[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 7 points 8 months ago

The Linux purist is to provide the source code and you download then compile the small files.

Developers and gamers don't have storage issues so the higher storage size of flapak and the lack of dependency issues (a copy of every library used) make flatpak user friendly enough for normies aka gamers with steamdecks

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 18 points 8 months ago

Economics say that technological advances hurt those displaced for a short period of time but the entire rest of the economy improves and the displaced people are smart enough to find other jobs in the new economy with higher standard of living...

Unless the value created never makes it back to the economy...

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 13 points 8 months ago

Better question, can big ag dope up all the cows in unsanitary conditions to lower their costs by 10 cents per pound (nobody cares about mystical superbugs) /s

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 9 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

My understanding is people who make hardware upgrades to their body:

  • ametur surgery to add a magnet to your index finger
  • taking eye enzymes from cave fish and injecting it into a friends eye rk get short term super night vision
  • attaching two prosthetic legs that makes you run faster and longer
  • open source hardware and software for an artificial pancreas

Stuff like that

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 15 points 8 months ago

I don't suppose you own curtains?

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 15 points 9 months ago

Thanks for solving a problem I didnt know I had

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 9 points 9 months ago

Also there is steam link if it isn't beefy en9ugh for a AAA title and your desktop is beefy enough

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 9 points 9 months ago

Did you just get the idea for zapier?

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 21 points 10 months ago

I said this in a different post's comments about Facebook scraping data:

Can activity pub change it's terms to say that all crawlers that use this must be gnu open sources and all information crawled must be open to the public on gnu open sources software (no crawling to a private enterprise)?

My understanding is all the big tech companies are scared of what happened with router software (openwrt) and they don't want to be forced to let competition be a foss community via gnu licensing.

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 9 points 10 months ago

Lol, I am the opposite.

  • Teams feels bloated and buggy.
  • Zoom is fast, can handle 100+ streams with ease, and allows mods/plugins to extend as far as you want, and
  • on zoom you can draw on the other person's screen while sharing.
  • On zoom, when a meeting starts I have a "incoming call sound" so I drop what I am doing and jump on the meeting. (I can't install on my work compy though... Sigh)

Teams has not implemented those basic features.

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 23 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The bill requires that manufacturers of electronics and appliances make parts, repair tools, and documentation available to the general public, for devices first sold on or after July 1, 2021. For devices costing between $50 and $99.99, manufacturers must provide repair access for at least three years after the product is no longer manufactured; for those costing more than $100, that number rises to seven years. In its letter, Apple lists a few bill provisions that were crucial for the company’s support, including language that clearly states manufacturers only have to offer the public the same parts, tools, and manuals available to authorized repair partners, and the bill’s exclusive focus on newer devices.

The support is equal to cutting the teeth off the bill.

  • all parts for repair have to be through apple
  • all repairs need to be done in based on official channel (official software probably because that is "authorized")
  • the bill only applies to new models, and only for the support period of 3 years.

Or some garbage like that that I am missing. The same thing was done when we didn't want isps to control the net and coined the term "net neutrality" then the isps rebranded it to mean isp controls if you are neutral on the net... Sigh.

[-] AdminWorker@lemmy.ca 7 points 11 months ago

But without oxygen and with fewer vibrations from cooling, they last 5years longer with no maintenance.

submitted 11 months ago by AdminWorker@lemmy.ca to c/foss@beehaw.org

Marco Polo is a "video walkie talkie" allowing videos to be recorded and sent to contacts like close irl friends and family.

I don't like their privacy policy, video degradation, and security through obscurity practices. What are some Foss (maybe end to end encryption) alternatives?

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