[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 7 hours ago

I mean, if the bias was based on skin-colour or sex, would you feel differently about it?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

No, because it’s circular logic.

It is, and that's inherent in the problem under consideration, the problem of the 'uncaused caused' or the 'first mover'. Logic can either be A) circular or B) not-circular. Any not-circular logic must explain each element by referring to a prior, but then you've got an infinite regress. So you're trapped in a dilemma: do you want the circular logic or the infinite regress? Liebniz's choice was to say that God was inherently existent, like when Lao Tzu said 道法 自然

There’s no reason for a necessary being to exist before it does

Correct. It is necessary: it is self-causing. It does not stand upon a 'reason', unlike everything else in conditioned existence.

to exist before it does

You're assuming it is subject to the laws of linear time and causation, and point out how that assumption leads to a contradiction. But Liebniz's God is not subject to the laws of linear time and causation. Which is the whole point of positing it: because if it were subject to those laws: infinite regress.

and no evidence that one does in the real world.

Well the world exists, so all this existence must have some cause. That was the starting point of the conversation: Why is there something instead of nothing?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 8 points 9 hours ago

I was complaining about this on !noyank@lemmy.ml

About 10% of pop culture stories, maybe more, are about billionaires. Are 10% of people billionaires?

And even in a medieval fantasy settings, it's about gold-decked kings: the billionaires of the setting.

It's to perpetuate a class bias.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 2 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Well Liebniz said it's because of a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself, if that helps.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 3 points 21 hours ago

Why is there something instead of nothing

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

The new testament stories were written well over a hundred years after

Not right.

These were written 20 to 30 years after: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Apostle ("Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder.") It would be more like someone writing about this now, which I do remember.

Gospel of Mark is dated to around the year 70

Book of Revelation around 81-96

The canonical gospels are the four which appear in the New Testament of the Bible. They were probably written between AD 66 and 110.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel

The New Oxford Annotated Bible claims, "Scholars generally agree that the Gospels were written forty to sixty years after the death of Jesus. They thus do not present eyewitness or contemporary accounts of Jesus's life and teaching." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Testament

wait Fitbit was killed off?

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

What do you think of what Ehrman says here at 1h45m25s that the mythicist theory isn't taken seriously by the academy because it's mostly pushed by people who seem eager to dunk on religion.

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 11 points 2 days ago

But at what cost???

[-] frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml 22 points 2 days ago

We did it here. I spent years protesting and camping on-and-off when they tried to build the M3 motorway through the Hill of Tara, an ancient site with similarities to Stonehenge.


They will get what they deserve in the end.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by frightful_hobgoblin@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml

And I'd like to be able to do it privately too, that'd be cool.

Things I can do –

  • write HTML and CSS
  • register a domain and set up hosting
  • use Filezilla

Things I don't know how to do –

  • Create databases, I always had someone around to do that for me
  • Self-host
  • Set up an onion site 🧅
  • Set up an eepsite
  • Register a .bit domain

I am more of a content gal than a tech gal, but think of all the cool stuff I could create if I could spin up anonymous websites in a few hours.



Chiyonofuji: sumo wrestler with low body fat

Mike Tyson: heavyweight boxer who is short


The founding meeting of a new regional form of cooperation between the communist and workers’ parties of Europe, called European Communist Action (ECA), took place in Athens on 18 Nov 2023, at the invitation of the KKE. The founding meeting was attended by delegations from 12 parties in Europe, namely the Party of Labour of Austria, the Communist Workers’ Party – for Peace and Socialism (Finland), the Communist Revolutionary Party of France, the Communist Party of Greece, the Workers Party of Ireland, the Communist Front (Italy), the New Communist Party of the Netherlands, the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain, the Communist Party of Sweden, the Swiss Communist Party, the Communist Party of Türkiye and the Union of Communists of Ukraine.

During the founding meeting, the Founding Declaration of the ECA, which is presented below, as well as an initial plan of activities of the ECA for the coming period were discussed and approved.

On the eve of the founding meeting, the delegations took part in the mass anti-imperialist rally on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising.

Founding Declaration of the ECA

The following Communist and Workers’ Parties of the EU member states, associated related states, and other European countries, declare:

We support the principles of scientific socialism and are united by the vision of a society without the exploitation of man by man, without poverty, social injustice and imperialist wars.

We consider that the EU is capital’s choice. The EU promotes measures in favour of the monopolies, the concentration and centralization of capital; it is strengthening its characteristics as an imperialist economic, political and military bloc opposed to the interests of the working class, the popular strata; it intensifies armaments, authoritarianism, state repression, limiting sovereign rights.

It is our assessment that the European Union is the European imperialist centre, supports aggressive plans against the peoples, and is aligned with the USA and NATO. It has militarism as a structural element. The scandals that continuously erupt in the European Parliament confirmthe character of the EU as a union of monopolies and lobbies and a breeding ground for corruption.

We consider that there is another development path for the peoples. The perspective of another Europe, the prosperity of the peoples, social progress, democratic rights, equal cooperation, peace, and socialism are highlighted through the workers’ struggles.

We believe in the right of every people to choose its own sovereign path of development, including the right to disengage from the EU and NATO. We struggle against capitalist exploitation, for the construction of socialism.

We are not members of the so-called European Parties, which are formed by the EU and amongst them the so-called Party of the European Left.

In the previous period, many of our parties participated in the European Communist Initiative and contributed to its positions and action for the interests of the working class and the peoples, in conflict with capital and the exploitative system.

The ECI has played a positive role in the struggle of the European communist movement. However, developments require a step forward in order to enrich the ideological–political framework and to organize the struggle on a more solid basis.

In this direction, the European Communist Action is established in the place of the ECI.

Every Communist and Workers’ Party from an EU member state or associated state, as well as from other European countries that accepts this Declaration and its conditions can participate in the European Communist Action.

The goal of the “Action” is to contribute to the research and study of issues concerning Europe, particularly concerning the EU, the political line which is drawn up in its framework and has an impact on the lives of the workers, as well as to assist the elaboration of joint positions of the Parties, the coordination of their struggle and the development of solidarity and other actions.

Our Parties seek to establish strong ties with the working class and the popular strata, to get better positioned and occupy a leading role in the class struggle, so that together we can act in a line of rupture with the system of capitalism and its managers of all kinds.

We consider that our era is the era of revolutionary passage from capitalism to socialism. Based on this, we reject any support for or participation in bourgeois governments, struggling against both liberal and social democratic parties, against all kinds of bourgeois governments that serve the interests of the monopolies.

Our Parties assess that imperialism is not just an aggressive policy. It is monopoly capitalism, capitalism in its most reactionary era, that is, in its highest stage. It is essentially inherent in stagnation, in the great gap between the productive potential and the meeting of the contemporary needs of the workers, due to class exploitation, the contradictions between the monopolies and the bourgeois states that lead to imperialist wars.

We believe that imperialist interventions and wars, such as the one thatbroke out in Ukraine in 2022, where the interests and plans of the USA, NATO and the EU clash with capitalist Russia over the control of the markets, raw materials and transport networks of Ukraine and the acquisition of geopolitical advantages, are also a result of imperialist competition.

We oppose the imperialist war and the participation of our countries in it, as well as the real danger of a generalization of the war and the outbreak of new imperialist conflicts in other parts of the world, particularly in the South-East Asia region, where the confrontation between the USA and China for supremacy in the world capitalist system is more pronounced.

We examine any process of secession or unification of capitalist states from a class-oriented point of view and struggle against NATO, the EU and all kinds of imperialist alliances. We are opposed to the participation of our countries in such anti-popular unions and intensify the effort so that the workers are not trapped under a false flag but defend their own interests, in conflict with the exploiters and their transnational unions.

We consider that the ideological, political and organizational regroupment of the International Communist Movement cannot be realized without an unwavering struggle against any kind of bourgeois management of the exploitative system, liberal or social-democratic; against opportunism, which expresses the influence of bourgeois ideology on the labour movement. The one-sided reference to “neoliberalism” causes confusion as it overshadows the necessity of the struggle against capitalism and the bourgeois political system that manages this exploitative system.

We oppose both nationalism and cosmopolitanism of capital, racism and fascism. We reject the false “anti-fascism” and the various “anti-fascist fronts” used by bourgeois and opportunist political forces to entrap workers’–people’s forces into bourgeois management, detaching fascism from the capitalist system that gives rise to it and uses it when needed.

We struggle with all our might for the meeting of the contemporary workers’– people’s needs, through the regroupment and strengthening of the labour–trade union movement and the other popular movements, in a direction of struggle against the monopolies and capitalism.

We oppose the capitalist exploitation of the planet and its resources, as it creates climate change, dangerous pollution and acts on extreme weather, which threaten the lives of the working people. We will take action against this exploitation, to reveal the essence of the problem and to disarm the illusion of “green capitalism” that is constantly peddled and, instead, we will strive towards a socialist world that prioritizes scientific and well-founded measures to safeguard the planet for coming generations.

The Parties participating in the European Communist Action recognize thetimeliness and necessity of socialism–communism as the only alternative for the peoples and defend the contribution of the October Socialist Revolution and the first socialist state, the USSR. At the same time, they study the causes of its overthrow as regards the issues of the economy, the political superstructure and the strategy of the International Communist Movement.

We stress that socialism is governed by principles and scientific laws, i.e. workers’ power, the socialization of the means of production, and central scientific planning. Based on this, positions such as that a market socialism can be built by maintaining capitalist enterprises and mechanisms, by maintaining wage labour by owners of means of production and land, by treating labour power as a commodity and by capital’s exploitation of wage labour are rejected.

The European Communist Action will study the international developments and intervene in all the problems faced by the working class and the popular strata, the toiling farmers and self-employed, women, and young people of working-class origin. In this context, our parties confront and oppose all forms of racism and discrimination on the basis of religion, colour, gender or sexual orientation.

It will take initiatives:

  • Against anti-communism, in support of Communist and Workers’ Parties struggling under persecution and bans on communist ideology and communist symbols. It will express its internationalist solidarity with all the peoples and stand by the side of militants facing persecution for their trade union and political action. It will strengthen solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban people against the blockade and the imperialist plans of the USA and the EU, for an end to the blockade and all forms of interference in the internal affairs of Cuba.

  • Against fascism and its causes, against racism and xenophobia, by the side of refugees and immigrants who are uprooted by imperialist wars and poverty caused by the capitalist system.

The European Communist Action will strengthen the struggle:

  • Against the plans of the USA, NATO, the EU and all other imperialist alliances. Against NATO’s new strategic concept, the EU’s Security and Defence Policy, the strategy of Green Transition and the Recovery Fund, which are tools of capital against the peoples.

  • Against imperialist war,for the disengagement of our countries from imperialist plans and organizations. The solution for the peoples does not lie in the illusions spread by bourgeois powers that there could be another, “better security architecture”, or NATO “without military plans and offensive weapons systems on its territories”, or a “pro-peace EU”, or a “peaceful multipolar world”. The solution lies in strengthening the class struggle for disengagement from imperialist unions, against imperialist war and the womb that gives birth to it, that is, the capitalist system.

We will continue highlighting the historical milestones of the struggle of the labour and communist movement. We will continue defending and promoting the Great October Socialist Revolution, the achievements of the Soviet Union and socialism built in the 20th century, further studying the causes of the counter-revolution and capitalist restoration.

In the framework of the European Communist Action and through the bilateral relations between the Communist and Workers’ Parties that are part of its ranks, we will strengthen the exchange of experience from the activity in the labour–trade union movement and in other popular movements, in the movement for equality and emancipation of women, in order to make the developing struggles more effective and to strengthen the ties of the Parties with workers’–people’s forces.

The European Communist Action will seek joint action with other Communist and Workers’ Parties in Europe concerning workers’–people’s problems, issues of anti-communism and internationalist solidarity, against imperialist wars and interventions. It will seek to strengthen relations with Communist and Workers’ Parties on all continents with which there is a ideological–political common reference point.


Here's a TG4 link for example: https://www.tg4.ie/ga/player/catagoir/siamsaiocht/seinn/?pid=6339798682112

I found this guide – https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/404994-Decryption-and-the-Temple-of-Doom – that has an 'Edit January 2023' example for how to rip from TG4 Seinntóir/Player.

But I get different results. When I do this step...

2. MPD - describes the media and how to get it. Developer Tools (F12 in your browser) select Network tab and enter 'mpd' in the filter box. Then start the video. Copy the url. It will look similar to this, BUT DO NOT USE THIS ONE, get a fresh copy. as it carries a token, which needs to be fresh each use.

...it seems to be the mpd not of the television program, but of the 5-second video of the TG4 logo.

I'm not sure is there still a such a singular [video file URL]. In the "Developer Tools (F12 in your browser) select Network tab" I see lots and lots of 'segments' with .m4f extension coming from Brightcove. My mental model is that when the tutorial was written there was one file, now TG4 have gotten more cautious and split it up into tiny one-second segments. Is this hypothesis right? Is there a way to do Step 2 in https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/404994-Decryption-and-the-Temple-of-Doom ?


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joined 10 months ago