
joined 2 months ago
[–] 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

All the comments saying it's a distraction from how the working class is being oppressed by the owner class are right, but also...

There have always been bigots, small town small minded people who don't "know any gay people" but there was that one skinny boy in their class that didn't like sports so he was bullied until he left town at 18. And now, that generation of bigots is finally dying out. Not only due to age but due to an increased connection with the greater world. A small town bigot might not know any LGBT people personally but they are aware of their existence, due to television and the Internet. So quietly ignoring people who are different than you doesn't work anymore. And a dying animal fights harder than ever.

These death throes are useful to the owner class. But they are still dying out. And if we can exterminate capitalism and figure out a way to survive in a post-warmed globe, we might just see the end of (this particular type) of bigotry.

things aren't as rosy as they were a couple of years ago

A couple of years ago it was a thornbush with no roses, so what does that say about now?

The rich are actively trying to be yote into space. All we're saying is redirect their rockets to ensure they don't come home again.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My butthole is a marker unless I get a whiff of fiber, at which point it turns into a firehose. The only time I get a decent poop is when my diet is mostly sugar, cheese, and meat.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm in agreement except for the wedding planner. Whether they help with the planning from day one or are just the day-of coordinator, a good wedding planner is worth their weight in gold. I'd rather plug an old mp3 player into a portable speaker and skip the DJ before I recommend skipping out on the planner.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Helmet? What are you, some kind of weakling who has a brain to protect? Get a Harley, that's a motorcycle for us big overcompensators, and we don't do helmets, because there's nothing up there to protect!

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Gross, I can't believe anyone would do something so disgusting! Using a plastic spatula making everything taste like melted plastic.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yes, all those things would have been accomplished sooner if the British had stayed on their own little island. I agree.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What's an easier solution, in your opinion? Getting the ultra wealthy to give up their yachts and jets (by getting rid of the ultra wealthy entirely, which also addresses the evils of capitalism), or convincing hundreds of millions of people to change just about everything about the diet they've been eating for tens of thousands of years?

The UN doesn't even have any influence with the UN. Even if I supported lethal enforcement of environmental protections (which I do in many cases), the UN's idea of enforcement is a kindly-worded letter. If the USA doesn't back something the UN has no power. And the USA is one of literally only two countries in the entire world that don't recognize access to healthy food as a human right.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Half of Costco's customers would be blasted!

I'm all for it.

They're easy to manipulate if you play off their basic tribal fears and religious bigotry. The Democrats are far from a perfect party but they at the very least aren't openly bigots.

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