submitted 5 months ago by Anonymouse@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I had a super fast but small SSD and didn't know what to do with it, so I was playing with caching slow spinning LVM drives. It worked pretty good, but I got interrupted and came back a few weeks later to upgrade the OS. I forgot about the caching LVM, updated the packages in preparation for the OS upgrade, then rebooted. The LVM cache modules weren't in the initfs image and it didn't boot.

I should know better. I used to roll my own kernels since Slackware 1.0. I've had build initfs images for performance tweaks. Ugh!

Where's my rescue disk?

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 22 points 5 months ago

Any device that requires an app to function is an immediate deal breaker for me. Same for most things that require "the cloud" to work. Garage door openers, doorbell or other cameras, cooking appliances, door locks, cars, even a basic pedometer to name a few. All of these things will only work temporarily until the company decides it's end of life for any reason.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

While your statement is true, I install Firefox on any computer I support (family & friends) because I understand it better, can talk them through stuff on the phone and so I can install an ad blocker and not.have to deal with all of that. So now I need to explain to family and friends that Google is to blame, but they don't care and ask me to install "the normal browser". Ugh.

Also, I now have to deal with the Google-heads at work using this as an example of how chrome is the superior browser. Double ugh.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago

Is it the responibility of any government to enforce a parental policy? What if I, as a parent, support my kid to view this stuff?

At home, I was allowed to have alcohol with supper at family meals from about 13.

I feel like the regulations should be to give parents control over their child's activities if they so choose. While we're at it, make it illegal to collect information about a person, parent or child, without their express concent. I don't know how, but there are many smart people in the world that can probably figure it out.

submitted 6 months ago by Anonymouse@lemmy.world to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Here's the "Privacy First" pitch: whatever is going on with all of the problems of the internet, all of these problems are made worse by commercial surveillance.

If something like this were implemented in US federal law, what could the downsides be? Like California Proposition 65, the "cookie law" didn't stop tracking, it just made more pop ups. Would this do the same thing?

English is weird (lemmy.world)

I got hung up on contractions this morning regarding the word "you've". Normally, I'd say "you've got a problem", which expands to "you have got a problem", which isn't wrong, but I normally wouldn't say. Not contracting, I'd say "you have a problem", so then should I just say "you've a problem"? That sounds weird in my head. Is this just a US English problem?


I haven't seen this posted yet here, but anybody self-hosting OwnCloud in a containerized environment may be exposing sensitive environment variables to the public internet. There may be other implications as well.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 23 points 7 months ago

Video guides are nice, but I prefer Grog's Knots. He even has an app for offline knot learning, say, when you're deep in the woods and it's raining hard and your tent's rain cover blows off into the lake and you thankfully brought a tarp and rope but don't know how to make one of those adjustable knots that you can just slip-tighten. You know, theoretically speaking.

On a side note and completely unrelated, bring one of those big grout sponges when you go camping. In addition to mopping up all the water in your tent, it makes a nice pillow if your inflatable pillow decides to run away in the night in a storm and go swimming in the lake.

TL;DR: I hate camping.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

In the early kernel (think pre 1.0), I "fixed" the CPU scheduler for performance. I gave too much privilege to user processes, who refused to relinquish control back to the OS.

Another time I was working on a multiprocess bootup configuration (before systemd) in a configuration where the main process would orchestrate the workers. Well, the main process would fork a child to do the work, then the child process would fork a child process to do it's work. It was infinite delegation and I ran out of pids.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago


I should move somewhere warm.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 19 points 8 months ago

I've seen this before and got a chuckle, so I gotta wonder who is downviting this and why?


I understand the intent, but feel that there are so many other loopholes that put much worse weapons on the street than a printer. Besides, my prints can barely sustain normal use, much less a bullet being fired from them. I would think that this is more of a risk to the person holding the gun than who it's pointing at.

submitted 9 months ago by Anonymouse@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Is there any decent iPod management software for linux available? I have a 6th generation iPod that I use only for music and it's really the last thing that I keep my windows partition around for. The more I use linux, the more unintuitive iTunes feels. I had tried GTKPod in the past and one other, but they didn't support the 6th gen iPods. I'd be happy with just a CLI copy type command!

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago

My wife is 7 years older than me. We met in college. I think I was 22. We've been married for 25 years.

IPv6 for home lab (lemmy.world)

Is anybody using only IPv6 in their home lab? I keep running into weird problems where some services use only IPv6 and are "invisible" to everyone (I'm looking at you, Java!) I end up disabling IPv6 to force everything to the same protocol, but I started wondering, "why not disable IPv4 instead?" I'd have half as many firewall rules, routes and configurations. What are the risks?

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

For the frugal sysadmin, Free DNS!


Many of the posts I read here are about Docker. Is anybody using Kubernetes to manage their self hosted stuff? For those who've tried it and went back to Docker, why?

I'm doing my 3rd rebuild of a K8s cluster after learning things that I've done wrong and wanted to start fresh, but when enhancing my Docker setup and deciding between K8s and Docker Swarm, I decided on K8s for the learning opportunities and how it could help me at work.

What's your story?

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

I can't remember the details or if it applies to the town in question, but I remember a closing agent impressing upon me the importance of homesteading for tax purposes. Perhaps petitioning the city or county to increase property taxes for non-homesteaded properties will simultaneously decrease the local citizen tax burden and dissuade investment properties.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

This is not uncommon in IT type jobs with individuals from a certain country. I was at lunch with a coworker when he was approached to do an interview for a cousin of one of his friends. I must have looked puzzled because he explained it to me and I was flabbergasted. He said that it was more common during phone interviews, but since "they all look the same" to white hiring managers, it still happens over video interviews.

[-] Anonymouse@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

There's a lot of good comments and suggestions, but the one that I'm not seeing is, "tell others".

Do you perform support for friends and family members? Explain why it's not in their best interest to use Chrome (and Google products in general), then ask and help them to install and use alternatives.

Have a laypersons response to why they should avoid Google for that person you're chatting with on the bus. Have a response ready to the awful, "but I don't have anything to hide" counterargument. As an aside, being the tin foil hat wearing guy/gal doesn't help the cause, explain it in plain language.

Hot RAID swapping? (lemmy.world)

I'd like to swap my spinning disks with SSD drives. I have the new disks and they're just larger than the old ones. My configuration is a RAID-5 with 3 disks (and one hot spare). Can I hot swap a single disk (HDD to SSD), wait for the new disk to rebuild, then repeat?

I'm thinking that I'd mark down the hot spare, replace it with an SSD, mark the SSD as hot spare, mark HDD 1 as "bad" causing the hot spare to activate, then repeat for the other 2 HDDs. I don't have a lot of experience with RAID, but did perform a single disk swap once with success.

If this is a bad idea, why? What's the best way to upgrade?

I'm not sure if this is the right community for this question. If not, please guide me to the right one.


Has anybody used one of these mini "dehumidifiers" to dry out filament as a substitute for buying a bunch of the desiccant beads? My filament seems OK, but I could do better to keep it dry.

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