
joined 3 months ago
[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

In one battle I read on the Ukraine war, Russia sent out 1000 Iranian drones at once to destroy 5 targets. They knew most will be shot down, but if 4 or 5 drones hit the target, it will destroy the target complete. That's how these drones were designed to be used, dirt cheap to make, but impossible to stop in swarms.

Even 200 still isn't a lot if they aren't coming all at once, and Israel's defense can handle that easily. They're designed to shoot down 100+ numbers or rockets, shells & other air borne targets going much faster than drones before they hit their target.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

100 drones isn't enough to do any meaningful damage, so this is a warning shot to Israeli. Or the Iran government is doing this exercise to save face among their own people.

However is Israel doesn't back down from attacking Iranians, Iran might be forced to go all out war with Israel.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

If you use google maps or iphone maps it will remember the location where you parked, so you can use it as a GPS to find your car.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago


I remember reading the Chinese had stagnated investment into Comac because it was more cost effective for their airlines to buy Boeing planes instead. But after the two 737-MAX crash, the Chinese was restarting investment and R&D for a Boeing replacement, however because they were far behind due to lack of investments, they wouldn't have anything ready until 2026 the earliest. So I doubt they will be able to compete anytime soon.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Accusing the British of being Brutes is like accusing Germans of being Nazi's. It is rooted in the historic actions of these nations, rather than anything in particular they've done today. Sure British tourist have their stereotypes, but honestly they aren't worse than Chinese tourist, or Muslim migrants. As long as British tourist are still paying customers, many nations will still be happy to host them. Don't take these comments so seriously, it's all in good humor.

Brexit on the other hand is a tragedy so awful that you can wonder how a nation once known for it's ability to govern an empire spanning the entire globe, and innovators of capitalism, made such a stupid decision. Like pointing a gun to your head and pulling the trigger thinking it will cure your headache. It's so ridiculous I still can't come up with a proper insult to throw at the Brits concerning their decision to commit economic suicide.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

Coder isn't a professional title. Software engineer and engineer are very broad of a term, because they can cover alot of work that's not directly coding software. Not all programmers write software code, some just 'program' software that's already written.

So i think developer is the best term for someone that 'develops' and write software code for a living. Or even software developer, those terms are interchangable.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

They make sense, as they were good enough to stop imperial empires from ravaging the world. But their limits are a governing forces are seen today.

I do think the age of nation-states are ending soon, and the rise of a new type of state may happen soon. Maybe something like a culture-state?

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

I always vote for him when he's at the polls, since 2 decades ago. But the oligarchy of this nation will never allow him in position of power to implement these changes.

The reality of America is that our owners have no interest in making life better for the us, the common man, their only interest to bleed us as much as they can for their own selfish agenda. And the American people are collectively still too stupid to understand how it all works.

[–] 00x0xx@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Considering the behavior of British tourist globally today, or even the history of their empire, the two words may as well have the same meaning.