
joined 4 months ago
[–] 9 points 1 month ago (7 children)

But you're also promoting Ubuntu's continued use, when Snaps are just one example of Canonical being antithetical to free software values. Mint is all the benefits of Ubuntu without that garbage, so why not that?

[–] 54 points 1 month ago (36 children)

Snap should be reason enough that everyone should abandon Ubuntu, especially when Mint is right there. The last thing we need is to make Linux more like Android+Google Play.

[–] 93 points 1 month ago (11 children)

The last straw with consoles for me was when they all started charging money regularly just to play online multiplayer games.

My Steam Deck makes for a better console-like experience than any of the major consoles, and more. I have zero interest in going back to Sony or especially Nintendo's scams.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The thing about these salt substitutes is that more studies are needed, just because there's few of them. The evidence is very promising though, and people switching to these substitutes has been shown to distinctly lower blood pressure, and appears to make a difference for all-cause mortality.

Experts and industry leaders are looking into incorporating added potassium salt into their foods, so it's probably only a matter of time before virtually everything that everyone eats will have lower sodium and higher potassium.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

In western civilization everything is low risk until we've come too far to avert calamity. Before the 2008 financial crisis, every institution that played a role would have you believe everything was great, right up until everything was falling apart.

With global warming we always had, and still struggle against entirely too many people, and lying institutional vested interests, downplaying or disbelieving how serious of a global catastrophe climate change is forming into.

The only reason h5n1 is "low risk" at the current time is because it's not yet a human-to-human calamity that is already too far underway to put a stop to. We all saw how badly we all collectively handled covid.

We are now at mammal to mammal transmission, and humans are also mammals. The only actual difference between low risk, and full on pandemic, at this point, is patient zero.

You should really go back to the article and read the whole thing, as well as others that are linked to in it. Because in this one the WHO describes it as an enormous concern, because it is.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Right, the difference in immune benefit is so crystal clear for everyone who makes the switch, not even considering the other myriad benefits like heart health, diabetes reversal/mitigation, weight loss, and mental health benefits.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Eating the flesh of an animal is not good for anyone. It's not good for the animal who was abused their whole life and murdered. It's not good for the environment. It's not good for all the beings who get sick from pathogens because of it. And it's not even good for the human animal who consumes the other animal's flesh.

[–] -3 points 2 months ago (3 children)

No, no it would not be beneficial. That would be the opposite of beneficial (unless it's plant-based steak).

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (10 children)

If anyone wants help going vegan, I'd be happy to help. Even if it's infeasible to get enough people in the world to stop eating animals fast enough to avert the next pandemic, there is evidence that people who eat plant-based have better outcomes from getting sick, as well as just getting sick less in general. Not to mention getting animal products out of your homes reduces one of the vectors through which pathogens can spread. So at the very least you'd be giving yourself your own best chance (just keep in mind it's no replacement for vaccinations!)

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I'm nearly as far from an expert on infectious diseases as it gets, but - and if anyone who knows about influenza reproduction can chime in - I remember reading that influenza has incredible abilities to mutate wildly and recombine. The analogy was like, if human reproduction is like taking two decks of cards and randomly shuffling half of each deck together, then influenza is like taking any number of decks, randomly chopping up and re-splicing portions of random individual cards together, as well as resorting all of them back together without any regard for whether the results are going to even produce anything that can live or not. But the reproductions and randomizations are so voluminous that it doesn't matter - at least some of it will stick.

In other words, in addition to the wildly rapid mutation capabilities these viruses have - if you have animals that are carrying more than one strain of influenza simultaneously, those two or more strains can produce hybrids.

But again: citation needed.

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