[-] Ategon@programming.dev 161 points 1 month ago

Hey! Im one of the programming.dev admins and the main mod of this community

I can look into taking over the pr once I get time for it later today or later in the week

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 87 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

When you look at games made within the last 30 days, godot is double unity

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 58 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It looks like you were temp banned from the linux community for 3 days

The comment you made was transphobia which goes against the programming.dev code of conduct. I suggest reading the comment of the user who replied to you and learning how to respect people more

This comment

does not qualify as a "respectful conversations where no one is insulting each other, or anyone else"


Theres been some weekly posts in some communities for people to share updates (weekly thread in !rust@programming.dev and screenshot saturday in !gamedev@programming.dev ) so figured would try to run a generalized version in the main programming community!

If youve worked on something this week feel free to share it below. If you have a project to show off in general we also have the !showoff@programming.dev community in the instance that you can post in

Theme Library Planning (programming.dev)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/sublinks@discuss.online

Been working recently on a theme library for sublinks that will let themes be written in json files and then be read in and swapped between easily. (Ideally would allow people to make a theme at runtime using UI on instances that then generates a json file or zip file)

Attached is an example theme with some basic colors added in. The assets would be taken to populate theme lists when looking at your themes and variants are variations of a theme (that share everything defined in config but also have their own versions of certain aspects)

Below is some of the variants of the theme (accent color is different between the variants)

This theme is currently on a repo https://github.com/sublinks/starlight but note images will not work yet as previews arent set up

How color parsing works

If just a color is entered for a variable (e.g. #1f1f1f) then the variable is set to that color

Mentions can be entered to do the same color as another variable. (e.g. @accent gets the accent color.

Operations can be entered to an operation on the previous value. Putting values fter the operation is like passing arguments to it (not all operations need arguments, some are optional and some have multiple arguments). (e.g. @accent > darken > 2 darkens accent by two steps).

> is used to separate parts of a string that the parser needs to identify

To handle operations, first the string has all of the infix operators replaced with postfix operators. So @accent > darken > 2 becomes @accent > 2 > darken. Then things in the chain between > are interacted with one at a time. If its a color or value it gets popped onto a stack. If its an operation it pulls things from the stack, does the operation, and then pushes the result onto the stack

More home page progress (programming.dev)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/sublinks@discuss.online

Back with another update on the home page. Ive added a new communities section on the right, made the right sidebar be able to be hidden, and added in the post sort and scope options above the post feed (as well as fixed some misc bugs)

Will be spending future days now cleaning everything up, adding in behaviours for choosing post scopes and sorts and having that reflected in the feed, and fixing bugs that popped up

Auth has also now been merged in so ill be integrating that into the home feed for things like the subscribed post feed

This update came a little later than I wanted to since ive had some other things I had to finish up but ~~ill be having another update posted tomorrow~~ edit: doing some auth shenanigans which is breaking the build. Logging in is now implemented and added to the home page though :) update soon once some things get merged in

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/sublinks@discuss.online

Another update on some progress. Been working on implementing popovers that will show information when you hover over things for long enough. This gives an easy way to get certain information without needing to leave the post feed

Moving your mouse off of the chip or popover closes it so you can keep browsing

Community chips (with the icon and gradient) replace links to communities in markdown. It makes sure that everything is a link relative to your instance and that it can trigger a popover for the community

This is shown in the video below with nested community chips (the description of these communities in lemmy currently link to other communities and those have all been replaced with chips)

More sidebar progress coming tomorrow

edit: if anyones over on the microblog side feel free to follow me there for some more frequent updates as im working on things. Usually will do progress reports there and then larger updates here. @Ategon@bytes.programming.dev


Been a couple months since my last update and theres been some announcements and me settling into the project I said I was merging Pangora into.

The project has been announced now with the name Sublinks and is currently being worked on by a bunch of devs and lemmy admins to make progress towards parity with lemmy quickly

Ive been working on UI design for Sublinks (attached image is an early version of the home page) bringing in aspects I worked on in Pangora and refining them

Will be posting updates over in !sublinks@discuss.online with my progress on the UI!

This community will be dead for awhile until sublinks reaches parity and the new version of Pangora is forked from it

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/sublinks@discuss.online

Hey everyone! Ill be starting to share updates on the frontend visuals here like I was doing with Pangora before it got merged into Sublinks

  • Edit: note for people who are wandering in here not knowing what Sublinks is. Sublinks is an upcoming fediverse link aggregator separate from lemmy. It will have api compatibility on release so frontends and apps should still work but the project will be focusing a lot on mod tools and federation updates once it reaches parity. This UI is the default frontend I'm designing for it

Starting off with some progress I've been making on the Home Page. Been taking things I enjoy from both alternate frontends such as Photon and Tesseract, as well as Misskey forks like Iceshrimp and Sharkey.

People who followed me as I was developing Pangora might recognize a lot of similar design decisions

Still in progress but ill try to share new progress at least every couple of days when I work on it with new additions

The left sidebar can be collapsed to show only icons for people who want a bit more space for post cards

Hovering over an option adds a popover saying what it is

In addition when you scroll down the navbar shrinks a bit to give you more space for post cards. On mobile the navbar hides completely when you scroll down and then shows again when you scroll up

The frontend is still heavily in progress so things may change a lot still before release as I refine it. If you've got suggestions feel free to give me them

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 174 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Its still only voters, lurkers that dont do any actions arent counted

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 40 points 3 months ago

Barely any since fedidb excludes botted instances

The increase here though is cause lemmy.world upgraded to 0.19 and 0.19 includes voters as active users

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 44 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The 2m there is extremely inflated to to bot sign up spam. Back when instances were getting set up in the reddit migration there was some people that started mass signing up accounts on instances with weak security. Fediverse observer doesnt care about any of that and just shows user accounts regardless of what happens on the instance

Fedidb has a much more accurate count at ~ 400k https://fedidb.org/software/lemmy since they exclude these bot spammed instances. They also have a monthly active user count (~ 38k) based on what instances report for that stat


This is a place to share high quality news and discussion around technological advancements and changes

Theres a bunch of technology communities currently but they tend to fill a different niche than this one as they tend to be about all topics relating to technology (including legislation, company news, etc.) rather than honing in on tech progress

Things that fit:

  • New tech releases
  • Major tech changes
  • Major milestones for tech
  • Major tech news such as data breaches, discontinuation

Things that don't fit

  • Minor app updates
  • Government legislation
  • Company news, layoffs
  • Opinion pieces



Place to discuss anything relating to notepad++ whether that be getting help, posting news, showing off features, etc.

For people who dont know what notepad++ is, its a free source code editor for windows https://notepad-plus-plus.org/



A community for sharing comics related to programming (xkcd, monkeyuser, wizard zines, etc.)



A community for sharing comics related to programming (xkcd, monkeyuser, wizard zines, etc.)


Pangora January Update (programming.dev)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/pangora@programming.dev

Hey everyone! Got time to write up an update so figured I would update on events that have been happening around Pangora

Im going to be working on severely changing how the project is handled

Theres another project thats been getting made and rather than work on a separate thing than them ive decided to merge my work on pangora into their project

After that pangora will be soft forked (in both the front and back ends) for specific niche customizations but the majority of the development will be done in that other projects repository

They havent announced it publicly so ill let them be the ones to do that but if youre interested in helping develop it (or if youre an admin of an instance) feel free to reach out and I can add you to a chat for it (main languages used are java, typescript (next.js), and go)

In other news for the project I made a couple supporting sites

Overall this means that rather than work on a beta for the frontend ill be working on the other projects frontend to get pangora into there. Expect things like a beta when that other frontend is done and I can fork it properly

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Ategon@programming.dev to c/meta@programming.dev

Hey everyone. Some of you may have seen the recent announcement with blahaj to defederate with the instance. Ive been handling things privately and wanted to do an announcement to catch you all up on the results of that

#1: Background knowledge

Realized that not everyone knows how the instance is structured so figured I would do a little section in the front to go over that (especially for visitors reading this from other instances)

We currently have 8 admins in the instance. Of those 2 people are currently lead admins (snowe and I). Majority of admins are part of the community team but not all of them (people are split between infrastructure, development, and community). I was planning out a team page similar to what lemmy.world has to go over this with a bit more detail and that should be coming in the future. Main thing though is its intentionally structured so one person doesnt solely have power (hence the two leads). If one person ends up messing up theres the other lead and the rest of the admin team to talk with them about it and help them do better in the future.

#2: What happened?

There was a thread in lemmy.ml about the hogwarts legacy game winning a steam award. For reference for the following images + description, snowe is the other lead admin for the instance apart from me and the other people are various other users

There was a conversation that ended up essentially devolving into a slap fight within this post (ive purged the entire conversation so people dont stumble onto it in the future but ill post images here with them for archiving reasons and to explain it)

^ These comments were what initially started it. Essentially it was an argument about the hogwarts legacy game being or being not transphobic

^ Later in the argument

^ One branch that ended up getting triggered due to the frontend snowe uses on mobile not showing pronouns (how most instances handle it currently is its appended to the end of the display name but some frontends choose to ignore the display name and just do the username instead)

There are other branches but it is a very large amount to screenshot and dont want this to completely flood this post. Everything should be available in the modlogs still if you want to dig a bit deeper or I can send other screenshots in the replies on this post if youre interested in what was said for certain parts

#3 Aftermath

Due to the argument above blahaj chose to defederate with programming.dev which was going to take effect 48 hours after their announcement on it. (This is due to the person in the conversation being one of our lead admins which is ultimately understandable as they represent the instance)

snowe has sent a message apologizing to ada (the lead admin for blahaj). I dont know the contents of what was said but if they want the two of them can choose to publicize it.

One of our admins should not have escalated the situation and participated in this slap fight so on behalf of the admin team here were sorry about that

Internally we have a guidebook for admins to follow for the various aspects of the instance (moderation, applications, etc.). Ive refined this guidebook with a couple new rules for admins that should be taking effect in the future

  • admins will be required to have two accounts, one for admin activities and one for non admin activities. This is how some admins have already been interacting in the fediverse and basically makes it so comments done on the non-admin account should not be taken as that admin speaking on behalf of the instance. Generally the admin account will be things done relating to admin duties (e.g. my posts here in meta) while the non-admin account is other various conversations. Admins can be as anonymous as they want with the non-admin account similar to how our users here can be as anonymous as they want with their accounts
  • im adding in some guidelines for tone while chatting for the admins so comments made that are on behalf of the instance should be respectful and not devolve to slap fights

Like I said before in #2 ive also purged the entire conversation to avoid people stumbling onto it and seeing a slap fight with an admin that has since apologized. As the community exists on lemmy.ml I cant fully do this due to how federation works in lemmy but the mods in the community have been doing the same which should federate.

This should not have happened in the first place and we as an admin team will be better going forward

I hope the blahaj instance sees our actions and chooses to reverse the defederation decision but at the end of the day its their instance and they can choose whoever they want to federate with (note federation is done directionally. I will still leave our direction of federation open)

Edit: Blahaj stopped their defederation (shown in an edit on their announcement) so the two instances will still be federated both directions going forward

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 97 points 6 months ago

Calculation for MAU changed so the old MAU and the new MAU cant really compared

old one used to include commenters and posters while the new one has that and also voters
both are missing people who dont do any of these three actions though

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 37 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Thanks for merging in some of my changes <3

Code block support should be great for posts coming from programming.dev and the active user change should help communities feel a bit more alive and be more accurate to actual activity

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 56 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Zoomed out graph including some months before the join wave

Users/month are relatively stable now at 33x users/month compared to pre join wave (users/month is people who have posted or commented)

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 58 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

For anybody interested, the monthly active users including voters is 131,150 (131k)

The one in the graph only takes into account people who have made a post or comment

Edit: The halfyear active users including voters is 253,166 (253k)

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Just created a community request post for it https://programming.dev/post/6295144

If anyone is interested upvote the request and if anyone wants to mod it let me know

Edit: community has been made at !code_review@programming.dev

[-] Ategon@programming.dev 52 points 7 months ago

Theres a new algorithm that should be coming in an update soon (I assume 0.19) called Scaled

This is basically the hot algorithm but takes into account the monthly active users of the community so communities with less monthly active users show up more and arent dominated by the meme communities

Would fix the issue you say there

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