The majority of the population either has a paid off home or is on a mortgage. No politician is going to alienate that voter base by building more housing. No matter how much it affects homeless people or the next generation of young adults.
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Then the need to take responsibillity for ensuring people are housed. They can't have it both ways
Homelessness keeps housing prices high.
Unemployment keeps wages low.
It's not a fucking accident. Both high housing costs and low wages benefit capital.
What politician is going to anger the majority of their voters, and anger the lobbyists making them rich, to instead do the right thing and ensure poor people get housed?
If you owned a house worth $2Mn would you be OK with its value dropping to $800k if it meant all poor people in your city got a tiny house or condo? Additionally most people are Nimbys, so even the location of new housing is controversial.
Did you watch the debates or read any platforms?