Any game taking real money is a scam.
(No that doesn't mean buying games. No that doesn't mean subscriptions. No that doesn't mean expansions. No that doesn't mean card games. No that doesn't mean arcades. Jesus Christ, do people find a lot of ways to get mad about nonsense, whenever I say this.)
Nothing inside a video game should cost real money. Absolutely fucking nothing. All possible forms are abuse, built on how games by definition invent value for worthless elements that can be arbitrarily granted or withheld. That is what makes them games.
The business model is intolerable - and if we allow it to continue, there will be nothing else. It's the dominant strategy. Your disgust and non-participation will never outweigh some tiny fraction of people getting taken for obscene quantities of real money in exchange for incrementing a variable. It's in free mobile trash. It's in $80 "AAA" flagship-franchise titles. It's in single-player, multi-player, subscription MMOs - it's in everything. There is zero incentive for them not to try robbing you like this. Companies that don't rob you will make less money than companies that do.
Only legislation can fix this.