[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 9 points 10 months ago

As long as they can go from their taxpayer-funded air-conditioned offices, to their taxpayer-funded air-conditioned limos, to their taxpayer-funded air-conditioned mansions, they're good.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 41 points 10 months ago

If it's not Shrinkflation, it's Diluteflation.

I occasionally see posts and news articles about how AriZona Tea Company has "held the line" and kept their giant cans of iced tea priced at 99 cents for so long.

Well, after drinking a few cans of the stuff recently, I'm almost certain they're watering down their product. The tea is nowhere near as concentrated as it was a few years ago. There's practically no flavor to it anymore.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 0 points 10 months ago

I think the biggest limiting factor here is the lack of RAM on that system.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 14 points 10 months ago

If you run out of items to view on Lemmy, you can always go out and, like, engage with family, or hobbies, or grass-touching...

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 5 points 10 months ago

Adding, I found an option in my Mastodon client to hide boosts from my time line. Which solves my original problem. 🙂

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 5 points 10 months ago

Ahhh. See, I didn't realize the "@news" I was following on Mastodon was actually a Lemmy group. I though it was specific to Mastodon, and expected it would be a news repeater/aggregator. Didn't know it would also include all responses to the news posts.

It goes with a larger confusion on my part about how Mastodon works, I guess.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 20 points 10 months ago

Lemmy is like every social medium since the dawn of time: a cross-section of humanity... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 2 points 11 months ago

I have to wonder whether Musk knew Meta had the trademark, and intentionally used it in order to rile them up.

... Nah, that would require actual planning on his part.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 3 points 11 months ago

And completely ignored the crowdsourced contributions in favor of the Most. Generic. Logo. Ever.

I mean, if you look at it and squint hard, it kind of looks like a bird in flight with its wings spread? But hardly immediately recognizable, much less iconic.

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 21 points 11 months ago

I want to know, what are "tweets" and "tweeting" going to be relabeled as?

I can just see conversations like:

"Dude, did you see the latest X from Eminem?" "Yeah, I re-X'd it to all my buds!"

[-] Aimhere@midwest.social 7 points 11 months ago

I recently saw a TV commercial for Little Caesars Pizza, where they're now offering a limited-edition pineapple-flavored Pepsi as part of a meal deal. That way, you can have your pineapple flavor without necessarily pissing off the "no pineapple on pizza" purists among those you're sharing the pizza with.

Whether anyone will like pineapple-flavored Pepsi is up for debate.

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