[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Its perfectly possible to use human waste as a fertilizer, on earth you just need to compost it for around two years to make sure that the pathogens are gone.

As someone said on the moon the process might just be to leave it outside for a bit and you get a perfectly sterile pile of fertilizer

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 1 points 3 days ago

Or do like what the people are the bike rental company I went to did.

They wore regular clothes and took an angle grinder with them (the key broke in the U-lock).

Kindly ask the nearest shop to plug the angle grinder to cut open the lock on the bike that was in the street, went on with it and left with the bike.

No one bother to ask any question.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 2 points 4 days ago

One word: privatization

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 76 points 2 weeks ago

Ejaculation lower the risk of prostate cancer, so masturbation should probably be medically advised to all men.

4-7 times a week is a good number according this study

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 74 points 2 months ago

Boeing is the only company actually trying to reach their net zero target. Once no Boeing plane are flying anymore that's it, no more CO2 emissions

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 69 points 2 months ago

We own the factories building the panels.

Solar cells don't really grow on trees.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 49 points 3 months ago

It's a real story!


At the beginning of the 20th century Henry Ford's electrical engineers had issues they could not solve with a gigantic generator. Henry Ford called Steimmetz, a genius mathematician working for GE to help them.

When he arrive at the factory he spent 2 days and night listening to the generator and scribbling on his notebook.

After that he asked for a ladder, climbed on it, put a chalk mark on a specific spot and explain to the engineers that they needed to remove the plate and replace sixteen windings behind the plate. After that the generator worked perfectly and Ford received a $10 000 bill.

Ford asked for an itemized bill and Steinmetz sent this

  • Making chalk mark on generator $1.
  • Knowing where to make mark $9,999.

Ford paid the bill.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by BastingChemina@slrpnk.net to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

A picture of a 3D printed router guide A 3D Model of a router guide

My router (makita) was supplied with a copying guide but the opening was too small.

I've look online but I could not managed to find the right size so I did what any sane person would do: print one

Edit: more pictures of the result a dinosaur shaped observation tower another picture of the observation tower with a kid standing on it

submitted 7 months ago by BastingChemina@slrpnk.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

So, I had to reinstall windows as a dualboot, because I need some CAD tools for work. It was painful but it's not thebaubject

I'm running nixos with systemd-boot and I installed windows on another drive. I started to research how to add the entry on the boot list so I don't need to go in bios to switch the boot order each time I want to change OS.

Most of the information I find is about grub on nixos but I finally find information on how to add a manual entry. On the Arch wiki I find some information but now I have to blend all that to make it work on my laptop.

It's late and I'm scared to mess up my boot partition so I go to sleep to work instructions on it the next day.

The next day I'm ready to do all that only to realized that there is already the entry for windows is already in the boot menu, it has been added automatically.

So I spent all this time to think about how I while have to adjust my system manually only to realize that nixos already did it automatically for me.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 60 points 7 months ago

Yes, I think that one of the side effect of the war in Ukraine will be a big increase of renewables energy in Europe.

European countries started to realize how fragile their energy supply is and how dangerous it is.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 46 points 9 months ago

It's generally a good idea to take some probiotic after antibiotic treatment.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 59 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There is a contract that is broken today

The implicit contract used to be

  1. the employee stays in the same company for years. Staying loyal and gaining experience that benefit the company.
  2. in exchange the company is improving the life of the employee, pay raise above inflation level, better benefits and better working conditions.

Today companies refuses to do their part of the contract and complain that employees don't do theirs.

[-] BastingChemina@slrpnk.net 121 points 10 months ago

ainsi mieux protéger nos enfants

This is to protect our children of course.

As usual, so anyone who is against this law can be depicted as someone who is supporting pedopornography.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BastingChemina@slrpnk.net to c/energy@slrpnk.net

I believe this is a very good initiative. France is allowing collective self consumption.

It means that in an appartement building or in a neighborhood (up to 2km radius) people can organize in a collective to redistribute electricity to each other. If someone has extra production one day then he can redistribute to other people in the collective. For free or at the price they agreed upon in the collective.

It does not need any extra hardware, it's using the existing installation from the national utility grid.

This is exactly how I imagine a solarpunk community would work.

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