removed lmao.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 49 points 9 months ago

Agreed, we need for the Europeans and occupiers to go home.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 60 points 9 months ago

Yeah totally, words are a war crime. Get a grip you're hysterical.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 45 points 9 months ago

And Sauron taught Voldemort who taught Thangos who taught Putler.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 35 points 10 months ago

Link this whenever people tell you posting doesn't matter.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 27 points 10 months ago

I got into an argument with a guy on Reddit because he kept insisting that Taiwan was a sovereign nation and I kept telling him that Taiwan does not view Taiwan as a sovereign nation. At one point he asked me if we sold weapons to China and when I said definitionally yes he lost his shit.

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 49 points 10 months ago

They're not communist

Wait, I'm ootl what happened?

[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 52 points 10 months ago

Yeah, invasions are out of fashion. All the West does is make a country's development contingent on their willingness to let the West exploit their natural resources and labor and then cut said development if they fund a social program or coup them if the "locals" are uncooperative. All after gutting these countries for hundreds of years via colonialism. You don't need to do an invasion when you can just put a noose around the neck of a country.

Oh and the West still does invasions look at Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. And UK special forces have been in Syria, the Sudan, Nigeria, and others as recently as last year.


[-] Bnova@hexbear.net 51 points 11 months ago

Cope and cry more racist.

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