There was a flock of geese outside my house honking as i scrolled past this. 10/10 very immersive
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It's ..... it's ... it's the dreaded, the unholy, the forbidden .... it's .... THE COBRA CHICKEN!!!!!!! .... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!
This foe is beyond any of you, run!
But think of the EXP!
You know, it's interesting that this is a well-known behavior, but I have never witnessed it. I frequently come within a few feet of them whenever they're in my area, and they tend to just watch me as I pass.
I always see people online saying they're evil, loud, and super aggressive. I live about 90 seconds walk from a lake with about a hundred of them, and I've never seen them be that way ever, unless you get close to them when they have young - even then they only hiss. To me they seem like an extremely chill bird.
Maybe the ones that were introduced to the UK are somehow more chill than they are in North America.
You haven't run into them during nesting season. A group outside where I worked decided to nest in the bushes outside one of the entrances and they would attack anyone who came near. They'd just stand outside the glass and posture to attack if you thought about touching the door.
God help you if you decided to use that exit. We had to eventually just give up and put up a sign until they moved on.
I have ran into them during nesting season dozens of times, I've lived within 2 minutes walk of them for the past 8 years. They hiss if you get close (say within 2m) when they're nesting or with their goslings, but that's about it.
The swans in the same lake have been far more aggressive. Those fuckers will hiss, screech, flap their wings, and attack.
Maybe the swans are keeping the geese in line.
I saw one flap at a woman and peck her hair as her boyfriend dragged her past. He thought she was being over-cautious.