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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/indig0sixalpha on 2024-07-02 18:51:57+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/NoCulture3505 on 2024-07-02 18:25:33+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 on 2024-07-02 18:00:18+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/worldnews by /u/Ask4MD on 2024-07-02 18:31:31+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/worldnews by /u/murphystruggles on 2024-07-02 17:45:05+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/KyleKKent on 2024-07-02 20:08:38+00:00.


For Newest England

The wait was infuriating. Not the forty eight hours since she woke up. That was bad, and it had also shown her that the Axiom suppression collar around her neck was not coming off with her head in the way. And of all things a Jorgua can shift and alter, the head is off limits. Unless someone wants severe, and often incurable, disorders becoming the order of the day. And this situation is hard enough without a completely substandard mind. A simple grey room with white light, a reasonably comfortable chair that accommodates her lovely tail, a table and another chair on the opposite side. Standard tailless design on that one, so it’s no Jorgua, Nagasha, or any number of other species meant to sit there. No room for the tail and nowhere near large enough for a bigger species... The door opens and she’s finally greeted by her primary captor.

“Blythe’s Bounty. Tell me, was the destruction you caused deliberate or are you as incompetent as your master?”

“Considering you’ve never met the people I call master I’m going to assume you’ve mistaken me for being some agent of Blythe’s.” The man states. She will admit. He is incredibly handsome up close. Had he scales instead of skin she would consider this moment some part of a very suggestive dream.

Add a slight muzzle and a tail poking out ever so and he’d be a subtle form and...

Her mind snaps back into place. It’s much harder to focus without Axiom to keep her on the straight and narrow. One’s mind is their most powerful tool and...

“So you were shockingly hated, even among those that you favoured and protected. Apparently laying the blame for all evils on races so common that everyone everywhere has one for a friend or family member doesn’t win you many hearts or minds. Funny that.” The Man states.

“Who are you? Really.”

“I’m in charge now former Vatras Millena. There is some debate as to what my title will be. But I’m entering the noble class for the second time in my life.” The Man states.

“Lucky you...” She hisses out trying to get some bearing on this situation. The damn collar was scrambling everything. She could barely control her tail, let alone control it with the minute attention to detail that she preferred. It was just a crude club in the here and now. Barely responding to her impulses and commands.

“If you’re looking for a name it’s Masterson Sir Philip Masterson.”


“I consider my knighting by the queen of my homeland one of the proudest moments of my life. On the same tier as my descendants taking their first breaths or steps and seeing my students fully come into their own. There is a great power to legacy, wouldn’t you agree?”

She merely growls at him.

“No... you wouldn’t would you. The information I compiled about you tells me that you care very little for what happens outside of your own power. Care little for the rest of the galaxy. A pattern of behaviour that is a couple decades old... and no older.” Philip notes as he pulls out a paper folder with her picture on it in the corner. He holds up a few pieces and her eyes widen to show that it’s a physical report on her. “So, for the sake of curiosity and little else, when and why did you decide that everyone who is not a reptile is inherently lesser? It shows here, eighteen years and five months ago was your first blatant act of racism.”

“Racism? We’re not one species! We’re different!”

“And if we were to have some horizontal entertainment is there or is there not a more than fair chance of a healthy child?”

“It’s the Axiom that does that.”

“Yes, it binds us, penetrates us and most relevantly to this conversation. Unites us. So long as Axiom continues to act in the way it does then the differences between you and me are more akin to separate demographics of one massively varied species than two species.”

“No, different demographics of the same species produce a hybrid child with the traits of both.”

“And a hypothetical child between you and I would have Human and Jorgua traits.”

“But they would be a Human or Jorgua...” Millena pauses. “You’re not a Tret with modifications at all, are you?”

“No.” Philip remarks.

“So it’s true, madness lives in cruel space.” She hisses and he smirks.

“Oftentimes the distinction between madness and genius is based solely upon results. So I can state by that metric I’m far closer to genius than madness.” Philip notes as he places three different papers on the table. “I know it was ultimately victory that twisted you and your fellow Vatras. However I’m trying to determine exactly what the catalyst was, the easy life where few opposed you merely fed into something already present. It’s not evident in this cluster of behaviour, showing up faintly in this cluster two years later, and a single year after that is absolutely blatant. What happened to turn you from a fair and clear minded commander into a racist, or speciest, despot within a mere four year span?”

“THAT is what this is about?” She asks pointedly and he shrugs.

“It’s not like there are any more secrets you have. I know all about your early career and skill. Between the four of you you were more or less perfect as commanders. Battlefield Strategy and Defencive actions from Blythe. Shuun could feed cities into obesity during a famine. Bramastra could break a veteran force twice the size of her own with only fresh recruits and you my dear were able to keep massive supply and logistical trains working so smoothly that even in the chaos of front line combat munitions, relief and reinforcements was as plentiful as water in a rain storm.”

Millena says nothing.

“You know, I had a surplus of options. Even within The Empire of Gavali, there are another two worlds which had everything. But the Vatras.”


“Make no mistake madam. I am one of the best. Period. Not limited to location or species or temporal placement. I am one of the best operatives to ever exist. I am a national treasure in my homelands. I raised myself up from a little boy living in the poorer parts of London and into a crown jewel of the empire as surely as the literal jewels upon the actual crown.”

“Good for you.” She snips out. He’s gone off topic and she has no intention of trying to steer the conversation. This is an interrogation, the less she speaks and the more she listens the better for her. If he wants to give up psychological weaknesses, then that’s all well and good now, isn’t it?

“I have told you this, because when I look at the reports of you Blythe, Bramastra and Shuun working for The Empire of Gavali. I see peers, near and perhaps full on equals to myself. And now you have fallen. When you first took this world, it was reputation alone that kept The Empire away. Kept it away long enough for the War Stations to be built, crewed and by the time they sent their forces sniffing around the system was nearly impregnable! At the time you know as well as I that The Empire could, would and DID field troops in the Trillions! With their fleet tonnage measured in the quintillions. That’s enough fire power to wipe out four worlds in a single afternoon. And now you’re...” He gestures to her in seeming confusion, disgust and despair. “This! My war with you was always going to be one sided. But that you have fallen so far made it one sided in my favour.”

He slams the folder onto the table and stands up, adjusts his cuffs and takes a deep breath. “I’m going to get a breath of fresh air. When I return, I expect an answer as to how you fell so far and so thoroughly. Your pardon please.”

Then he sweeps out of the room. Leaving Millena to her thoughts. Her thoughts and the file on herself. On what he knows about her...


“Told you.” Philip notes as they see her reading over her own file. Security feeds and cameras were wonderful things.

“You really think that there’s hope for the Vatras?” Mechie asks.

“Hmm... I don’t know. But the people of Lavaron are still highly opposed to the Death Penalty.” Philip says. “But we’ll see. Honestly the locals are far more forgiving than I thought. Already they surprise me.”

“Yeah, I’d have lined them up in front of some construction equipment and sold seating with complementary gore ponchos for the people in the splash seats.” Mechie says and a disgusted Philip slowly turns to him. “What?”

“That’s foul.” Philip remarks.

“I’ll get a proper swear out of you someday.”

“If you want me to swear just say so it...”

“No! It has to be organic! I need a solid ‘What the FUCK!?’ out of you!” Mechie explains.

“What the fuck?” Philip tries and Mechie sighs and shakes his head.

“No no no! That’s stale, boring and fake! I need it from the soul!” Mechie exclaims and Philip sighs. “See that? That was from the soul! Now I need rage, confusion and shock in it!”

Resisting the urge to flick the childish techno wiz in the ear. Philip looks over the next three files. Blythe, Bramastra, Millena and Shuun. The former platinum standard of The Empire of Gavali. Now a paranoid, a lunatic, a racist and a pervert. He really was curious as to what laid them all so low. Something was wrong. The mission was technically complete but...

“There’s more to do.” Philip trusts his instincts. He had reduced innumerable clear kills into mere scars by listening to them. Anastasia could attest for more than a few of them. His nigh unnatural ability to survive...

Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1dtvdoz/oocs_into_a_wider_galaxy_part_048/

submitted 20 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/hfy@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/No_Marzipan_1230 on 2024-07-02 18:06:20+00:00.


An engineer from Earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.

But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger.

What to Expect:

- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass.

- Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting.

- Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC.

- MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine.

- Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.

Join my Discord Server to have chat, bother me, ask me questions, or just genuine fun really - https://discord.gg/d57v5upvcx

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Chapter 22

Derrick straightened from his kneeling position, wiping dust off his hands. The pungent aroma from the concoction on the table had intensified, swirling around the strange assortment of ingredients. He gestured towards the diagram drawn on the floor in chalk, its lines glowing faintly with a luminescence.

“There you have it, my lord,” said Derrick. “The ritual circle is complete. All that’s left is the potion and your focus.”

Ethan had been observing Derrick’s meticulous work with fascination and apprehension, and now, he leaned forward. “So, these Constellations,” he began, “are they like gods? Beings we form pacts with?”

“No. Nothing like that. Constellations are not living beings, nor are they deities demanding offerings.”

“Then what are they?”

“We do not know.”

“Then why would you deny them being gods? They could be.” Ethan shrugged at Derrick’s silence.

“For now,” said Derrick. “Think of them as lighthouses, each with its unique signature and essence.”

“So, we tap into that energy?”

“Precisely. By forming a Connection with a specific Constellation, a [Mage] gains an [Affinity] for that particular type of magic. It allows them to manipulate and channel that energy in unique ways.”

“But how do we choose? What if I connect to, say, the wrong constellation?”

“The choice isn’t entirely yours, my lord. The Constellation itself plays a role. It chooses those who resonate with its essence. Its concept. The potion and the ritual act as a bridge, a way to open yourself to their influence. But fear not, the wrong Constellation won’t turn you into a toad or anything like that.” Derrick winked.

“That’s a relief,” Ethan said with a nervous chuckle. “But what if I don’t feel anything? What if no Constellation chooses me?”

“It’s a rare occurrence, but it’s possible. In that case, we can attempt the ritual again, perhaps with a stronger potion. Don’t worry, we’ll get you Connected.”

Ethan pondered this momentarily, then another question popped into his head. “These… [Familiars] you mentioned. What are those exactly?”

“They are a fascinating aspect of the [Mage]’s bond with a Constellation. Think of them as manifestations of the Constellation’s power. A magical companion that fights alongside you and aids you. They also give you different powers. We call them special abilities.” Derrick’s eyes gleamed with a touch of nostalgia. “There are stories of legendary [Mages] with awe-inspiring familiars—mighty griffins, dragons, phoenixes. It all depends on the Constellation you connect with.”

Ethan’s pulse quickened. A magical companion? That sounded incredible. “Is it like summoning a creature?”

“Similar, but more permanent. You form a deep Connection with your familiar, a shared consciousness almost. Although, not exactly. They are an extension of yourself, and you of them.”

“And how often can we… Connect with these Constellations?”

“A fascinating question, my lord. You can only form a Connection with one Constellation every 25 Levels of your Race. Each Formation, as we call it, grants you a familiar and unlocks the true potential of your magical [Affinity]. Special abilities, unique spells, the possibilities are endless!”

A spark of excitement ignited within Ethan. He glanced at the swirling concoction on the table—it was a dark, viscous liquid that bubbled ominously.

Derrick carefully picked up a vial filled with a shimmering, iridescent liquid. He poured it into the bubbling potion, and the room pulsed with a sudden burst of energy. The chalk lines on the ritual circle flared brightly, momentarily blinding Ethan. When his vision cleared, he saw Derrick holding out the vial, its contents now a clear, innocuous liquid.

“The potion is ready, my lord,” Derrick said, his voice solemn. “Are you?”

Ethan took a deep breath, a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration coursing through him. He looked at the vial. It was a doorway to a world of unimaginable power. This was it. The first step on his journey as a true [Mage].

“Yes,” he said, his voice firm. “I’m ready.”

“Before we begin, then,” said Derrick, and his smile vanished, replaced by a seriousness that etched deep lines on his face. “The ritual, as I said, is merely a bridge. It allows us to tap into the Aether Realm, the dimension that lies between our world and the Constellations—they are far more complex. Beings of immense power, intelligence, and… chaos.”

“Didn’t you say they weren’t gods?”

“They are not gods, but they’re not without consciousness either. The Aether Realm is a reflection of chaos. It’s believed to be a swirling tempest of raw magic and primal energy. It is beautiful, yes, but also incredibly dangerous.”

Ethan swallowed hard. Beautiful and dangerous didn’t sound very reassuring.

“The ritual circle and the potion act as stabilizers,” Derrick continued. “They create a channel, a safe passage for you to reach out and attempt a Connection with a Constellation. However, stepping foot in the Aether without proper protection is akin to jumping into a churning sea during a hurricane.”

“What happens if…” he trailed off, unable to voice the question.

“If you lose control? The consequences are dire. Your mind can be fractured by the raw power, your body ripped apart by the chaotic energies. Worse, the whispers…”

Ethan felt a cold dread pool in his stomach. “Whispers?”

“The whispers are ever-present in the Aether,” Derrick explained. “They are seductive, alluring, promising power beyond imagination. They will play on your deepest desires, your darkest fears. They will show you visions, both beautiful and horrifying. Do not listen.”

“Can I resist?”

“Willpower, my lord. That is the key. You must remain focused. Remember, these are not benevolent beings. They feed on emotions, on chaos. They will offer you anything—knowledge, power, even dominion over others—all in exchange for a single thing: your very soul.”

Damn, these things are sounding more like the devil now... This was far more serious than he ever imagined.

“They offer deals, and they’re the most dangerous. They will offer solutions to your problems, answers to your deepest questions. They will tempt you with visions of a perfect life, a life free of pain or hardship. But these deals are lies, elaborate illusions woven from your own desires. The Constellations aren’t the ones talking, it’s yourself. The Aether Realm is doing it. It’s a test by the Constellations. The Aether will show you glimpses of your past, of regrets and mistakes. It will exploit those vulnerabilities, promising to set things right. But remember, my lord, the past cannot be changed. Giving in to their promises will only lead to your downfall—as it is not even the Constellations promising things.”

Ethan felt a lot of emotions pool in his stomach. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself. “How can I make a Connection with a Constellation?” He asked.

Derrick met his gaze. “The Connection is not something they bestow. It is a two-way street. You reach out with your will, with your desire to learn, to grow, to become a true [Mage]. If your will is strong enough, if your essence resonates with a particular Constellation, it will acknowledge you. That’s when the Connection forms.”

“And if I’m not strong enough?”

“The ritual will fail, at worst. You might experience some disorientation, but the potion and the circle will protect you. The key is to never, under any circumstances, look directly at a Constellation unles...

Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1dtsg95/industrial_mage_modernizing_a_magical_world/

submitted 20 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/hfy@lemmit.online
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/No_Marzipan_1230 on 2024-07-02 18:01:57+00:00.


An engineer from Earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.

But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger.

What to Expect:

- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass.

- Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting.

- Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC.

- MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine.

- Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.

Join my Discord Server to have chat, bother me, ask me questions, or just genuine fun really - https://discord.gg/d57v5upvcx

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Chapter 21

The ornately carved doors of Ethan’s private meeting room shut behind Derrick just as Roland bowed to Ethan and left. “Greetings, my lord,” Derrick said. “It’s time for our first class.”

Derrick was a man with a salt-and-pepper beard that spoke of years spent in the unforgiving elements.

“Apologies for the delay, my lord,” Derrick said, inclining his head in a gesture of respect.

Ethan offered a curt nod. “No worries. Take a seat.”

Derrick settled into the plush chair opposite him, a sigh escaping his lips as he placed a leather satchel on the table. The silence stretched for a moment, then Ethan inquired, “What took you so long?”

“There were unforeseen delays gathering some of the prerequisites—acquiring some of the necessary components proved more time-consuming than anticipated.”

Ethan’s brow quirked slightly. “Components? Prerequisites? Care to elaborate?”

“Ah, that, my lord, is something you’ll have to wait and see. Part of the surprise.”

“Very well,” Ethan’s lips twitched in amusement. “I’ll trust your judgment.”

Derrick bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Rest assured, I haven’t taken it lightly.” He reached into the satchel slung across his shoulder and withdrew a small, nondescript pouch. It bulged with something soft and uneven. Placing it carefully on the table, he untied the leather cord that held it shut.

A pungent aroma filled the room, a strange mixture of damp earth, something metallic, and a hint of citrus. Ethan wrinkled his nose slightly.

“Moonfern spores, crushed wolfsbane…” Derrick murmured, carefully scooping out a pinch of a powdery substance with his calloused fingers. “And a dash of Nightshade, courtesy of that old crone up east. Nasty woman, but her price was fair.”


“Aye,” Derrick waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t mind my rambles. She’s an old friend.”

Ethan kept silent, watching with fascination as Derrick laid out the various ingredients on the table—a collection of roots twisted into different shapes, vials filled with shimmering liquids of an unnatural hue, and a smooth, obsidian pebble that pulsed faintly with an inner light.

“What is all this for?” Ethan asked.

“A ritual. And a potion. Patience, my lord, I will explain everything. It’s taken me quite some time and money to get all the components and ingredients. A bit of legwork. Some favors, too. Ones I’m going to have to return someday. Why do you think I did that? It’s because if I’ve taken a student, I’m going to do my best to teach him. Or her. So, some patience on your side would be appreciated.”

Ethan shrugged. “Thank you for going through the trouble, I suppose.”

“Aye, no need. No need.” Derrick waved his hand with a chuckle. “Anyhow. I see you have the [Mage] Class, already. However, I do not know your level of knowledge, yet. Tell me, my lord, what do you know about [Mages]?”

“Oh...” Ethan took a moment to collect his thoughts, scratching his chin with his brows furrowed. Need to act dumb. I know some stuff but I’m definitely lacking a huge chunk of knowledge, I need Derrick to think I’m some naïve clueless noble kid that just got a Class somehow. “Well, they’re, uh, magic users, obviously. They shoot fireballs and stuff, right?” He gestured vaguely with his hand, mimicking a throwing motion. Gosh I must look dumb. But the thing was, Ethan was genuinely clueless.

The book he’d gotten had given him general ideas about the world—he’d discovered that the world acted on LitRPG mechanics and it even had the screens and stuff, but Ethan had no clue what each Class’s specifics were... at all. So, right now, he’d decided to play it *dumb—*to act extremely naïve about the world so that Derrick would give an in-depth explanation.

After all, Ethan didn’t want to be arrogant and assume he knew everything—Ethan lacked knowledge Derrick might even consider ‘beneath a beginner’ level of knowledge. So, Ethan swallowed his pride, and acted dumb.

Sure enough, Derrick chuckled at his answer, a low rumbling sound that spiraled into a full-blown laugh. “That reminds me of my early days, haa, good ol’ days.” Shaking his head, he looked at Ethan. “Fireballs, aye, that’s one way to put it. Though, it’s a bit more nuanced than that. So, you know they use mana, but how do you think they… generate it?”

“I dunno, maybe they have like, a magic well inside them that fills up over time? Then they can unleash it as a spell?”

“A magic well? Interesting concept. There certainly is a source, a well of energy [Mages] tap into. But it’s not quite how they generate mana, is it? It’s where they store it, sure. But not generate.”

Ethan tapped his finger on the table. “Okay, so it’s like mana crystals. Like a battery? The mana well, I mean.”

Derrick stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Sort of, yes. And it’s not called a mana well, but a mana pool. But, I suppose, a mana well wouldn’t be a wrong descriptor either. Regardless, the mana well’s not the sole source.”

“Yeah, they can also use mana crystals.”

“Yes. However, there are mages who wouldn’t touch a crystal their entire lives. Think broader, Lord Theodore. What do you think fuels all of existence? What allows plants to grow, fires to burn?”

Ethan stopped, pondering. “Wait, are you saying magic is like… a natural force? Like gravity or wind?”

“An excellent leap, my lord! Magic—mana—is indeed a fundamental force that’s woven into the very fabric of reality. Along some other classes, [Mages] are simply those who can tap into it, manipulate it to their will. But that is, again, not how they generate mana, is it?”

Ethan leaned forward; his voice filled with curiosity. “So how do they do it? Do they need to learn special Skills, Spells? Chants or Incantations? Runes?”

Derrick grinned. “There’s some truth to that, yes. Regardless, generating mana is about understanding, about forming a Connection with this energy we call mana. It’s like breathing but for the soul. And the “air” the soul breathes is mana. You know how mana is generated—”


“—Oh, go on.”

“You said the soul breathes mana from somewhere, it’s not exactly generating mana, is it?”

“That is an excellent question, my lord. You see, the concept of ‘generating’ mana is a simplification. It’s more like... drawing upon a vast, limitless reservoir.” Derrick smiled bitterly. “No matter what the [Mages] throughout history may have tried, generating mana has proved to be impossible. We simply take it. But it has become sort of a norm to call it generating mana instead of taking it. Weird, I know.”

Ethan’s brows furrowed in thought. “A reservoir, huh? So, where exactly is this reservoir?”

“Everywhere and nowhere all at once, my lord. Mana permeates the very world around us, coursing through the earth, the wind, even the living things that inhabit it. It permeates everything, flows through all living things. Think of it like a vast ocean, and we, the mages, are merely vessels capable of dipping our cups into it. But at the same time, it does not permeate anything. It’s quite strange.”

So, it’s superimposed onto the world?

“So, [Mages] are basically like sponges, soaking up this mana?”

“Not quite. Sponges passively absorb water but cannot do so actively, but [Mages] can not only take it passively—albeit very inefficient in practice—they can also actively tap into the flow of mana. They learn to sense it, to understand its currents and eddies. It’s delicate, one that requires focus, discipline, and a deep connection to the world around th...

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submitted 20 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/hfy@lemmit.online
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/No_Marzipan_1230 on 2024-07-02 17:58:17+00:00.


An engineer from Earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.

But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger.

What to Expect:

- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass.

- Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting.

- Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC.

- MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine.

- Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.

Join my Discord Server to have chat, bother me, ask me questions, or just genuine fun really - https://discord.gg/d57v5upvcx

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Chapter 20

Ethan sat on the chair opposite his sister inside his manor. He’d been shocked to find Juliana waiting inside when he’d returned from Artos’s forge. While a part of him was always happy to see Juliana, part him was skeptical and suspicious—and the latter part far outweighed the former. For what purpose was she here? Had their father, the king, finally lost his patience with Theo? It was a possibility. One he was not looking forward to affirming. It would be best if she’s just here to do some kind of a routine checkup on me. It was highly unusual for her to visit him—him of all people.

“Theodore,” said his sister, Juliana Lockheart, her voice laced with a weariness, her visage stern. Her brow was furrowed, her arms crossed, and her lips were tightly pressed. “Father received word that you’ve been up to something. I come here to make sure you’re not going to cause a ruckus.”

Ethan shrugged, “I’ve been—” He stopped himself. Juliana wasn’t here for compliments on his newfound work ethic. “Yes, I’ve been busy,” he amended with a forced lightness. Ethan had no clue how to deal with Juliana. She was his sister—no, not his, technically, but Theodore’s. The man was hated enough as is, and Ethan knew his relationship with his siblings were strained at best. Juliana would be the only one that cared aside from the eldest, Maximillian—or so Ethan assumed from Theo’s memories.

Regardless, he had no intentions of antagonizing the girl. She looked fierce, and the memories he had of her only cemented his decision.

“Not the answer I was looking for,” said Juliana, her arms unfolded, a glint coming to her eyes. She leaned forward. “There was a report that you bothered some women again. Bar fights. Getting wasted. Wasting away all the money. Making people that are your responsibility suffer. Not being accountable. Among other things. What do you have to say about it?”

Ethan winced. “Alright, alright, I get it,” he mumbled, shamefaced. “I hadn’t been the most responsible in the past, I’m sorry. The way I’d acted is inexcusable, and it’s driving me up the wall. Regardless, it would not happen again.”

“No, it will,” Juliana said bluntly. “You’ve broken a lot of promises Theo... Regardless, the reason as to why Father sent me out here is simple. He wants me to see what’s gotten into your head.”

“Okay, stop. I do not like this. Let me make something clear. There’s a reason I say it wouldn’t happened again.”

Juliana raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on her face. “Do enlighten me, Theodore.”

“I gained access to the system and a class. It’s the first reason for my change, it was almost like an epiphany. A wake-up call. To change. It’s made me see.”

Juliana tilted her head. Her face scrunched, her nose crinkled, and she examined him carefully. Something clicked and a glint passed through her eyes. “Are you lying again?”

Ethan stared right into her eyes. “No. I have no reason to lie. Let’s just say, I’ve awakened.”

“Awakened?” She asked, still not believing him. “To what? Laziness?”

Ethan chuckled, shaking his head. “No, no, not laziness. I’ve Awakened.”

Juliana’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, do you really mean it…”

“Yes,” Ethan confirmed with a nod. “I finally understand. I see things for what they truly are.”

Juliana stared at him, disbelief etched on her features. “You mean… You’re not lying about the system? You’ve truly awakened a class?”

Ethan’s grin widened. “Bingo. And let me tell you, it’s been an eye-opener.”

“Theo,” Juliana said, her voice flat, “This isn’t some game. Systems are serious business. They change people.”

“They do,” Ethan agreed seriously. “They can make you a better person. Or worse. I believe I’m former than the latter.”

Awakening a system and a class could lead to changes within yourself. In a lot of ways. Good and bad. It could be the first step toward growth or degeneration. This wasn’t something to take lightly. Not to say the system had changed Ethan, given that he was just using that as an excuse to explain his current mindset and behavior. After all, he was very much the same.

However, in this world, awakenings were life-changing for sure. The evidence was in how Juliana regarded him. It was different—her face, it lacked its typical harshness, and instead replaced with something akin to empathy. Then, hopeful. She appeared hopeful that he, indeed, had changed for the better. It would be best for her to believe so, after all, she would report it to their father and it would reach their mother and siblings. Ethan would appreciate if he could start getting support from his father regarding his innovative endeavors. “What kind of class did you get?”


Her lips curved into a smile, one Ethan would not think her to possess, one that he had not seen since they were children. Well, he hadn’t met her before, obviously. But Ethan still possessed Theodore’s memories. The memories were just there. There was no emotional significance attached to them. They were like dusty film reels in a forgotten archive. He could see the images flicker but he felt nothing. No pride, no relief, no joy, sadness, anger, nothing. Aside from some lingering feelings regarding a few people. One of whom was Hector, thus why it’d felt damn satisfying when he’d put the man in his place.

Regardless, the memories were like watching someone else’s life play out.

It’s dissociation of some kind. Maybe not. But definitely something similar. It was a psychological term he’d vaguely encountered before, something to do with trauma. Maybe that was it. Maybe whatever caused this transmigration affected him so bad, his brain just… shut down. It locked away the feelings associated with Theodore’s memories.

Noticing that he’d been staring at her, Juliana crossed her arms again, masking her emotions behind a critical gaze. “Prove it,” she said finally. “Show me you’ve actually changed.”

“The way I’ve behaved recently should be enough proof. You could even ask Roland. Which I’m sure you were already going to do. Did father say to get me out of here? I wouldn’t be shocked if he did.

Juliana blinked. “He did not. Why would you think that?”

“My recent behavior doesn’t seem like something a Lockheart would approve of.”

“He’s concerned for your well-being, Theodore.”

“Hmm. I see,” said Ethan noncommittedly. He scratched the back of his head and looked to the side. “Regardless, let me show you.” Ethan raised his hand and used [Elemental Spells]—more specifically, he used the rune of fire and willed a fireball into existence. He did so again with air, then he manipulated water from his pouch. Stopping, he eyed Juliana.

Her eyes glazed over, unfocused and distant.

“That… That can’t be, can it? You really aren’t lying!”

“Yeah, well,” Ethan shrugged tiredly. “Believe me now, will you?” He sighed.

Juliana’s hands dropped to her side, her stern features lost, and in place, a shocked expression took root. “Okay,” she managed out finally. “I will... try to keep an open mind. For now. As far as the rumors about you are concerned. They will continue for the foreseeable future until either your actions change them. Or you prove them right.”

“I had no intentions to do such a thing,” Ethan replied. “Regardless, what’s with the sudden visit? I doubt you missed me.”

Juliana snorted. “In your dreams.” Then her expression turned more serious and she added, “Father gave me a mission.”


“I’m heading farther north.”

“North? Is it another barbarian skirmish? Didn’t we have treaties with ...

Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1dts8re/industrial_mage_modernizing_a_magical_world/

submitted 20 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/hfy@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/PropRatActual on 2024-07-02 13:06:30+00:00.

Hello all you wonderful people, 4ThWall here. This is my proof of life post. Back Surgery was successful, I live.

Unfortunately, I’m on a shitload of pain meds. I’ll keep you guys updated, but it will be a little bit before I can sit at my desk.

I have my phone, and am fleshing some stuff out for future episodes, but will want to edit them before I subject you guys to more of my horrible grammar ;)

Love you all, have a wonderful day. I’m flat on my back so I’ll be trolling the comments if ya wanna hang.


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The original was posted on /r/funny by /u/AbductedByAliens8 on 2024-07-02 19:34:20+00:00.

Best support system (old.reddit.com)
submitted 33 minutes ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/funny@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/funny by /u/guyoffthegrid on 2024-07-02 18:23:46+00:00.

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