[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 13 points 3 days ago

Thank you, I appreciate comments like this so much. I hope you have a wonderful day.

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 27 points 3 days ago

Unfortunately it seems obvious that PP and his party will win with a majority government. And as an autistic LGBTQ person who already experiences real hate from people in my small town, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

It sucks when life feels like a smash mouth song and the hits don't stop coming. Hope you can fix your mobo/cpu problem without spending any extra money. Sounds like things are tough right now, I hope your week improves too :)

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I will just start downloading videos and watching them at my leisure. Anything to not give this corp my money. Funny thing is I use to have no problem watching ads on youtube until they increased the amount and started spamming ads for gambling. There is an option to select on your google account that limits the amount of gambling ads you see. I had that enabled and it felt like it increased the amount of gambling ads it was serving me.

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 7 points 3 weeks ago

Serious question here, when does this become an act of war?

This is all hypothetical so bear with me; If the USA flew satellites in international space above Russia, and those satellites dropped thousand and thousands of propaganda pamphlets that would fall down on Russian cities, and did this every day for years, would it not be seen as an act of war?

So why is it okay when it's done internationally online instead of international space?

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 2 points 1 month ago

Goodluck! I hope you can get it working without too much trouble 🙂

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 2 points 1 month ago

I wish I could offer some advice, I'm on windows 11. I downloaded the game files from Blizzards website (had to google it, its kind of buried), and used my CD keys from my game cases. Honestly I was surprised I didn't have to do much tinkering to make it work. I think all I did was make sure it launches with compatibility mode enabled in the properties of the .exe

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago

I just finished playing the original FF7 for the first time in like two decades. I always secretly dreaded trying to play it again, worried that it wouldn't have aged that well as a game, or that my nostalgia was propping it up as a masterpiece when perhaps it wasn't.

It sucked me in and I ended up doing a 100% completion playthrough. The experience has shifted my thinking and now I'm more willing to replay older games. Just last week I found my old CD Keys and started up Diablo 2, the original, not the remaster. Now I've been sucked into that.

I personally am finding that mechanically, these older games have systems with lots of depth and creativity. They give you so many options and choices, and they rarely explain all of it so your kind of left to just.. experience it. I am sure this is not true for every retro game ( and ditto for some new games ) but it is something I have been feeling when playing older games.

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 7 points 3 months ago

I mean, the fact that a subreddit based on making fun of people with disabilities even existed says a lot about reddit, just like dozens of other deplorable subreddits. Unfortunately some of those subs are still around to this day.

I'm sorry you went through this, the internet can be awful. The stuff I used to see on 4chan back in 2005+ was insane. In a lot of ways it hasn't really gotten any better on reddit.

It's alarming that when they rejected you, you doubled down and tried to adhere to their standards to fit in even more. But you were young and toxic groups like those exploit people all the time.

I hope now you understand it is not okay to make fun of disabled people like that.

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 3 points 7 months ago

Thank you for the explanation! I can see now how added time pressure can help resolve or mitigate some of these issues. I appreciate your last two points especially.

Your advice has given me some new perspective, I think simply being aware of these issues is a big help. Like you say I won't trouble myself with solving them, but being aware of them will help me create better scenarios for my party and the campaign. Thanks again!

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 3 points 7 months ago

Hey thanks for the reply! You bring up some great points. I like that you layed them out in order, I appreciate what you have to say about balance because that is the area I have the least amount of experience in for 5E. One of my players started as a fighter but wanted to use guns so I'm letting him use the fighter/gunslinger template from critical role, we'll see how that goes haha.

Your points about Fulfillment will be important to keep in mind when we start to branch into homebrew. I have two players who like roleplaying and figuring out the plot, one who likes combat and leveling, and the last one kind of just likes everything. Four players in total, two are brand new to D&D. I will have to make sure I don't over do it in one area, I think.

In terms of pacing, what would be some of the chronic problems from D&D 5E? I'm relatively new to 5E, most of my experience comes from 3.5. I will still keep your advice in mind, having deadlines sounds like a good way to keep things paced nicely.

Your point about challenge reminds me about when my party accepted the quest to barter with Agatha the banshee. I played it so that the quest giver was hesitant to start them on that quest in the first place, and when pushed explained that banshees are a force of death and only confident adventurers should accept. They were all so cautious with that quest, and they even drew straws on who had to talk to the banshee because they were all scared, it was great haha.

Anyways, I appreciate the advice. Thanks!

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Aloomineum@beehaw.org to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

I've played D&D pretty casually from time to time, but always as a player and usually just short one shots and not big campaigns.

This year I started feeling the urge to play in a big campaign, and some of my friends were showing interest. I decided why not try my hand at DMing! I went all in, I bought 6 books (DMG, PHG, Xanthars guide, tashas, MM, and MotM) a ton of paint supplies, and some tiles/maps.

And I'm glad I did! We've had four sessions so far and it's going great. We are starting on the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign, and afterwards we will be moving into homebrew, eventually reaching level 12+. I have already started changing a few things from LMoP to fit the homebrew campaign I am planning where the BBeG will be Atropus and its chosen Warlock who is trying to attract the elder evil to Toril.

I didn't have any experience running a campaign, or even painting, but there are so many useful resources on youtube that I feel confident I've got a handle on things!

If anyone has any tips or pointers for a first time DM I'd love to hear them! I am always willing to learn.

If anyone wants to see more of the figures I've painted, heres a couple of pics https://imgur.com/a/1SMF4jr?

[-] Aloomineum@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago

I love f-zero and starfox. I had no idea Imamura also did the art for my favourite zelda game, majoras mask!

That said I wish we'd get a new f-zero game sometime..

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