[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 57 points 1 day ago

Minimum 5 years max 20 for a videos of infants and a 10 year old bound and raped? Idk man, seems pretty lenient

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 16 points 2 days ago

Hell yeah. I got mine done 5 years ago

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Someone help make sense of this. Why would you lift the gag order off jurors but not yourself?

My guess? Give trump a little wiggle room to give yourself room to regag him if he steps out of line also also give more credence to locking him up? Not really worth letting jurors get harassed but these judges are also out of touch with reality

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 53 points 1 week ago

Next thing theyll do it paint porn on the roof of the Cistine chapel, however you spell it

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 80 points 1 month ago

Troubled teen program? Is it gay conversion or a child molestation camp?

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 128 points 1 month ago

And if she struggles because of the ants and moves around, she gets beaten, shot with a heart attack machine, and/or shot with a gun, then charged with resisting arrest

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 59 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Having worked in the industry for 8 years i can give you advice that works but is not recommended.

First, stand your ground, tell her to go fuck herself. Its very aggressive and may get you on some kind of shit list.

Second, follow her example. When she goes to smoke, go with her. You dont have to smoke. If you can, leave with her.

Third, tell customers whose food has been eaten that "it has been eaten by 'employee"' and that youre making a replacement, heres a contact card to management to file a complaint"

If she starts commanding you as a manager, tell her shes has no authority and to do it herself, then follow her cuz shes likely gonna go take a break.

Cause problems

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 63 points 2 months ago

For its 30th Anniversary Magic the Gathering hyped up the return of $1000 card packs with the CHANCE of pulling non legal reprints of its original Alpha set, including the covered Black Lotus, that is....again....not legally playable in any format and is worth the same as a lotus you get from your home printer. For $1000.

MTG site

Wiki summery of event and controversies

News Article

submitted 2 months ago by Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world
[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 151 points 4 months ago

Police waiting for man to turn black before they can claim they shot him in self defense

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 96 points 6 months ago

Choosing to not have children is becoming more and more accepted among younger people for a long variety of reasons, among them being climate and economy as well as "not going to ruin my body" and "well i just dont like children"

[-] Bbbbbbbbbbb@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago

Do these people know we tried peace talks before? Do they know Russia is just demanding Ukraine give up to end the war?


Cencorship sucks

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