[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 5 points 1 week ago

Hey, wenn du deine Sphagetti lange genug kochst, brauchst du nicht mal mehr einen Löffel, du kannst einen Strohhalm benutzen ;)


So i use paperMC to have an private server, i run it vanilla because i cannot wrap my head around how to add mods like alexs caves on linux with paper as a server, so i just have FAWE

So my newly generated world ended hollow, so no blocks between ore/resource blocks.

We did not notice because there was a ravine nearby, looked pretty much normal untill i wanted to add a cellar under the house and fell into the abyss. It cool because - materials galore but it breaks the world.

How to ensure it does not happend?

submitted 2 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Ich habe kürzlich einen Trainerdrachen bekommen, den ich ausprobieren möchte. Vielleicht finde ich sogar ein paar Leute und gehe öfter zum Training. Ich plane schließlich zu gehen, nehmen Kitesurfing Lessions aber ich auch nichts dagegen habing Fonds mit Kite nur vor

submitted 2 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de


Mein Flixtrain wurde einige Stunden vor der Reise storniert (Flixbus sagte, der Zug könne den Bahnhof nicht erreichen oder was auch immer), also musste ich im letzten Moment ein Ticket von der Deutschen Bahn kaufen, das 7x teurer war.

Ich bekam einen Link, um eine andere Reise umzubuchen oder mein Geld zurückzufordern, was ich tat, und nach ein paar E-Mails, in denen sie am Ende eine Rechnung für einen Zug sehen wollten, den ich buchen musste, bekam ich mein Geld zurück und eine sehr betrügerisch klingende Antwort.

Ich habe jedes Mal mit einer anderen Person gemailt, sie sind auch dazu übergegangen, Englisch zu verwenden, aber ich habe die Nachricht immer noch nicht verstanden. Ich hänge sie unbearbeitet an und vielleicht kann jemand helfen.

Hello XXX,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this situation.

We are extremely sorry that we were unable to take part in the originally planned trip.

We would like to inform you that in such situations we will refund the cost of your unused Flixtrain ticket or provide a refund for the alternative ticket you had to purchase to reach your destination.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer a refund for both tickets as we cannot offer a free trip, but we will always refund the cost of the more expensive option that is more beneficial to our customer.

After checking your reservation and the alternative ticket, we see that the alternative transport ticket was more expensive. Due to this, we have extended the refund of XXXX EUR in two separate transactions. We can only refund 80% value of the ticket if passenger took 1st class instead of 2nd class.

At the moment we have made a refund for a Flixtrain ticket for XX EUR. Such refund will be made to your bank account within 7 business days. Second transaction will be send via IBAN for XXX EUR.

However we missing bank detail. Please send us the following missing information as an attachment and directly answer this e-mail. account owner (first and last name) IBAN bank name BIC We kindly ask you to check the accuracy of your bank account information before sending your response: Flix is not responsible for delayed or missing refunds due to incorrect bank account information.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Also habe ich das Geld zurückbekommen, und diese Antwort danach - war direkt mit anderen Mails mit denen verkettet, aber irgendwas stimmt nicht. Oder ich bin paranoid.

Warum sollten sie anbieten, BEIDE Tickets zu decken, nachdem sie gesagt haben, dass sie das nicht tun können. Oder habe ich etwas missverstanden?

submitted 3 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

How do i find stuff around ? Like ruins, castles and such - how do i find all the nice materials and templates i read about on the wiki? I know what to look for, just wanted to get some pointers on how to explore more.

Playing pure vanilla, having a server on which kid and me are building.

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 5 points 3 months ago

Ich habe angefangen, mehr und mehr CDs zu kaufen, die ich wirklich mag, und ich stelle fest, dass ich sie viel öfter abspiele, als dass ich etwas auf dem PC im Hintergrund laufen lasse.

Ich wünsche mir nur, dass sich die Minidisc durchgesetzt hätte, das wäre der perfekte Formfaktor gewesen

Ich bin auch viel zu alt ( und von der Arbeit im Baugewerbe gehörschädet ) dass ich unterschied zwischen cd und vinyl merke

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 12 points 4 months ago

Germany has a whole line of not milks, almost chicken, like chicken, thun visch and i can almost be certain i saw mjolk and moloko somehwere. I always chuckle a bit when i see it.

submitted 4 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Is there a way to have deck open the library on power on by default? I have not figured that out yet, and the last plqyed section annoys me.

submitted 5 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Who the hell did facial expressions / animations ? Its so gloriously overexaggerated and over the top! I just picket it up because it works on steam deck and im having a blast


I found my old CDs of starcraft and brood war, and managed to get them up and running, but everytime i exit the game - i3 stays on the resolution game used ( so it could even be xorg related ). Any tips on how could i set it to not do that

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 15 points 6 months ago

Fragile, but not that fragile, samantha AmERicA strand, almost everything Diehardman says...

i love the gameplay, but Kojimas writing is seriously getting more and more cringey, and not enough to be a cult like Tommy Wiseau, he neeeds editors

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 6 points 7 months ago

This is what i was searching for haha. Time replay tides of darkness but with better controls

submitted 7 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Im missing a lot of charm that w2 and first starcraft games had, and i did not see any open engine recreations, nor clones that lived to this day. With warcraft 3 i only ever finished half of the game, by the time sc2 came out, i was already too old to even bother trying.

submitted 7 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I use anysoft keyb, and i really like how it can be configured, i just wish there was an option to make spacebar even longer, or move dot out of the way there because with my short right thumb i type dot instead of space like 80% of the time and that annoys me to no end.

Really would appreciate any ideas that could solve my problem.

submitted 7 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Like 3x3x3 dig tool, or terrain flattener tool? If not, how do you approach.larger projects? Im starting a bog basic cobblestone fort with the kid, and since two or three days playtime we havent got the foundation ready.

Its fun, but takes ages

submitted 7 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

The title says it all, looking for.idea son what could i run minecraft server for me, gf and kid to log into from time to time to play. For now i host on my laptop and then play from the same machine but was thinking about having that separate.

submitted 7 months ago by skele_tron@feddit.de to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Are there any good video explanations how do you fo building fast spiral stairs to go down, because i have hard time doing that by reading the wiki.

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 10 points 7 months ago

I used to want to get in on some private trackers, esp cult movie related ( karagarga ) but was always put off by elitism of those rules and systems.

Instead i opted to upload to pirate bay and like a trve pirate - no questions asked, download what you will - seeded some very obscure movies that i collected. Had to pull the plug after more than 10 yrs because i was emigrating, was a good time.

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 5 points 8 months ago

Thanks for a thorough sourvey so i dont have to watch the whole video.

Last paragraph is everything i would say too, just i take it a step up - if a game requires an additional accout - im not bying ( unless i get scammed into it, like not reading before getting doom eternal that aside from game store where i bought, i had to have a bethesda account too )

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 10 points 8 months ago

My irezumi motives collection is dissapearing day by day, and oil painting tutorials too because occasional nudity, but ads for weapons, some things i cannot describe and religious propaganda? Overflowing.

Pixelfed is sadly more oriented to photo sharing. Never heard of kimis, i guess its time to migrate or just forget about it.

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 27 points 10 months ago

Was ist das Ameisenäquivalent zu Wololo?

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

Genau das. Ich habe mich bei Beehaw Gaming Sublemmy beschwert, dass es nur mit Links zu Nachrichtenartikeln überfüllt ist und in den meisten Fällen dreifach / 4x mal gepostet wird. Habe eine Antwort bekommen, dass "LemMy eIn LiNk-AGGrEgaTor" ist.

Ich meine, in gewisser Weise ja, aber in dieser Zahl ist es ein Krebs, der mit reddit sterben sollte.

Es gibt ein Limit, damit solche proaktiven Personen nicht die gesamte Bandbreite einer Instanz verbrauchen

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 13 points 1 year ago

Which safety design?

Imagine if aero transport industry was allowed to cut corners like this and still offer services to passengers.

[-] skele_tron@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago

Ist jemandem aufgefallen, wie hart BR gegen Fediverse und Mastodon im Allgemeinen vorgeht? Oder es geht nur mir so

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