[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 days ago

It took a lot of inspiration from Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, but the two games had basically the same creative team anyway.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 20 points 1 week ago

The story seems generic at first, but it goes places later.

One feature I really liked about this game was that you can adjust the encounter rate, even down to 0%. No in-game consumables or equipment needed, just an option in the menu. If you want to gain a few levels, you can crank it up. If you just want to revisit an old location because you missed an item, you can turn it off.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 19 points 2 weeks ago

The hardest part of the Water Temple is that one of the keys is hidden way better than the others, and if you start opening doors in the wrong direction you will run out of keys without it. Combine that with the clunkiness of swapping to/from the Iron Boots and raising/lowering the water level, and the place quickly grew tedious and frustrating.

The 3DS remake added an extra camera sweep and some decor highlighting the hidden passage where that key is found.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 26 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I had never heard of Humane until I read this article. After also reading Engadget's review of the thing, it sounds like an absolute nightmare to use.

Maybe I'm too old-school and impatient, but I've never been able to make voice assistants work for me. It's a feedback loop: the assistant fails to do a task, so I become resistant to using it in the future. Even the thing I've used an assistant for the most, playing music out of a Nest speaker, seems to still be hit-or-miss after years of trying, and in some ways seems to be getting worse.

The gestures also sound awful. As with voice assistants, I've never gotten comfortable with smartphone gestures beyond the most rudimentary. I strictly use 3-button navigation on my phone, and I use Connect as my Lemmy app of choice because it allows me to disable all the swipe commands for upvote/downvote.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 47 points 2 months ago

At least last time I donated blood in my country (Canada), you could discretely indicate "do not use" by applying a different sticker to the bag. This was done in case someone got peer pressured into donating but didn't want to reveal something private that would have disqualified them otherwise.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 26 points 4 months ago

I think their situation is somewhat akin to where Bethesda was c2012: they've just released the most talked‐about game of the year, a game that was a critical and commercial success despite not being of the general gaming zeitgeist.

I really hope they don't follow Bethesda's path.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 20 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Barbarians in 3.5 actually get base 4 Skill Points per level, which is more than Clerics, Fighters, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Wizards. I always took this as meaning that D&D Barbarians were intended to have more going on than just rage-smashing - stealth, tracking, nature lore, etc.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 28 points 8 months ago

That is quite possibly the most Air Canada thing ever.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 50 points 10 months ago

My personal pet peeve is when they play an ad before giving you the menu options.

First, wait thirty seconds for them to tell me how great their mobile app is. Then listen to the options, pick one, find out I picked the wrong one, and have to go back up one level. Now I have to listen to the ad again before I can hear the options.

I don't care how proud you are of your app, I wouldn't be calling you if I could solve my problem with it.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 20 points 10 months ago

I ordered a roller blind through a website. I measured the width down to the millimetre based on their instructions and triple-checked checked the measurement before submitting the order. I also selected the option to indicate that the blind was to be mounted outside my window frame (important for later).

My roller arrived two weeks later and was nearly 3cm shorter than what I had ordered. I only discovered this after I had mounted the brackets on my wall, again using their instructions (which explicitly said to use the measurements I provided in the order).

Customer service first said that this was a normal deduction made to all orders. When I asked them why they would make a deduction after asking for exact measurements in the order form, they said that they deduction was to make sure the blind fits inside the window frame.

I then pointed out that I was mounting the blind outside my window frame, as indicated in my order, and didn't need the deduction. I also pointed out that while their product page did mention a deduction for rollers being mounted inside of a window frame, there was no indication this would apply to rollers being mounted outside of a frame like mine was. I finally pointed out that the installation instructions made no mention of the deduction and explicitly said to use them measurements from the order. They proverbially shrugged and repeated that the deduction was standard on all orders.

When I asked about a replacement, because I literally had them on record admitting to deliberately sending me a product that was different than what I had paid for, they said they wouldn't send a replacement until I had donated the first roller to charity and sent them a receipt or thank-you letter.

I did some research just to humour them, and I could not find a charity that would take a roller blind in any condition, let alone one with no mounting hardware. And I don't live in a small town, so it's not like there just weren't charities around - there were plenty, but none of them would take a roller blind. When I pointed this out to customer service, I was told to just drop the roller in a donation box and take a picture. I'm not 100% sure of the by-laws, but that sure sounds like they wanted me to record myself illegally dumping their product.

At this point I was fed up, so I left a nasty review on Google and on their product page. They were too craven to actually post my review to their website, but the Google review went up. Within a few hours they reached back and finally offered me an unconditional replacement. I still had to order a roller that was longer than what I actually needed because there was no result l way to stop them from making the deduction.

My replacement blind finally arrived six weeks after putting in the replacement order, nearly triple the wait time of the initial order.

Also, they didn't do it to me, but other people who left bad reviews often got snidely told, "we have a 4.7 star rating on Google," as part of the company's public response, as if lots of people being satisfied with their products somehow negated the complaints of those who weren't.

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 36 points 11 months ago

"Yeah, Sauron and the orcs are bent on conquering everything and enslaving everyone, but Denethor is mean to one of his sons, so there are no angels here. I can't in good conscience support the Free Peoples until he apologises and steps down."

[-] BenVimes@lemmy.ca 59 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Despite other flaws, the biggest (or maybe second biggest) issue I had with Solo was Lando's backstory.

See, I grew up reading some very old, very obscure EU books about Lando. In that series Lando was an expert card player but a poor pilot, and a lot is made of how he won the Millennium Falcon in a game of Sabacc but has no idea how to fly it. The movie reversed this, making him a card cheat.

I'm probably they only person in the world who cares.

But maybe new series, if it ever comes out, will be about Lando and his adventures with Vuffi Raa?

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