[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 10 points 10 months ago

And lots of opportunities for them to be ignored or fired. Devs can complain all they want but at the end of the day we have to do what our bosses order us to do.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The guitarist, Matty Healy, is a racist piece of shit and nothing he ever does is punk. He masturbates to black women being degraded and dehumanized. Fuck him and fuck anyone bringing him or his band up.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

These usually aren't fronts per se. They do everything there. Tax prep, scams, consulting, private eyes. These psychic places are never JUST a psychic place that's usually just what the sign says.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 40 points 10 months ago

Agreed. When fascists pop up, shit on them.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

This. Call 1-800-SAVE-INCEL for a professional incel saver.

What professional can you call to help a coworker from being a shit person????

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 23 points 11 months ago

You mean Lucas Arts? They had a logo very similar to this

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 27 points 11 months ago

He bought a company that got bought by PayPal. He didn't build anything he didn't run anything. He bought an existing company that got bought out. At SpaceX and Tesla they have entire structures created to stop Elon from fucking up shit and to manage him. If you need your company organized to manage the owner and stop them from fucking shit up you don't get to claim to be smart or to build amazing stuff. In every case it's the engineers that build amazing things despite Elon's involvement. Elon himself is an idiot.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 28 points 11 months ago

Yeah just because the author is fat and lazy and is surrounded by fat and lazy friends doesn't make this true. This is one of those telling on yourself comments.

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 19 points 11 months ago

It's harder to break into but I make 150k and barely graduated high school. Software engineering is largely a field that doesn't care about degrees but about ability. It's harder these days to break into the field than it was 10 years ago when I did but it's absolutely still possible

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 22 points 11 months ago

Chiquita bananas. They literally stole entire south/central American countries and used death squads and the CIA to enslave the workers and kill them when they asked for such unreasonable demands like being paid in actual currency

[-] AnarchoYeasty@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago

This is clearly a post talking about investing in engineering capabilities and prioritizing the retaining of talent and not a discussion around the ethics of the businesses involved.

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