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[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Youtube has better quality and rewind but twitch has more interesting chat, even if it is just spamming emojis. Twitch chat has a vibe, feels like you are in a stadium. Also for gaming streams, twitch is a must. Also you need a browser extension like 7tv to appreciate the chat.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I played the beta. I wouldnt call it a good game but it was a game that i enjoyed playing. Maybe i liked it because ever since i was a kid, i was always fascinated by mad max/waterworld. Having your own vehicle, roaming a hostile desert(or sea).

You have a customizable ship, you can build it how you want. And you have a base that can be built and upgraded. And a giant open world with a forgetful story and generic npc. The gameplay was ok, though the world of warships has infinitely superior naval combat. I think it is using similar to war thunder naval combat(same publisher), which is a bit too arcadey for my taste(not that world of warships is a simulator, but it is a more immersive experience).

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 0 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Turkey and Greece exchanged each other’s ethnicities post WWI and War for Turkish independence, ethnic cleansing but not necessarily genocidal.

Yet for some reason there are 0 greeks in Turkey atm and 200k muslims in Greece, most of which selfidentify as ethnic turks. I wonder what happened, i guess we will never know. Oh wait, we do.


Also weirdly enough, sanctioned by international mediation because shit was weird back then

It's not weird, greeks and turks have murdered shitload of each others civilians.

After Greece's "Great Idea" plan(conquering Western Turkey) got crashed, Greece wanted to protect the surviving greeks in Turkey from further reprisals. So both sides decided to partially exchange populations while protecting the remaining minorities. Eventually(30 years later) Turkey decided they didnt want any greeks left in Turkey and violated the deal. Greece on the other hand just kept being shitty to ethnic turks living in Greece but at least they are mostly ok now.

Most greeks are aware of civilian turks getting murdered. I am not so sure turks are aware of the civilian greeks slaughtered. This "exchange" ended 3000+ year of continuous presence(with majority or almost majority percentages) of ethnic greeks in Anatolia(Western Turkey).

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social -1 points 7 months ago

They are not genociding, they are just removing palestinians from areas, they are ethnic cleansing those areas. This is a pretty standard nation building tactic, except most, european, nations did it in the past, while Israel is doing it now. Azerbaijan did it too with their armenian enclave in Nagorno Karabakh. The armenians "voluntarily" left the region and now there are basically 0 armenians there.

Genocide focuses more on the destruction of people.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 22 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Vader could have revoked her diplomatic immunity


[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I didnt read the article but the benchmark numbers indicate that it is unfair to compare the settings based on their terminology. XeSS Balanced performs(as in fps) equally to FSR Quality. So no wonder when you compare XeSS Balanced with FSR Balanced, the XeSS will look better.

The reviewer should have normalized the comparisons for similar fps, not for whatever word term the option uses.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 2 points 9 months ago

It's only bad in some places, like Santorini.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The demand is there, the supply hasnt caught. As i mentioned, in Gothenburg(which is Volvo's HQ), there are tons of electric trucks and cargo bikes. Basically every day i see at least one truck like this one


Postnord, the swedish/danish mail provider, has tons of these electric "golf carts"


Basically by 2030, most companies will have or purchase only electric vehicles. Scania is also making electric trucks like this


Postnord intents to replace its conventional trucks with these by 2030.

Just because the US is behind times, doesnt mean that the entire world is also like that. And if Volvo and Scania, 2 of the biggest truck manufacturers(and they are both swedish) have available electric trucks, then there are electric trucks. The only bottleneck is production. The demand is there but it takes time to scale up production of basically an entirely new vehicle. China is also going wild with electric vehicles, though i am not familiar with that market.

Honestly, i think we might start seeing bans on non electric vehicles for cities, at least in Europe. The noise and pollution reduction is significant and very perceivable.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

Tesla can do whatever they want, who cares. Just like the tesla truck, they get all the hype but there are already tons of available electric trucks, available and selling, like the f150 electric. To say that they are still on development because tesla hasnt released theirs is silly.

Of course they are still on development, everything is always on development. But they are also available for purchase and they are being purchased. Not to the numbers that their conventional fuel counterparts, the production rate hasnt reached those levels yet, but still.

The bottleneck is the production, not the demand or viability. For last mile, at least here in Gothenburg, there are plenty of electric cargo bikes like this


I am pretty sure that by 2030, the majority of trucks will be electric(and almost all sales will be electric).

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 6 points 10 months ago (6 children)

EV trucks and vans are in development but battery technology isn’t quite there yet.

EV trucks are not in development, they are on sale and deployed. Especially last mile ones.



In Gothenburg, there are plenty of all electric trucks. Tbf, Gothenburg is Volvo's HQ but still. Volvo has sold more than 4300 electric trucks


Electric vehicles make the city much more livable. Less noise and pollution.

[–] xNIBx@kbin.social 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

Italy elected Meloni(a woman who is a fascist) and France might elect Le Pen(a woman who is also fascist). The UK elected Thatcher and Turkey elected Ciller. Electing women is a meaningless metric. I bet all these countries are more sexist on average than the US. Trump is just a grifter, he has no ideology, other than narcissism.

Dont you understand that identity politics are being promoted as a distraction?

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