[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 day ago

~~“Are 13 year olds too young to exploit monetarily?”~~

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Was it hard to quote the actual headline or is it a matter of making the narrative you are attempting to push stronger?

Reading the article helps as well.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -1 points 5 days ago

I’m curious, do you work in healthcare? Healthcare adjacent? Where did you acquire your expertise on the funding and operations of healthcare?

Appeal to authority to someone else. I am making a habit of avoiding speaking to people who open their comments with logical fallacy. Feel free to try again because I stopped reading here.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -2 points 5 days ago

It is a good example because it shows everyone that who is next on the block.

Ya'll didn't give a fuck until now and I am the poor kid trying to hold their empathy while everyone cries about their last 5 years that has been my last 35. If I can have empathy for this Woman who very likely would have crossed the street for me back in the day you can to. I had nothing and was homeless as a result numerous times in my childhood, teen years, and early adult life. One shouldn't have to hit the bottom to be heard.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good and stop competing in the Trauma Olympics.

You aren't helping anyone by doing either.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 0 points 5 days ago

The man was six leaves away from becoming a legend.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -1 points 5 days ago

I really hate these CBC articles where they talk about a huge, legitimate issue, but undercut it by choosing a crazy/unrelated example

So a Woman is forced to sell her home in a divorce, and to ensure her children don't get upended in a very difficult part of their lives, sacrifices every cent she makes to stay in the same area for them and you think that is an "unrelated example"?

Even 30 years ago, I had friends who had to change schools/share a room when their parents divorced. Putting someone who refuses to make tough decisions and try live within her means in the same category as adults who have to live with multiple roommates, face homelessness, etc. is insulting.

What is insulting is your complete lack of empathy for your "friends" who were forced into that growing up, and your attack on this Woman for not putting her children through that.

Also, I’m pretty sure most would say child support is income, even if it’s not taxable income. She’s spending 100% of her employment income/paycheques on rent.

Yes, and 100% of that support is supposed to go to the children it is paid to. Not for her to use on other things.

In case it isn't clear, your comment is absolutely disgusting and tone deaf. You should reflect on why you feel the need to attack people who are struggling when it is clear to me from your lack of empathy you have no idea what a real struggle looks like.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 days ago

I don’t think the context you assumed is quite as clear as you thought it was. I’ll leave the rest of it.

You could have just not responded to my comment. Next time, you should do that instead.

Take care.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 days ago

We don’t.

"Canadians" in this context is Canadians who support privatization. Are you a part of that group and trying to alert me to a misunderstanding regarding your ideology? Or did you miss the context?

Unfortunately, when Canadians go to the polls, the thing a lot of the less thoughtful are thinking is “I want [last administration that didn’t magically fix all the problems] out of power. I don’t care what their opponents actually intend to do with the province/country as long as they’re gone.” I have no solution for this.

Some Canadians aren't willfully ignorant useful idiots, and the solution is making more Canadians educated enough to grasp the fact that buzz words and anger don't get politicians who do good elected in to office. The solution is educating Canadians on the fact that no other party other than Liberal or Conservative has ever held Federal Power. The closest to that being changed was the NDP Opposition win under Layton, and now we could not be further away from breaking the trend.

It is the responsibility of those with the right information to provide it to everyone else. Get on it if you actually care. Start with understanding that "Canadians" vary greatly from province to province and coast to coast.

There can be no "we" while our politicians play American style politics. That is the point.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 7 points 6 days ago

Breaking Bad was amazing that is for sure. haha

I still will never understand how Canadians can look at privatization down south and be all "I want some of that!". I have to congratulate the consecutive governments who managed to turn Canadians against the very things they fought for decades to get.

Have to respect the game even if it is incredibly evil.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 4 points 6 days ago

It will never stop making me laugh that a rat on the BC/Alta border goes one way getting to be "adopted" and taught to drive a tiny car; or goes the other way and every single person would risk their life to swerve into and run over it with a full sized one.

While cute, we as humans need to stop teaching smart animals how to use our tech. We are basically asking to be replaced at this point. haha

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 12 points 6 days ago

Now now now, let's not get crazy and expect a reasonable idea to be the right one.

Obviously the only way forward is privatized healthcare, and maximized profits, until the lower class revolts and we do it all over again.

Everyone who gets it needs to start explaining to everyone who doesn't why public services should never be expected to make profit, should be expected and accepted that public services generally operate at a loss, and that none of that is a bad thing. Canada is in desperate need of a narrative change and a legislative overhaul if we are going to survive what is coming as a intact country.

System failure is a fun thing. We need to trim the bloat to try and avoid it.

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