Absolutely. Finally a reply with some sense. This would work well, or at least better.
The "copyright doesn't protect anyone so let's remove it" people are just playing into the hands of big corporations.
Those are problems with the shitty enforcement, and allowing corporations to run rampant.
It needs to be refined, not removed.
Without copyright, you could write a novel, and any corp or person could just start publishing it without paying you a dime.
Just because something isn't protecting well enough doesn't mean you get rid of it.
And how do you think that's going to go when suddenly the creator needs to compete with massive corps?
The reason copyright exists is for the same reason patents do: to protect the little guy.
Just because corporations abuse it doesn't mean we throw it out.
It shouldn't be long, but it sure should be longer than 5 years.
Or maybe 5 years unless it's an individual.
Edit - think logically. You think the corps are winning now with the current state of copyright? They won't NEED to own everything without copyright and patent laws. They'll just be able to make profit off your work without passing any of it to the creator.
Had an old one that kinda works but is a pain. More recently, we splurged on a more modern pet version with Wi-Fi and all the bells.
It was fantastic. And 3 weeks in, couldn't stay connected to the network even right beside the router and was doing constant very short runs before returning to the dock saying it was full.
Returned it.
Corporate propaganda?
You might be surprised to learn there was more than one group at fault for this.
The "I don't like Biden" group should have known better. At least the magats have the excuse of being fully indoctrinated into a cult.
That's why the smaller group is called out. Because they knew better.
It's a great tool. Summaries are fantastic and "what would be a good way to code this snippet" often teaches me something new.
I also find it's helpful to ask about best practices when I'm not sure.
Anything beyond short scripts, though, and you're going to spend more time than you saved fixing it.