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Most things are point & click & no one uses CLI in windows, it's objectively inferior to linux
Also "start & stop a service" ? Does that sound like something an average user deals with in windows ?
Linux does need a control panel, I can admit that but let's not pretend that Linux's CLI is tough to learn. & the CLI is the most effective way of doing things in a pinch, when push comes to shove.
If someone like Pewdiepie (he's no tech-savvy guy) can use linux, thrn linux has gotten user-friendly enough, although linux can do better & more needs to be done
Thanks for revealing your hatred for linux (I cannot wait for you to call me a linux-cultist, eventhough I admitted that linux can do better)
The bad cli thing is a 2000s view not a 2020s view. PowerShell is better than bash and windows terminal does everything I need both for local PowerShell stuff and remote bash stuff.
It factually and objectively is not
There's a reason why POSIX is still enduring to this day. Microsoft's penchant for writing short novels for a basic command is not what I would call "better". And that's ignoring the fact that PowerShell doesn't have a fraction of *nix shell capabilities and utilities.
Why is it factually and objectively not?
It has standard bash capabilities and also can run standard dotnet libraries. What can bash do that PowerShell can't?
I'm skipping by the POSIX part because well...posix lost except insofar as it lives on in the two mainstream highly proprietary OSs.
Well, ya. Its terminal interface, I'd expect it to have "basic" capabilities.
That's not exactly a selling point.
Write succinct and easy to read commands. Interop with all the powerful tools in the Linux ecosystem (which is the point of a shell like bash).
That's just simply not true. Three majority of core utils you find on most Linux systems are POSIX compliant or mostly compliant. IIRC all the GNU tools are POSIX.
So your factual and objective point is, let me make sure I captured this right, is:
Who cares about Pewdiepie, the point is how much more "user-friendly" do you want, the excuses never end. If a stupid guy like pootiepie can handle linuxmint, then people are out of excuses
Plus it's actually the apps that we'll need to focus on (& games)
Clearly you do. You brought him up. And brought him up again.
As a point of argument, I could've brought up Luke from LTT as well. You're something else😅