
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Excellent work, and thank you for sharing. What a win! I'm always heartened to hear about straightforward open source wins against leeches 👍

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks for this, really enjoyed it :)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Butter! Never woulda considered that one. I do most of your others though. Also fish sauce, or hoisin, I really like adding a spoonful of red miso.

My more surprising one is a slice of American cheese on top - sounds wrong but it's killer.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for.

I also know exactly what you mean - weirdly, maybe the most potentially harmful thing about cannabis is the way it makes doing nothing tolerable and even enjoyable. I think overuse does lead to a lot of very stunted life trajectories and ultimately unfulfilling time spent on earth for many people. Certainly did for me in my youth. Of course there are the rare folks like my buddy who smokes daily for decades on end and does more stuff than I do.

In myself I've noticed that it makes me much more shy and less willing to engage with others when under the influence. Oddly enough I can sometimes be more productive with it, though, because the right dose tends to quiet my otherwise kind of scattered attention and I'll work on just one thing rather than 4 at once (badly). I write software for a living and a small dose actually helps me just grind out some boring code that needs to get written. But like you said it limits depth so it's not good for thinking about project structure and decision making. And at higher doses it does leave me very content with doing very little - at least in the moment.

Anyway. I'll keep my eye on it, thanks for relating your experience!

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Would you be willing to elaborate on the negative effects you observed that led to your decision to drop it? I gave up alcohol this year - I've slowly been adding in cannabis lately and want to watch for issues with overuse and such.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Hey, thanks, that's a useful (and probably fairly accurate) distinction and I'm happy to find that a positive shift in my viewpoint, if minor. The corruption might be a really big problem or it might be one guy who's an aberration for being wildly outside the court's norms, really unclear on that part. But I needed a solid reminder that it's not quite yet another ruined and hypocritical institution we once held dear.

[–] 21 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Great comment, sincerely - completely nails it. My only nitpick (and only delivered cuz you clearly care) is I don't think it should be called terrorism.

Terrorism, as hate-fueled and damaging as it is, at least has an ethos, an organizing principle, a (generally twisted, but coherent) morality. These monsters have nothing so human to stand behind. As you know, it's nothing more complicated than "fuck every life on earth but mine, for no reason more compelling than that I want even more stuff". Terrorists actually compare favorably against that.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

Any suggestions for someone with a parent who openly acknowledges that he's having cognitive changes / difficulties? I get the sense he's experiencing precisely this kind of pre-dementia decline. He's on Medicare, FWIW. I just assumed nothing was realistically available (thanks, US healthcare system for the deep sense of futility), but would love to be wrong.